North Central State College North Central State College

Policy Manual

Part 1: Board of trustees governance policies

    • 01-00 — Global ENDS Policy
    • 01-10 — Diversity ENDS Policy
    • 01-20 — Equal Opportunity ENDS Policy
    • 01-30 — Career Readiness and Development ENDS Policy
    • 01-40 — Transferability ENDS Policy
    • 01-50 — Enrichment ENDS Policy
    • 02-00 — Global Governance Commitment Policy
    • 02-10 — Governing Style Policy
    • 02-20 — Board Job Description Policy
    • 02-30 — Board Members Code of Conduct Policy
    • 02-40 — Cost of Governance Policy
    • 02-50 — Chief Governance Officer’s Role Policy
    • 02-60 — Board Secretary’s Role Policy
    • 02-70 — Agenda Planning Policy
    • 02-80 — Board Committee Principles Policy
    • 02-90 — Board Committee Structure Policy
    • 03-00 — Global Board-CEO Delegation Policy
    • 03-10 — Unity of Control Policy
    • 03-20 — Delegation of the CEO Policy
    • 03-30 — Accountability of the CEO Policy
    • 03-40 — Monitoring CEO Performance Policy
    • 04-00 — Global Executive Limitations Policy
    • 04-10 — Communication and Support to the Board Policy
    • 04-20 — Treatment of Consumers Policy
    • 04-30 — Treatment of Employees Policy
    • 04-40 — Compensation and Benefits Policy
    • 04-50 — Financial Planning and Budgeting Policy
    • 04-60 — Financial Conditions and Activities Policy
    • 04-70 — Asset Protection Policy
    • 04-80 — ENDS Focus of Grants and Contracts
    • 04-90 — Emergency CEO Succession Policy

Part 2: Operating policies and procedures

    • 11-01 — Legal Authority
    • 11-02 — Membership Board of Trustees
    • 11-02a — Oath of Public Office
    • 11-02b — Oath of Executive Office
    • 11-03 — Powers and Duties of Board of Trustees
    • 11-04 — Duties of Board Officers
    • 11-05 — Board Attendance
    • 11-06 — Removal of Trustees
    • 11-08 — Committees of the Board
    • 11-09 — Board Meetings and Procedures
    • 11-10 — Board Agenda
    • 11-11 — Amendment of Board Operating Policies
    • 11-12 — District Funds
    • 11-13 — Books, Accounts and Records
    • 11-14 — Statutory Conflicts
    • 11-15 — Emeritus Status for Former Members of the Board of Trustees
    • 12-03 — Diversity, Equity and Equal Opportunity Policy
    • 12-031 — Diversity, Equity and Equal Opportunity Procedure
    • 12-07 — College Standing Committees
    • 12-071 — Academic Program(s) Advisory Committee Handbook
    • 12-08 — North Central State College Foundation
    • 12-09 — Agreement and Recognition (CBA)
    • 12-091 — Management Rights (CBA)
    • 12-092 — Negotiations (CBA)
    • 12-093 — Governance (CBA)
    • 12-094 — NCSFA Business and Operations (CBA)
    • 12-095 —  Contract Duration (CBA)
    • 12-10 — Institutional Review Board (IRB) Policy
    • 12-101 — Institutional Review Board (IRB) Procedures
    • 12-101a — Institutional Review Board Application Form
    • 12-101b — Institutional Review Board Informed Consent Form
    • 12-101d — Institutional Review Board Change Form
    • 12-101e — Institutional Review Board Continuation Form
    • 12-15 — Policy Development and Review Policy
    • 12-151 — Policy Development and Review Process
    • 12-20 — Program Integrity / Assessment Framework Policy
    • 12-21 —  Assessment of Student Learning Policy
    • 12-211 —  Assessment of Student Learning Process
    • 12-22 — Institutional Service and Program Review Policy
    • 12-221 — Institutional Servicer and Program Review Process
    • 12-222 — Academic Department / Program Review Manual
    • 12-223 — Support Service Department Review Manual
    • 12-23 — Curriculum Review Policy (Curriculum Committee)
    • 12-231 — Curriculum Review Procedure (Curriculum Committee)
    • 12-30 — Minors on Campus Policy
    • 13-01 — Graduation Requirements Policy
    • 13-011 — Graduation Procedures (Petition to Graduate)
    • 13-011a — Petition to Graduate / Certificate Request Form
    • 13-02 — Guarantee of Graduate Job Competency Policy
    • 13-03 — Policy on General Education
    • 13-04 — Independent Study
    • 13-04a — Independent Study Form
    • 13-04b — Independent Study Plan of Study Form
    • 13-05 — Admission Policy
    • 13-31 — Transfer Credit Policy
    • 13-311 — Procedures for the Transfer of Credit into the College
    • 13-311a — Transfer Credit Contract
    • 13-312 — Transfer Module
    • 13-313 — Transition of College Credit Plus (CCP) Students Following High School Graduation
    • 13-314 — Procedures for Developing Articulation Agreements with Four-Year Institutions
    • 13-32 — Articulation Credit (High School)
    • 13-33 — Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)/Competency Based Education (CBE) Credit Policy
    • 13-33a — Application for Credit by Examination
    • 13-331 — Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)/Competency Based Education (CBE) Procedure
    • 13-34 — Life Experience Credit Policy
    • 13-341 — Life Experience Credit Procedure
    • 13-341a — Life Experience Credit Request Form
    • 13-341b — Life Experience Credit Payment Slip
    • 13-341c — Life Experience Credit Faculty Compensation Form
    • 13-342 — Life Experience Credit Checklist for Students
    • 13-343 — Life Experience Credit Checklist for Faculty Advisors
    • 13-344 — Life Experience Credit Checklist for Department Chairs
    • 13-40 — Non-Credit
    • 13-44 — Course Auditing Policy
    • 13-45 — Program Sixty
    • 14-01 — Academic Calendar
    • 14-02 — Academic Freedom (CBA)


    Curriculum/Courses (04-14)

    • 14-04 — Standardized Assignment of Credit Hours Policy
    • 14-041 — Assignment of Credit Hours Carnegie Chart
    • 14-05 — Accreditation
    • 14-06 — Learning Management System (LMS)
    • 14-072 — Curriculum Revision Procedure
    • 14-08 — Course Syllabus Policy
    • 14-081 — Syllabi for Courses Procedure
    • 14-081a — Master Syllabus Template
    • 14-081b — Course Syllabus Supplement
    • 14-082 — Instructional Support for Course Delivery Methods and Section Coding
    • 14-083 — Course Prerequisites
    • 14-083a — Course Prerequisites Waiver Form
    • 14-084 — Special Topics Courses
    • 14-09 — Contact Hour Fee Policy
    • 14-091 — Contact Hour Fee Calculations
    • 14-10 — Associate of Technical Studies Degree Program (ATS)
    • 14-101 — Application Procedures for Admission to the Technical Studies Program
    • 14-101a — Application for Admission to ATS Degree Program
    • 14-11 — Associate in Technical Studies Degree Program (ATS) (One Year Option)
    • 14-11a — Application for Admission to ATS Degree Program (One Year Option)
    • 14-12 — Distance Learning
    • 14-13 — Intellectual Property (CBA)


    Advising (15-24)

    • 14-15 — Advising System and Services Policy
    • 14-15b — Student Change of Status Form
    • 14-151 — Procedures for Connection-Entry-Progress & Completion Advising
    • 14-152 — Advising Procedures for Business, Industry, and Technology
    • 14-153 — Advising Procedures for Health Sciences Technology
    • 14-154 — Advising Procedures for Liberal Arts and Transfer
    • 14-158 — Curriculum to Follow to Evaluate Student Current Status
    • 14-16 — Academic Major Policy
    • 14-161 — Procedures for Declaring/Changing an Academic Major
    • 14-161a — Change of Major Form (Student)
    • 14-161b — Change of Major/Removal from Classes Form (Advisor)
    • 14-18 — Student Success Early Alert Policy (Academic Alert)
    • 14-181 — Student Success Early Alert Procedures (Academic Alert)
    • 14-19 — Advising Documentation Policy
    • 14-20 — Assessing Incoming Students’ Readiness Skills (Student Placement) Policy
    • 14-201 — Assessing Incoming Students’ Readiness Skills (Student Placement) Procedures
    • 14-201a — Assessment Waiver Form
    • 14-201b — CCP Placement Pre-requisite Override Form for Math and English Placement
    • 14-201c — First Year Experience (FYEX) Waiver Form
    • 14-202 — Standardized Testing Cutoff/Placement Scores w/ Accuplacer Next Generation
    • 14-21 — New Student Orientation Policy
    • 14-22 — Academic Milestones Policy
    • 14-221 — Academic Milestones Definitions and Procedures
    • 14-222 — Listing of Academic Milestone Courses
    • 14-223 Classroom Checkpoints for Milestone Courses


    Student Examinations/Grading (25-39)

    • 14-25 — Student Examination Policy
    • 14-26 — Course Grading Policy & Required Grading Scale
    • 14-261 — Course Grading Procedures
    • 14-263 — Academic Records Retention
    • 14-264 — Incomplete Grades
    • 14-264a — Incomplete Grade Agreement
    • 14-265 — Unresolved “NR”(Not Reported) Grades
    • 14-27 — Mid-Term Course Grading Policy
    • 14-271 — Mid-Term Course Grading Procedure
    • 14-28 — Cumulative Grading System Policy
    • 14-281 — Calculating the Cumulative Grade Point Average
    • 14-29 — Academic Grade Appeal Policy
    • 14-291 — Academic Grade Appeal Procedure
    • 14-291a — Academic Grade Appeal Form
    • 14-30 — Grade Change Policy
    • 14-30a — Grade Change Form
    • 14-31 — Grade Replacement Policy
    • 14-32 — Grade Forgiveness Policy
    • 14-32a — Grade Forgiveness Form
    • 14-33 — Dean’s List Policy


    Attendance (40-49)

    • 14-40 — Student Attendance and Engagement Monitoring Policy
    • 14-401 — Procedures for Monitoring Student Attendance
    • 14-402 — Procedures for Monitoring Student Engagement
    • 14-41 — Mediated Course Drop Policy
    • 14-411 — Mediated Course Drop Procedure
    • 14-411a — Course Drop/Add Form
    • 14-42 — Late Registration Policy
    • 14-42a — First Day Attendance Registration Form
    • 14-44 — Administrative Withdrawal Policy
    • 14-45 — Late Withdrawal Policy (Student Initiated)
    • 14-451 — Late Withdrawal Procedure (Student Initiated)
    • 14-451a — Late Withdrawal Form (Student Initiated)


    Course Miscellaneous (50-64)

    • 14-50 — Course Cancellation Policy
    • 14-501 — Course Cancellation Procedure
    • 14-52 — Student Field Trips
    • 14-521 — Student Field Trips Procedure
    • 14-52a — Student Field Trip Request Form
    • 14-52b — Field Trip Waiver of Liability / Hold Harmless Agreement
    • 14-52c — Student Participating in a Field Trip Form
    • 14-53 — Computer Lab Usage Policy
    • 14-56 — Policy on Human Subjects Research
    • 14-56a — Application for Approval to use Human Subjects in Research
    • 14-57 — Complimentary Textbooks Policy
    • 14-58 — Textbook Selection-Auto Adoption Policy
    • 14-581 — Textbook Selection Procedure
    • 14-581a — Textbook Selection Matrix


    Academic Discipline (65-79)

    • 14-65 — Academic Integrity (Plagiarism, Cheating and AI) Policy
    • 14-651 — Academic Integrity (Plagiarism) Procedure
    • 14-66 — Academic Honesty/Dishonesty
    • 14-67 — Good Academic Standing Policy
    • 14-68 — Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid
    • 14-69 — Academic Probation Policy
    • 14-70 — Academic Probation and VA Benefits Policy
    • 14-71 — Academic Suspension and Dismissal Policy
    • 14-711 — Readmission Procedures for Academically Suspended Students
    • 14-711a — Readmission Form for Academically Suspended Students
    • 14-73 — Developmental Education
    • 14-73a — Request for Tutoring Services Form
    • 14-73b — Tutor Application Form (Request to become a Tutor)
    • 14-74 — Support Services Policy for Students with Disabilities
    • 14-741 — Student Accessibility Handbook
    • 14-75 — Religious Accommodation Policy
    • 14-751 — List of Religious Holidays (Non-exhaustive)
    • 14-752 — Religious Accommodation Procedure
    • 14-752a — Request Religious Accommodation Form


    Miscellaneous (80-99)

    • 14-80 — Faculty Support/Work Environment
    • 14-83 — Internal Program Review
    • 14-831 — Criteria for Closure of Academic Programs
    • 14-85 — Proctoring Services Policy for Students Attending Other Institutions
    • 14-851 — Proctoring Services Procedures for Students Attending Other Institutions
    • 14-90 — Valuing Our Veterans Policy
    • 14-901 — Procedures to Support the Success of Veterans and Military Service Members
    • 14-91 — Military Students Called to Active Duty Policy
    • 14-92 — Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 Compliance Policy
    • 14-96 — Honors College Policy
    • 15-01 — Code of Student Conduct/Discipline
    • 15-011 — Anti-Hazing Policy
    • 15-02 — Student Complaint Policy (other than discrimination/ harassment)
    • 15-021 — Procedures for Initiating a Student Complaint (other than discrimination/harassment)
    • 15-021a — Universal Complaint/Feedback Form
    • 15-03 — Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
    • 15-031 — Discrimination Grievance Procedures (Title IX complaint filing)
    • 15-04 — Response to the Death, Serious Illness, or Injury of a Member of the Campus Community
    • 15-041 — Procedures for Responding to the Death of a Member of the College Community
    • 15-042 — Procedures for Responding to the Serious Illness or Injury of a Student
    • 15-043 — Expressions of Employee Acknowledgement
    • 15-05 — Consultation and Assessment Team for Student Issues Policy
    • 15-051 — Consultation and Assessment Team for Student Issues Procedures
    • 15-052 — Procedures for Responding to Suicidal OSU-Mansfield or NC State Students
    • 15-14 — Policy on Recommending Students for Employment
    • 15-14a — Reference Request and Student Authorization (FERPA Release)
    • 15-30 — Honorary Degree Policy
    • 15-31 — Posthumous Degree Policy

    Recruitment and Selection

    • 16-03 – Hiring Policy (Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Statement
    • 16-032 – Hiring Procedure Guideline
    • 16-033 – Adjunct Hiring Procedures
    • 16-033a – Adjunct Approval Form
    • 16-034 – Temporary Agency Hiring Guidelines
    • 16-035 – Temporary Employee Assignments
    • 16-036 – Travel Expenses for Candidates of Employment
    • 16-037 – Student Employment Eligibility/Guidelines/Rules
    • 16-04 – Determination of Faculty Qualifications Policy
    • 16-041 – Procedures for Determining Qualifications for Faculty
    • 16-042 – Faculty Qualification Exception Process
    • 16-043 – Minimum Criteria for Full-Time and Adjunct Faculty Positions
    • 16-05 – Official Transcript Requirement Policy
    • 16-06 – Rehiring of Retired College Employees Policy
    • 16-061 – Rehiring of Retired College Faculty (CBA)
    • 16-07 – Nepotism Policy
    • 16-08 – Affirmative Action
    • 16-09 – Reduction in Workforce Policy (Staff)
    • 16-091 – Guidelines for Identifying Positions for Layoff (RIF-Staff)
    • 16-092 – Reduction in Force for Full-Time Faculty (CBA)


    Records and Files

    • 16-16 – Personnel Files
    • 16-161 – Change of Address Procedure
    • 16-161a – Employee Change of Address Form
    • 16-17 – Requests for Public Records Policy



    • 16-19 – Policy on Maintenance of a Drug-Free Workplace
    • 16-20 – Requirements of Work and Conduct Policy (for Staff)
    • 16-21 – Business Dress Policy for Staff Employees
    • 16-22 – Alcohol & Drug Policy (Employees, Students, & Guests)
    • 16-23 – Ethics Policy
    • 16-24 – Conflict of Interest
    • 16-25 – Fraud
    • 16-26 – Attendance and Punctuality Policy (for Staff)
    • 16-261 – Attendance and Punctuality Procedures (for Staff)
    • 16-27 – Flexible Work Schedule Policy
    • 16-28 – Telecommuting Policy
    • 16-281 – Telecommuting Guidelines
    • 16-281a – Telecommuting Feasibility Assessment
    • 16-281b – Telecommuting Safety Self Audit
    • 16-281c – Telecommuting Agreement
    • 16-282 – Telecommuting Remote Use of College Resources


    Performance Evaluation/Recognition of Personnel

    • 16-301 – Performance Evaluation Process for Non-Teaching Employees
    • 16-301a – Performance Appraisal Self-Assessment Worksheet
    • 16-301b – Performance Appraisal Worksheet
    • 16-31 – Corrective Action Policy
    • 16-311 – Corrective Action Process
    • 16-311a – Corrective Action Form
    • 16-32 – Discipline/Discharge (CBA)
    • 16-33 – Termination of Employment Exit Interview Policy
    • 16-34 – Individual Contracts and Evaluation for Faculty (CBA)
    • 16-34a – Faculty Performance Review Form (CBA)
    • 16-341 – Student Evaluations (CBA)
    • 16-341a – Student Evaluation Form


    Grievance Procedure
    (see also)

    • 15-03 – Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, and Retaliation Policy
    • 15-031 – Discrimination Grievance Procedures (Title IX complaint filing)
    • 16-40 – Employee and Guest Complaint-Appeals Policy
    • 16-401 – Procedures for Initiating an Employee or Guest complaint-Appeal
    • 16-402 – Faculty Grievance/Arbitration Procedure (CBA)
    • 16-402a – Faculty Grievance Form (CBA)
    • 15-021a – Universal Complaint/Feedback Form


    Compensation and Benefits

    • 16-44 – Direct Deposit for Employee Pay
    • 16-45 – Fair Labor Standards and Wage Payment Act
    • 16-451 – Compensation (Faculty) (CBA)
    • 16-452 – Faculty Workload (CBA)
    • 16-453 – Adjunct Faculty Workload
    • 16-454 – Procedure on Compensation for Adjunct Faculty/Full-Time Faculty Overload
    • 16-454a – Request for Variance Form
    • 16-454b – Request for Variance From Standard Hourly Rates of Pay for P-T Instruction Form
    • 16-455 – Fair Share and Dues Check Off (CBA)
    • 16-46 – Long-Term (Emergency) Substitute Compensation Policy
    • 16-46a – Emergency Overload Compensation Form
    • 16-47 – Adjunct Compensation for Non-Teaching Activities
    • 16-48 – Professional Growth Recognition Policy
    • 16-501 – Benefits Summary – Full Time Employees
    • 16-502 – Benefits Summary – Permanent Part Time Staff
    • 16-503 – Benefits Summary – Permanent Part Time Faculty
    • 16-504 – Benefits Summary (Insurance/Non-Insurance) – Faculty (CBA)
    • 16-51 – Emeritus Status Policy (CBA)
    • 16-52 – Tuition Remission Policy (Full-Time Employees)
    • 16-52a – Application for Tuition Remission Form
    • 16-522 – Tuition Remission OSU-M (Shared Services)
    • 16-53 – Tuition Remission Policy Adjunct Faculty
    • 16-53a – Application for Adjunct Tuition Remission
    • 16-54 – Tuition Remission Policy, Part-Time Staff
    • 16-54a – Application for Part-Time Staff Tuition Remission
    • 16-55 – Tuition Reimbursement Plan Policy
    • 16-55a – Request for Approval of Tuition Reimbursement Form
    • 16-56 – Fee Authorization Agreement Between NCSC & OSU-M
    • 16-57 – Computer Purchase Policy (Full-Time Employees)
    • 16-58 – Employee Assistance Program
    • 16-59 – Teaching Opportunities for Staff Employees Policy


    Leave of Absence

    • 16-70 – Leaves of Absence
    • 16-70a – Request for Leave Form
    • 16-701 – Earned Time Off (ETO/Vacation) for Full-Time Staff
    • 16-702 – Time Off (ETO) for Part-time Staff
    • 16-703 – Earned Time Off (ETO) for Adjunct Faculty
    • 16-71 – Sickness and Disability Policy
    • 16-72 – Personal Leave of Absence Policy
    • 16-73 – Leave to Attend Professional Workshops
    • 16-74 – Absence Due to Court Service (Jury Duty)
    • 16-75 – Bereavement Policy
    • 16-76 – Military Leave Policy
    • 16-77 – Extended Leaves of Absence Without Compensation Policy
    • 16-77a – Request for Extended Leave of Absence Form
    • 16-78 – Family and Medical Leave (FML) Policy
    • 16-781 – Family and Medical Leave (FML) Procedures
    • 16-83 – Policy for Work Related Injuries
    • 16-83a – Employee’s Report of Incident and Injury
    • 16-83b – Supervisor’s Investigative Report
    • 16-83c – Statement of Witness to Accident
    • 16-831 – Injury on the Job Claim Procedures
  • Finance/Accounting (01-09)

    • 17-01 — Bank Reconciliations
    • 17-02 — Budget Procedures
    • 17-02a — Budget Transfer Form
    • 17-021 — Professional Development Fund (Faculty)(CBA)
    • 17-03 — Integrated Planning and Resource Allocation Policy
    • 17-031 — Integrated Planning and Resource Allocation Procedure
    • 17-04 — Investment Policy

    Receivables (10-19)

    • 17-101 — Daily Receipt Procedures
    • 17-102 — Incoming Mail/Cash Procedure
    • 17-103 — Collection and Depositing of Fees (CDC NCState/OSU-M)
    • 17-104 — Sales and Services Revenue Procedures
    • 17-12 — Student Tuition and Fees Policy
    • 17-13 — Student Responsibility to Pay Policy
    • 17-131 — Student Financial Responsibility for Registration/Deregistration Procedure
    • 17-132 — Student Accounts Receivable Procedure
    • 17-133 — Doubtful Accounts Procedure (Allowance for)
    • 17-15 — Student Accounts/Refund Policy
    • 17-151 — Student Accounts/Refund Procedure
    • 17-151a — Request for Refund/Fee Waiver/Payment Extension Form
    • 17-16 — Student Financial Responsibility and Default Management Policy
    • 17-161 — Cohort Default Rate (CDR) Guidelines and Procedures
    • 17-17 — Student Loan Default Reduction Policy

    Payables (20-29)

    • 17-201 — Payable Processing
    • 17-201a — Direct Pay Disbursement Voucher
    • 17-22 — Stale Check Policy
    • 17-23 — Stale Check Policy – Foundation
    • 17-241 — Payroll Check Replacement Procedure
    • 17-26 — Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy
    • 17-261 — Travel Expense Reimbursement Procedure
    • 17-261a — Travel Request Authorization Form
    • 17-261b — Mileage Report Form
    • 17-261c — Travel Expense Reimbursement Form
    • 17-281 — Payroll Processing/Human Resources
    • 17-281a — Timesheet Full-Time
    • 17-281b — Timesheet Part-Time
    • 17-281c — CollegeNOW Part-Time Payroll Record
    • 17-281d — Non-Credit Part-Time Payroll Record
    • 17-281e — Timesheet Full-Time Faculty Non-Teaching Activities During Off-Semester
    • 17-281f — Faculty Evaluation of Adjunct Faculty (Classroom Observation) Compensation Form
    • 17-282 — Payroll Processing Payroll/Benefits

    Procurement (30-39)

    • 17-30 — Purchasing and Contracting Policy
    • 17-301 — Direct Purchasing & Competitive Selection Procedures
    • 17-301a — Facilities Return Job Order (Damaged Items/Returns)
    • 17-301b — Personal Service Contract (College)
    • 17-301c — Personal Service Contract (Foundation)
    • 17-301d — Requisition for Goods or Services
    • 17-302 — Expenditure of Public Funds for Food and Beverages
    • 17-303 — Vendor Relations Letter/Vendor Relation Procurement Procedures
    • 17-31 — Petty Cash (NC State College)
    • 17-32 — Petty Cash (CDC NC State/OSU-M)
    • 17-33 — Payment Card Policy
    • 17-331 — Payment Card Guidelines
    • 17-34 — Payment Card Policy – Foundation
    • 17-35 — College Identification Card Policy

    Assets/Property (40-49)

    • 17-40 — Property Use Policy
    • 17-401 — Property Use Procedure
    • 17-401a — Key and Building Key Card Requisition Form
    • 17-401b — Lost Key Form
    • 17-401c — Facilities Equipment Loan Form
    • 17-401d — Facilities Equipment Transfer Form
    • 17-401e — Facilities Equipment Disposal Form
    • 17-401f — Office-Classroom Move Form
    • 17-402 — Donated Capital Assets Acceptance Procedure
    • 17-402a — Donated Equipment Form
    • 17-41 — Fleet Vehicle Use Policy
    • 17-411 — Fleet Vehicle Handbook
    • 17-411a — Facilities Fleet Car Request Form
    • 17-411b — Driving History Questionnaire
    • 17-42 — Capital Assets System

    Records (50-59)

    • 17-50 — Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    • 17-50a — Authorization for the Release of Student Information (FERPA Release)
    • 17-51 — Records Retention Policy
    • 17-51a — Certificate of Records Destruction
    • 17-511 — NCSC General Records Retention Schedule
    • 17-52 — Identity Theft Protection Policy
  • Physical Plant/Property (01-09)

    • 18-01 — Student Accessibility Handbook (ADA Compliance)
    • 18-02 — NC State/OSU-M Use of College Buildings and Facilities Policy
    • 18-03 — NC State/OSU-M Drives and Canvassing Policy
    • 18-04 — NC State/OSU-M Posting Policy
    • 18-041 — NC State/ OSU-M Posting Procedure
    • 18-05 — NC State/ OSU-M Bake Sale Policy
    • 18-051 — NC State/ OSU-M Bake Sale Procedure
    • 18-051a — NC State/ OSU-M Request for Bake Sale Form
    • 18-06 — NC State/ OSU-M Outside Vendors at Events Policy
    • 18-07 — NC State/ OSU-M Voluntary Closing of Shared Service Units
    • 18-08 — NC State/ OSU-M Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Pass Policy
    • 18-081 — NC State/ OSU-M Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Pass Guidelines
    • 18-081a — Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Application Form – Alumni Pass
    • 18-081b — Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Application Form – Family Pass
    • 18-081c — Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Application Form – Retiree Pass
    • 18-09 — NC State/OSU-M Public Use of College Outdoor Areas Policy

    Health, Safety & Security (10-39)

    • 18-10 — NC State/OSU-M Campus Safety and Security
    • 18-10a — NC State/OSU-M Campus Security Incident Report Form
    • 18-10b — NC State/OSU-M Campus Conduct-Behavior Report Form
    • 18-101 — Illness and Bodily Injury Emergency Contacts
    • 18-102 — First Aid Kit Information
    • 18-103 — Blood Borne Pathogens
    • 18-104 — Procedures for Aids, ARC & HIV Positive
    • 18-105 — Non-Emergency Numbers
    • 18-11 — Fire Evacuation Plan
    • 18-12 — Tornado Safety and Shelter
    • 18-13 — College/Campus Closing Policy and Procedures
    • 18-131 — Class Cancellation Policy and Procedures
    • 18-14 — Hazardous Materials Policy/Procedures
    • 18-15 — Security Camera Policy
    • 18-16 — Bomb Threats
    • 18-17 — Power Failure Phones
    • 18-18 — Workplace Violence
    • 18-19 — Non-Smoking/Tobacco Policy
    • 18-20 — NC State/OSU-M Rollerblades, In-Line Skates and Skateboards Policy
    • 18-21 — NC State/ OSU-M Driving on Sidewalks Policy
    • 18-22 — Classroom Food and Drink Policy
    • 18-23 — NC State/ OSU-M Campus Wood Cutting Policy
    • 18-24 — NC State/ OSU-M Parking on the Mansfield Campus Policy
    • 18-25 — Face Covering Required During Pandemic (COVID-19) Policy
    • 18-26 — Firearms Policy (Open Carry/Concealed Carry)

    Sustainability, Energy, and Efficiency (30-39)

    • 18-30 — Sustainability, Energy, and Labor Efficiencies throughout Campus
  • Communications (01-19)

    • 19-04 — Policy on Use, Change, Alteration of College Name, Logo, and Presidential Seal
    • 19-041 — Graphic Standards Manual
    • 19-05 — College Catalog & Student Handbook
    • 19-051 — College Catalog Revision Process
    • 19-051a — College Catalog Change Form
    • 19-07 — College Website Accessibility Policy
    • 19-10 — Text Messaging for Non-Emergency Communication Policy
    • 19-101 — Non-Emergency Text Messaging Procedures

    Information Technology (Infrastructure: Equipment, Access, Services) (20-29)

    • 19-20 — Computer & Network Use Policy
    • 19-20a — IT Resource Center Equipment Loan Form
    • 19-20b — Move/Transfer Employee IT Service Request Form
    • 19-22 — Institutional Email Policy
    • 19-23 — Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access Policy
    • 19-231 — Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access Procedure
    • 19-231a — Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access Request Form
    • 19-24 — Wireless Access Policy
    • 19-241 — Wireless Access Procedures

    Information Technology (Data & Information Management/Analysis) (30-39)

    • 19-30 — Data Integrity/Request Policy for Institutional Research
    • 19-32a — Protection of Sensitive/Restricted Data Statement of Understanding Form
    • 19-32b — Work-Study ITS Restricted Data Access Request Form

    Information Technology (System Security & Recovery) (40-79)

    • 19-42 — Password Policy
    • 19-421 — Information Technology System Password Standards
    • 19-45 — Data Backup Policy
    • 19-451 — Data Backup Procedures
    • 20-10 — (Building) Naming Policy


  • Appendix A — Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3333 Ohio Board of Regents
  • Appendix B — Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3357 Technical Colleges
  • Appendix C* — Ohio Administrative Code 3357:13 North Central State College District
  • Appendix D — Organizational Charts
  • Appendix E — Faculty and Staff Constitution (dated February 19, 2014)
  • Appendix F — Agreement between North Central State College and the Chapter of the North
Central State Faculty Association-American Association of University Professors (AAUP) (effective January 16, 2024), Signature version (printable)
  • Appendix G* — Policies and Procedures for the North Central State College Foundation
  • Appendix H* — Listing of (OSU-Mansfield/NC State) Shared Services Policies
  • Appendix I* — Master Forms Index
  • Appendix J — Emergency Procedures Handbook (effective February 24, 2017) (see Employee section of MyNC)

* Work in Progress (Hyperlink is not active pending current development/updates/revisions)