North Central State College North Central State College

Welcome to the College Credit Plus Resource Hub

CCP Program Overview & Guidance (PDF)2025-26 CCP Enrollment Checklist (PDF)School Counselors: Access your CCP SharePoint page here

Student Advising, Pathway Planning & Course Registration

  • Check the status of your CCP Application here.

    Complete any outstanding supplemental items.

    All CCP requirements and application documents must be complete for your application to be reviewed and accepted.

  • Check the status of your CCP Application here.

    Complete any outstanding supplemental items.

    All CCP requirements and application documents must be complete for your application to be reviewed and accepted.

  • All CCP requirements and application documents must be complete for your application to be reviewed and accepted.

    1. Digital Forms (Supplemental Items) – Parent/Guardian signs CCP Permission Slip and Student signs CCP Student Questionnaire
      • Signatures required to acknowledge an understanding of the responsibilities and risks that come with choosing CCP/dual enrollment (i.e. mature course content, increased workload and demands on students’ time, critical thinking, independent learning, student records and GPA, etc.)
    2. Transcript – Let your guidance office know you’ve applied for CCP and request your transcripts be sent to NCSC
    3. CCP Eligibility RequirementDemonstrate one of the following to meet this statewide requirement:
      • Unweighted GPA of 3.0+
      • A qualifying score in at least one tested area from ACT or ACCUPLACER
      • Unweighted GPA of 2.5-2.99, along with final grade B or above in qualifying high school course (3rd HS English or Math)

    *You may not need to test for CCP Eligibility, but if you’re planning to take CCP English, Math, or Science courses, you will need to provide existing test scores to NCSC or schedule to test for placement and registration into such courses. If you have ACT scores, or ACCUPLACER scores taken through another college, send those to NCSC for placement review. High school seniors may qualify for multiple measures placement into college English and Math courses. For a multiple measures review, your CCP advisor will need an updated high school transcript, showing final grades through completion of junior year and overall GPA. If the transcript content meets multiple measures criteria for college-level English/Math placement, then testing wouldn’t be needed.

  • Complete your required CCP Orientation here.

    • Self-paced online module to review and complete
    • Answer the questions at the end to complete the orientation requirement

  • Request your first appointment for CCP Advising & Registration, ccp@ncstatecollege.edu.

    • Include your: first and last name, phone number, and the name of your school
    • Include your: availability and meeting preference (zoom/phone/in-person), and any other info that may be helpful for your advisor (your schedule, courses or interest areas you’re considering, questions).

    *To take courses in English, Math or Science, you may need to schedule the ACCUPLACER. Ensure you provide NCSC with any existing scores (ACT or ACCUPLACER) that may fulfill course prerequisites needed to register.

CCP Advising Team

General CCP questions? ccp@ncstatecollege.edu or 419-755-4566

Work directly with your CCP Advisor on your specific plan updates or needs:

Becca – Send email | Book an appointment

Nicholas – Send emailBook an appointment

Marissa – send email | Book an appointment

  • To register for your next CCP classes, complete the steps in this menu:

  • Check-in with your advisor to discuss and request approval to register. 

    Why are you choosing the course?

    Is it on your pathway (aligning with goals or a requirement)? Is it for high school? Will it help fulfill a degree requirement?

    • For course ideas, visit the CCP Pathways here.
    • Planning Considerations:
      • With your school counselor, confirm the number of credits you can take for the school year, under CCP.
      • Provide this information to your CCP advisor.
      • Confirm your pathway with your CCP advisor. Pathways help align course options with goals.
      • Ask questions! Need to discuss options? Request an appointment at the links below.

  • Any changes you make to your MyNC course plan will need approved by a CCP advisor so that you can  select your preferred course section (meeting details) and register yourself in the course section.

    In MyNC once a course is listed as “approved”, then you (the student) must complete step 3 – select an open section, and click the ‘Register’ button.


    • In MyNC, review the open sections for location and delivery options. Select an open section, add it to your plan for the term, and then select ‘Register’ for each course.
    • *Failure to complete this third and final step, means you have not actually registered or enrolled in a course.
      • Once done, confirm each course has a status of ‘Registered’, and the total number of enrolled credits is correct.
    • If your first choice is unavailable, move to your next choice. Repeat the process for advisor approval, if needed.

  • Share/Confirm your CCP Class Schedule with your School Counselor.

    • Each semester you must provide your counselor a copy of your schedule, along with any changes you make.
    • **Your CCP schedule must stay within the annual CCP max credit hours ORC 3365.06 (PDF).
    • If you exceed your permitted CCP credit hours, then you and your family must self-pay for the full cost of the course(s), including fees and books.


  1. Review the calendar of ACCUPLACER test sessions here.
  2. Call 419-755-4566 to schedule your ACCUPLACER appointment. The first ACCUPLACER with NCSC is free. You must have an application submitted to NCSC to schedule your appointment.
  3. Retesting? There is a $25 retest fee. Call the Cashier’s Office and pay by phone at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Test sessions begin at 9am or 1pm, unless otherwise noted. *Plan to arrive 15 minutes early.

Why CCP?

Our CCP Team helps students like you, enroll in CCP and navigate college in a space that works for you — at NCSC, online, or your school. Find out how CCP can fit into your schedule and get you ahead. CCP students in grades 7-12 can take college courses at no cost, earning dual credit for completed coursework — both high school and college credit Courses can help fulfill high school graduation and OHSAA eligibility requirements, and transfer to other colleges. CCP can help you earn your degree, while saving you thousands of dollars along the way.

Each August, approximately 1,300 students enroll in CCP with North Central State College. Each May, hundreds of high school seniors choose to continue with NCSC after graduation. These former CCP students gain more than just their college education. Many are also recipients of our Tuition Freedom Scholarship. Earning their degree and minimizing college debt? Clever Gen Z!  Did you know, 3 out of 4 NC State students are graduating debt-free? In other words, there’s a 75% chance you could too!

Come for a visit, say hello, and learn how you can get ahead with CCP and North Central State College.

Tuition Freedom Scholarships logo

The Tuition Freedom Scholarship awards up to two years of tuition to qualifying students, continuing their studies after high school at NCSC.

Who can qualify? How do I apply for TFS?

Students earning credit with NCSC through CCP, or by completion of qualifying Career Center labs, who meet/complete the following requirements:

  • Complete 8-9 college credits through NCSC by the end of 12th grade (approximately 3 college courses).
  • Maintain a college GPA of 2.75 or equivalent.
  • Submit a complete TFS application here, along with any forms or required items.
  • Submit the general application for admission to the College here. (Required even if currently in CCP)
  • FAFSA and NCSC deadlines must be met.

The number of credits earned in CCP with NCSC or through Career Tech labs will apply toward the scholarship’s maximum allowable credit hours (up to 64 credit hours or an associate degree). Review our planning tools and work with your advising team to select courses from your degree pathway.

Learn More About Tuition Freedom, opens in a new windowNEW - Tuition Freedom available for College-NOW Engineering Academy graduates to complete the Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology (PDF), opens in a new window

Do I have to test?

That depends on your GPA and what CCP courses you are seeking!

There are 3 checkpoints in the process where testing may be needed:

  1. CCP Program Eligibility to Participate (Set by Ohio legislature) – all requirements must be met
  2. College Admission for CCP & Enrollment (Set by each college) – all items must be completed and all criteria met
  3. CCP Course Planning & Registration (Set by each college) – all prerequisites, or placement requirements must be met. When planning courses with your CCP advisor and school counselor, please remember:

Testing is required for placement in college English, Math and some Science courses, regardless of GPA. All course requisites must be met, in addition to qualifying for CCP. If you have ACT scores, or ACCUPLACER from another college, please provide these to NCSC for review. For high school seniors, there is a multiple measures placement option for Math & English. This can be considered once CCP eligibility is met. An updated high school transcript, showing final grades for Junior year (11th grade) would need provided to your CCP advisor for review. If multiple measures are met, the Senior will place directly in college-level Math and English, without testing. 

There are also many courses CCP students can take without testing. A few examples are Intro to Psychology, Sociology, Communication, History, Information Technology, Criminal Justice, etc. Connect with your CCP advisor to discuss course questions.

Think of the Enrollment Checklist in 3 Parts:

Complete all 3 to register for classes!

  1. Apply to NCSC & Meet CCP Program Eligibility All interested students must meet Ohio’s statewide CCP  eligibility requirements to consider participation.
    • All potential new students must submit a CCP application to NCSC.
    • To join CCP and register for courses, all eligibility requirements must be met, and your CCP application accepted.
    • Once accepted, there are many courses from all different pathways to consider.
    • *When a course has prerequisites (or a required placement score), this must be met to register for the course.
  2. Submit all Required Docs & Forms
    • CCP Permission Slip & Mature Content Questionnaire are required forms that you sign electronically in your application portal here.
    • Contact your school counselor and request your high school transcript be sent to NCSC.
  3. Plan your Path, Choose Classes & Complete Registration (Advising/Orientation/Registration)
    • Pathways help identify courses to maximizes your efforts toward your goal – whether that’s first earning your degree at NCSC, or to transfer directly to a university.
    • Your CCP Advising Team helps you navigate options along your path. From success planning, course registration and support services, to transfer planning and applying for graduation we support your success, start to finish.


Planning Tools

Testing or Test Optional?
  • You can meet CCP eligibility based on your GPA, choose not test — and have a variety of courses to consider in CCP!
  • *Some courses have required placement testing for enrollment, in addition to meeting CCP eligibility.
  • Work with your CCP advisor to build your individual course plan and pathway to your goals.

We can help you plan for success each step of the way.
  • Our CCP Advisors/Success Coaches will help you select courses that align with your goals, and tips to navigate college.
  • Stay in touch! Working together, we can help you find the best route to your destination.

Earn scholarship!
  • Plan for the Tuition Freedom Scholarship (TFS). CCP students can earn this to continue with NCSC after high school.
  • To qualify, earn 6-9 college credits with NCSC and a 2.75 college cGPA and apply for the scholarship. FAFSA and scholarship deadlines must be met.

Earn credit for college, high school graduation and athletic eligibility.

Earn your degree while in high school with CollegeNow. 
  • In NCSC’s specialized CollegeNow & Sci-Med Academy cohort programs, students have the potential to earn their degree while also graduating high school. Advanced planning required.
  • Students enroll full time in college coursework with a cohort of peers, who complete the program together.

Ok, I think I've got it. Now...

What steps do I complete with NCSC?
  • Start by reviewing our CCP enrollment checklist. Submit your CCP application and required paperwork.
  • Watch your email for updates! *If you used your high school email when applying, you may not be receiving emails from NCSC.

How do I become CCP Eligible?

When do I meet with my school counselor & start planning?
  • Students should first meet with their school counselor to discuss CCP and then with a parent or guardian, attend their school’s annual CCP information meeting (between Oct.-Feb.).
  • By April 1 annually, public school students must submit their Intent to Participate form to their school counselor.
  • By April 1 annually, nonpublic and homeschool students must apply to the Ohio Dept. of Ed. for CCP funding  (from Feb-Apr 1). ODE will not accept late applications.
  • Familiarize yourself with college dates and deadlines such as application, testing, ACT or ACCUPLACER dates if needed, advising, registration, course drop period, etc.)
  • Failure to meet state or college CCP deadlines will delay your enrollment one or more terms.


Your high school may have additional deadlines that you need to meet for testing or scheduling. Confirm this with your school counselor.

Fall 2024 Semester

Application Deadline for new CCP students

Transcript Deadline

Testing Deadline for CCP Eligibility

New Students: Deadline for Registration in Session A & Full-term (online or at NCSC)

Current Students: Deadline for Registration in Session A & Full-term (online or at NCSC)

Session A & Full-term courses begin

14-day Drop Deadline (no penalty) for Session A & Full-term

Last Day to Withdraw with a "W" (Session A)

New Students: Registration Deadline for Session B

Current Students: Registration Deadline for Session B

Session A courses end

Session B courses begin

14-day Drop Deadline (No Penalty) for Session B

Last day to withdraw with a "W" (Full-term courses)

Last day to withdraw with a "W" (Session B)

Session B and Full-term courses end

Spring 2025 Semester

Application Deadline for new CCP students

Transcript Deadline

Testing Deadline for CCP Eligibility

New Students: Deadline for Registration in Session A & Full-term (online or at NCSC)

Current Students: Deadline for Registration in Session A & Full-term (online or at NCSC)

Session A & Full-term courses begin

14-day Drop Deadline (no penalty) for Session A & Full-term

Last Day to Withdraw with a "W" (Session A)

New Students: Registration Deadline for Session B

Current Students: Registration Deadline for Session B

Session A courses end

Session B courses begin

14-day Drop Deadline (No Penalty) for Session B

Last day to withdraw with a "W" (Full-term courses)

Last day to withdraw with a "W" (Session B)

Session B and Full-term courses end

Summer 2025 Semester

(Tentative Dates until 2025-26 NCSC calendar published)

Application Deadline for new CCP students

Transcript Deadline

Testing Deadline for CCP Eligibility

New Students: Deadline for Registration in Summer (online or at NCSC)

Current Students: Deadline for Registration in Summer (online or at NCSC)

Summer Semester Begins (Tue.)

14-day Drop Deadline (no penalty) for Summer

Last Day to Withdraw with a "W" (Summer)

Summer Term Ends