North Central State College North Central State College

Course Planning & Textbooks

We are here to help you navigate the resources and opportunities available to you as a CCP student.

Explore these tools. Schedule your advising appointment.

Your Advising Team

From your first semester through graduation, your CCP advising team will help you:

  • Identify and Map your Pathway – This simply means we help you build a plan to get to where you want to go, and help you use those guidelines to select your courses.
  • Learn your NCSC Student Software Platforms – For course registration (MyNC), course participation (Canvas), and your communication with the college (Microsoft 365 – Outlook for your NC Student email), there are new tools to use.
  • Prepare for Class & Persist through Challenges – Utilize self-management tools & college-provided resources to ease your adjustment into college coursework and the responsibilities that come with it. We want you to get the most return on the investment of your time and effort in CCP, and will share strategies with you to do so (accountability, self-advocacy, time management, college transfer planning, etc.)

What to expect during advising:

The conversations we have during advising help us begin to understand the bigger picture of you, and help you get to know us. We want to know how to best support you in CCP. Understanding your current schedule and commitments, along with the goals and aspirations for the future helps us provide you with relevant guidance to support you and your plans. Here are some topics you can expect to discuss with your advisor:

  • Tell us about you — interests, goals, activities, commitments, etc.
  • What led to your interest in CCP? What outcomes are you hoping to see? Are there HS graduation requirements remaining? How many college credits can you take through CCP this school year (your school counselor will provide this to you)? Does your schedule (for school or other commitments) change at different times of the year (fall/spring/summer)? What helps you learn best? What careers are interesting to you? What do you know so far about the education/training needed for that career field?


Degree & Transfer Planning Tools

Students can choose from various CCP-eligible courses and pathways. For the best transfer outcome, utilize these critical planning tools.

All students are asked to identify a pathway. Pathways serve as a roadmap to help you reach your destination. Keep your school counselor and your CCP Advisor updated as your goals develop and change.


  • Degree & Transfer Pathways – Where do you want to go? What profession do you want to pursue?
    • Share this with your CCP Advisor so we can help you work through course options to get you there. Pathways help you align your course options in CCP with your future plans/college degree.
    • Unsure? Answer a few questions here with the Career Coach tool for a few ideas to get you started.
  • Ohio’s Transfer Assurance Guides – Use this toolkit to help build your transfer plan.
    • Planning on your Bachelor degree? TAG, OT36 and Ohio’s Guaranteed Transfer Pathways are part of Ohio’s transfer credit toolkit. to help  navigate college planning and build your transfer plan — from CCP to college graduation!
  • Placement Test Scores/Prerequisites for CCP Courses (PDF)
    • Many CCP courses can be taken without taking the ACT or ACCUPLACER.
    • However, college English, Math, and some Science courses will require placement testing for registration approval
  • Articulation Agreements
    • Labs from partnering Career Centers could earn you college credits with NCSC and help you qualify for TFS!
  • NCSC’s Level 1 Courses
    • The first 15 college credits a CCP student takes must be from Level 1 courses.
  • Course Search
    • Take a look at NCSC course offerings by semester and location.
  • Career Coach
    • Career Coach explores connection between your interests and possible careers.
    • Have a career in mind? Use Career Coach to see how it aligns with your values and salary needs.
    • Choose the 6 or 60 question Career Toolkit survey.  Get immediate results on careers, average salary and regional demand.
  • College Catalog & Student Handbook
    • Review comprehensive NCSC course and policy information.

Check out eCampus, NCSC’s NEW Online Bookstore here.

Spring 2025: NCSC has a new bookstore - eCampus!

Carefully review the updated textbook instructions provided below.

Textbooks & Access Codes: Getting Course Materials

For courses embedded at the high school, the required materials are provided in class.

For courses meeting online or at NCSC, you must take action to get the required materials. *Review the steps below.

First, read this. Then check what is needed for your course.

Many courses use OpenStax or Open Educational Resources (OER), for which no purchase is required. Your instructor provides access.


   Where will I find the required materials listed for a course? (Look for OpenStax/OER or an ISBN of the item to request.)

Required Materials are listed within each course description, on your schedule in MyNC, and on the bookstore site.
  • Using MyNC – go to your class schedule, click on the course number, and look under ‘Required Materials’.
  • Using the eCampus Bookstore site – enter the course number and section from your schedule.


Second, verify you are following your school's CCP textbook and course materials policy.

Then, select the statement below that applies to you.

  • First, confirm your CCP Textbook Policy/Process with your school counselor or principal.

    Then, if your school instructs you to get the materials from NCSC/with a NCSC voucher, complete the following steps:

    • Using your NCSC Student Email, send an email to cashier@ncstatecollege.edu, requesting the required course materials.
    • Your email must include:
      • Full Name
      • Name of High School or Middle School
      • NCSC Student ID Number
      • Phone number and home mailing address, including city and zip code
      • Digital or physical book preference. (*Refer to and abide by your school’s CCP textbook policy, when submitting your order to the Cashier’s Office.)

    The Cashier’s Office will submit the student’s order to eCampus.

    For high schools hosting CCP courses, registered students are provided materials in class. Questions? ccp@ncstatecollege.edu.

    • Talk to your school counselor. They will assist you with obtaining materials for your CCP-Funded courses.
    • Typically if you are self-paying for CCP courses, then you must also plan to pay for your textbooks/codes, unless your school assists otherwise.
      • If you purchase your textbook(s) from NCSC’s eCampus bookstore, make sure you order the correct edition and bundle for your NCSC course(s).
      • If you purchase or rent your book elsewhere, please be sure to check the edition, ISBN, and bundle, where applicable.

  • CCP Students of a home school are responsible for textbook costs or rental fees (ORC 3365.07, 3365.09)

    • If you purchase your textbook(s) from NCSC’s eCampus bookstore, it is the correct edition and bundle for your NCSC course(s).
    • If you purchase or rent your book elsewhere, please be sure to check the edition, ISBN, and bundle, where applicable.

*CAUTION: If you are a student of Pioneer CTC, or of Mansfield Christian, Mansfield St. Peter’s or another nonpublic school, speak with your school counselor and inform them of the required course materials you need. Your counselor will assist you with getting the materials.

Important Textbook Reminders

  • IF YOU REGISTER FOR AN ADDITIONAL COURSE AFTER OBTAINING  YOUR BOOKS, you must contact your Academic Advisor before submitting a second book order to the Cashier’s Office.
  • IF YOU TAKE ACTIONS THAT DO NOT COMPLY WITH YOUR SCHOOL’S POLICY, you will be charged for materials improperly obtained by a voucher.
  • YOUR SCHOOL WILL BE THE OWNER OF THE TEXTBOOKS. After completing the semester, return any textbook(s) to your school in good condition, or they can charge you for the textbook