North Central State College North Central State College

CCP Orientation & Registration

You are a college student now!

Orientation & Advising introduces you to tools to help you prepare for success in college, including NCSC resources and support teams, and why pathway mapping is essential to maximizing transfer credit. To complete orientation, review the each page of the module, and answer the questions at the end. Upon completion of CCP Orientation, you can schedule your first term CCP Advising and Registration appointment.
Topics Include

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Advising: Pathways, Courses & & Registration

Once you’ve completed orientation, you’ll be able to schedule your CCP advising and registration appointment. The CCP team supports you with college/program planning resources, and helps you align your academic path with your long-term goals. We want to learn more about you, your goals, and any questions or concerns you may have, so that we can assist accordingly. We can’t wait to meet you!

If undecided, the Ohio Transfer Promise can be a great place to start. This is a comprehensive, statewide transfer guide, supporting increased access to education and ease of transferring credit amongst Ohio’s public colleges and universities. This assists students, like you, utilize tools such as Ohio Transfer 36 (OT36), Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways (OGTP), Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG), Career Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG) and Apprenticeship Pathways.

Questions you may hear during advising:

  • What areas of study, or career paths, are you considering?
  • What are your weekly activities/commitments? (i.e. job, volunteer, extracurriculars) Does that change during the school year? In summer?
  • What graduation requirements do you have remaining? Have you confirmed this with your school counselor and discussed your CCP plans? How many college credits did your counselor confirm you can take this year (after factoring in your high school credits for the year)?
  • Do you have a current Intent to Participate form submitted to your school counselor (public school) or to your OH|ID Account (nonpublic and homeschool funding application)? This is due annually, by April 1.

To Register for Courses held at NCSC or Online

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To Register for CCP Courses held at High School

If you stay at your high school and take NCSC courses, remember you are an NC State student, with access to NC State student resources — even if you’re not taking an on-campus class! Take advantage of resources such as CCP Student Orientation, Career Services, Academic Advising, Tutoring Center, Campus Activities, Campus Recreation Center, Bromfield Library and Information Commons, Student Computer Labs, and IT and tech support.

You will work closely with your school counselor for registration in CCP courses based at your high school.

  • Once you are registered for class you can stop in Byron Kee Center for Student Success to get your NCSC Student ID card. This provides you access to even more —  loads of discounts at area businesses and restaurants, a $5 printing credit each semester, free RTA transportation, and student events on campus!

Current CCP Students and MyNC Registration

After your first course at a NCSC campus or online, you have an option for self-registration in MyNC, with advisor approval.
  • *CCP students must get advisor approval of a course plan each semester. This allows you to register for the course(s).*
  • Set a reminder for the month before registration opens. It’s the ideal time to discuss course questions with your CCP advisor, build your next semester plan, and secure advisor approval of your planned courses.
    • MARCH: Plan and get MyNC approval of your Summer or Fall semester course plans. (Registration opens in April).
    • OCTOBER: Plan and get MyNC approval of your Spring semester course plan. (Registration opens in November.)
  • After approval in MyNC, you must select a section (when/where/how it meets) and then click ‘Register’.
  • *Until you click ‘Register’ and MyNC shows a number of enrolled credits, you are not registered in the course.*
  • Getting early approval on your course plan positions you for priority registration with the Undeclared majors.
  • Opening dates for each semester’s priority registration (by major) are listed on the NCSC Academic Calendar.
  • In summary:
    1. Each semester, you and your advisors build a tentative semester course plan in MyNC.
    2. Your advisor approves the courses in MyNC for you to register
    3. You log in to MyNC, select your section and click ‘Register’
    4. This will complete your course registration and secure you a seat in the course.