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Life Experience Leads to Passion

Through her life experience, Meri Etzwiler found her passion.  She wants to be able to make a difference in others’ lives who may be struggling.  Etzwiler is a human and social work services student at North Central State College.  “I want a career where I can see that I matter to people,” she explains.  “I want to see people improving with smiles on their faces and help make a difference.  It’s important to me.”

Etzwiler has struggled with mental health issues, including substance use disorder, since she was a teenager.  She experienced a lot of tragedy, including the death of her sister.  She felt her life was spinning out of control and began using alcohol as a coping mechanism.  “I never learned any positive coping skills, that is where things hurt me in my life.  I didn’t know how to deal with stress and trauma,” Etzwiler says.  Now in her 40’s, she wants to help people learn that help is available.  That’s why she chose to study human and social work services.  “I want people to know they are not alone.”

Human and social work services is a profession that focuses on helping children, adolescents, and adults with a variety of needs, such as mental health, substance abuse, physical disabilities, and more.  Graduates with an associate degree can be certified as an assistant social worker through the state of Ohio.

Etzwiler tried college several other times before finally finding her place at North Central State College.  While visiting the college as a job shadow with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, I stopped in the TRiO office.  “I didn’t know programs like that existed for students, especially students like me.  It made me realize that if there is this kind of support here I could go back to school and I can graduate.”

The TRiO Student Support Services program provides a variety of educational support services for first-generation students, low-income and/or students with disabilities.  The purpose of the program is to increase college retention, graduation and transfer rates for eligible members.

“I have been through a lot on my own and I have always been able to relate to counselors and social workers who helped me through tough times,” Etzwiler says.  “I know there are some challenges where I will have to be able to separate my experiences from the experiences of my clients.  I feel like those life lessons have helped me empathize and understand what others may be going through.  I know the difficulties people face.  But I know I can’t solely rely on my experiences, that’s why it’s incredibly important to get the education so I can help others in the right way.”

She says she feels comfortable talking to others as a peer but she is looking forward to learning more about the technical side of social work and human services.  She wants to learn as much as she can about being a professional clinician and to work as a member of the treatment team.

“I have two main instructors that are in human and social work services department, Molly McCue and Christine Lynch.  I consider them to be the utmost professionals and I feel fortunate that I get to learn from them,” she says.  “I feel like after I finish my studies, I can contact them and ask for guidance and advice.”

Etzwiler will graduate in the spring of 2021.  She is currently working on completing her chemical dependency course and will be eligible to get a certification for a chemical dependency counseling assistant.  She is planning on continuing her education following obtaining her associate degree.  “I am excited about getting into the field and making as much of an impact as I possibly can on others’ lives.”

COVID-19 @ NC State

Important information for Students, Faculty & Staff

  • The following protocols are in place for everyone at NC State:

    • Well-fitted masks are required when inside all NC State buildings, unless you are alone in your office.
    • Maintain social distancing whenever possible.
    • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer when washing your hands is not possible.
    • Cough into your elbow.
    • Try not to touch your eyes and nose.
    • We ask you to self-monitor your personal health.
    • Stay home if you are sick, especially with flu-like symptoms.

  • Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases.

    Symptoms* may appear 2-10 days after an exposure. They include:

    • Fever
    • Coughing/sneezing
    • Shortness of breath
    • Sore throat
    • Sinus Infection
    • Headache
    • Body aches
    • Intestinal distress or vomiting

    *New variants, including Delta and Omicron have included new symptoms. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.

  • Each COVID quarantine situation is dependent on a number of variables. Current guidelines regarding your need to isolate and/or quarantine can be determined by clicking here.

    In no case should you return to campus with symptoms. If you test positive for COVID, please complete the form at this link, and an administrator will call you to discuss your situation.

    If you are a student, you also need to contact your faculty members to make sure they know you have been affected by COVID-19.

  • Deep Cleaning every night

    All public spaces, classrooms and labs that are in use are cleaned and disinfected every night.

    Sanitize during the day

    Spray bottles with sanitizer are provided in every classroom and lab. student spaces should be misted between classes.

    Air ionization

    The air handling units in all NC State buildings have been updated with UV ionization units that clean the air being circulated.

NC State COVID-19 Response

December 17, 2020,

Dear Colleagues,

Starting a new term in the New Year – safely

I strongly believe we are all ready to put 2020 behind us. It was difficult, disruptive, and we will remember the struggle for a long time. COVID affected everyone in numerous ways.

We are ready to move on, and ready for a fresh start. Welcome 2021 – and welcome to the spring 2021 semester. Our goal is to begin the new semester as safely as possible.

Starting January 11, we will begin the semester totally online for the first week. All classes will meet online for that first week, and no in-person, on-campus classes will be held until Tuesday, January 19th. Staff will also work remotely until Tuesday, January 19th. Students scheduled for off campus clinical/practicum/fieldwork courses should verify assignments with their faculty.

We are doing this to allow 14 days following the holidays so that any COVID exposure from holiday activities will greatly minimize exposure between each other and within our offices and classrooms.

We will need to redouble our efforts to serve our students and each other as we begin the new semester. It’s an important time for North Central State College to continue to provide quality instruction for our students. And it is equally important to provide support through advising, tutoring, technology and access to wrap around services like community resources and emotional support.

We are sending a similar email to the students that includes the following: We will redouble our efforts to provide instruction, advising, tutoring, technology and help you connect to any community resources you need. We can also provide assistance through access to computers if you need them. Steps to access our Online Zoom Tutoring Center on this page. You can also email Barb Keener (bkeener@ncstatecollege.edu) and she will be able to assist you. Also remember that WiFi access is available from parking lot hot spots around many of our buildings on campus.

As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, please consider getting yours. Two of our local health providers – Fisher-Titus and Ohio Health — have prepared responses to frequently asked questions. Please review this information. It dispels much of the misinformation surrounding the vaccine, which is key to helping us regain a sense of normalcy in our lives.

What a wonderful wish for a New Year.

Happy Holidays,

Dorey Diab, Ph.D.

President & CEO

North Central State College

Achieving the Dream Leader College of Distinction

May 4, 2020

Finally, it’s finals week. May the fourth be with you!

You made it. I am so incredibly proud of you. You have overcome so many obstacles to complete spring semester. Well done.

If you have completed your program, this Friday would have been your graduation ceremony, one of my favorite days of the year. Our administrative team is working on plans now to reschedule the graduation ceremony. It’s imperative that we honor the governor’s closing order, maintain social distancing and accommodate the pandemic safety precautions.

As graduates you join thousands of NC State alumni who, during this time, are on the front lines working in healthcare, public service and as first responders. We are so proud of them all. Like you, they earned an education that is making a difference in their lives, as they serve the needs of so many throughout our community.

If you have additional studies to complete, sign up for summer and fall classes before you leave for the summer break. Most classes will continue to be taught in the distance-learning format this summer. We are developing plans to accommodate students needing lab and practicum hours. Your instructor and dean should be in contact with you to arrange how these can be completed.

In closing, whether you are planning to return this summer or this fall, transfer your credits to another institution or enter the workforce and practice your new profession, be proud of your time here at NC State. Just as I am proud of you.

I look back with appreciation for your persistence and all that we have overcome this spring; and I look forward with hope. We have accomplished so much together. We have not allowed the current crisis to derail your education. Learning to work together effectively may be one of the greatest outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Well done one and all,

Dorey Diab, Ph.D.

President & CEO

North Central State College

Achieving the Dream Leader College of Distinction

April 28, 2020

Dear students,

Throughout the required shift to distance learning, I have heard consistently from your instructors, our staff and my leadership team how well you have adapted, how hard you have worked, and how dedicated you are to continuing your education. I am so proud of you.

Congratulations to the class of 2020

As we await the reopening plan that Governor DeWine and his team are finalizing, we look forward to finishing the spring semester. For many, we offer congratulations on the completion of your degree. I wish I could welcome you to the stage next Friday and present you with your diplomas. Please know that we are working on rescheduling that event, pending approval from the Governor on large gatherings, and will contact you as soon as we have secured a suitable time, location and plan to provide a safe graduation ceremony for everyone.

Don’t give up on your dream of a college education and a better quality of life

If you are a continuing student, now is the time to finalize your plan for summer and fall enrollment. We will make it through this current emergency and we will continue to do everything possible to not allow this crisis to inhibit the pursuit of your educational goals. If you have questions, reach out to your advisor, a faculty member or student services for additional information.

We continue waiting on guidelines to distribute the CARES Act funds

We are waiting the federal approval of the amount of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funds that will be made available to NC State students. There is a tentative plan and process ready to be implemented once we get the go ahead. Please watch your email for more information on how and when to apply for CARES Act funding.

This spring will be remembered for a long time. I will remember how everyone rose to the challenges as they were presented, and how we came together to meet the diverse needs of our students. I end this letter in the same way I began – sharing the pride I feel for your efforts and for your accomplishments.

Well done one and all,

Dorey Diab, Ph.D.

President & CEO

North Central State College

Achieving the Dream Leader College of Distinction

April 20, 2020

Dear students,

As we begin our fifth week of distance learning, you may have heard Governor Dewine’s announcement that the State of Ohio is planning for the gradual reopening of businesses starting on May 1. This is possible because of everyone’s efforts to flattening the curve and minimizing the impact on our health systems. The objective of the stricter guidelines is to lessen the potential future resurgence of COVID-19.

This week, your instructors will be sharing this message with you. I hope you will think about the effort you have given, and the dreams you had when you began your education. I believe in each and every one of you and encourage you to continue your education.

Spring to Summer to Fall to Success

Thank you for your effort this spring. A lot has changed, and the transition to online learning was a challenge for everyone. We’re proud of the way you met this challenge.

Now it’s time to plan for the next step in your education. Registration is open for both summer and fall semesters. Summer classes will continue using the distance-learning format. The full format for fall semester classes has not been decided. Summer is a great time to take a class or two, look ahead to fall, and make sure you are ready to continue your momentum toward your goals. If we can answer any questions or help you enroll for summer and fall, contact your adviser, or admissions, for more information today.

No matter where you want to go, you can get there from here.

CARES Act monies will be available soon

We are waiting to hear when the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funds will be available. We are working now to plan on ways we will be able to provide access to the funds to meet the needs of our students. We will provide more information as soon as it is available.

As a closing note, our primary goals remain to ensure your safety, and to do everything we can to help you be successful. Keep up the great work.

With appreciation,

Dorey Diab, Ph.D.

President & CEO

North Central State College

Achieving the Dream Leader College of Distinction

April 13, 2020

Do you need computer time and printing to finish your course work?

Welcome to mid-April, it is hard to believe that there are just a couple weeks of classes to go and then finals week. As you continue working to complete your studies, we want to make sure you have every support we can provide to help you be successful in your current classes, and prepare you for the next step in your studies.

The questionnaire to review any challenges you are having is still available by clicking here.

In addition, we’ve heard that many students are in need of some computer time and printing to complete their course work. Barb Keener is going to provide access to the computer lab in Fallerius beginning this week. To maintain the safety of everyone, you must schedule in advance for this service. Barb will schedule a day and time for you to complete your work in the lab. Email bkeener@ncstatecollege.edu and include approximately how much time you will need to complete your work.

I’m proud of the work you are doing to complete your work, and I’m proud of every employee and instructor for stepping up to help you succeed in new ways this semester. None of us envisioned the turns that this spring semester would take. It looks like we will finish the semester using distance learning, and continue it throughout the summer.

If we continue our efforts throughout the end of this crisis, we will all succeed. You’ll be able to look at the education you’ve earned through your hard work and persistence, and we’ll be able to say that we did everything we could to help make it happen.

Stay hopeful, healthy, resilient and safe,

Dorey Diab, Ph.D.

President and C.E.O.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dear students of North Central State College,

We’re settling in, hunkering down and making a difference – both with, and for, YOU!

Week three is underway and we continue to hear examples of students who are excelling in their studies; and faculty and staff who are helping students overcome their unique struggles. Last week we sent a questionnaire to every student asking them to share any difficulties they are having. We received 131 responses so far, and we’ve connected with every respondent to assist them in overcoming their challenges.

The key for us is that we did not hear from nearly 3,000 students. We hope they are getting along well. But there is a lot of ground to cover to complete the spring 2020 semester. If anything changes, or if new challenges pop up – reach out. We will respond and do our best to find a solution that meets your needs. The questionnaire is available at https://ncstatecollege.edu/distance-learning-questionnaire/.

We are working hard to help you stay on track toward your goals and maintain your trust so that you feel confident in continuing to pursue you educational dream with NC State. Together we can make it through this emergency. Together we will support you as you complete spring, even if that means portions of your work continues this summer. That flexibility is important as we help you, and every student, gain the skills and knowledge you need to continue your studies.

I encourage you not to give up on yourself or your education. I encourage you to continue planning for what’s next on your path toward completing your education. You’re worth it. You matter. I believe in you.

Dorey Diab, Ph.D.

President & CEO

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Dear students, faculty and staff of North Central State College,

As we end the second week of distance learning, I am encouraged by all of the effort everyone is making to keep our students on track toward their goals, while we all remain safe through our social distancing efforts.

One of the questions I hear most often is, when can we return – to campus, to normal, to how things were before? The answer is, I don’t know. We are taking it one day at a time, with no expectations of returning to campus before the end of the semester. Both the Governor and the President are calling for social distancing efforts to continue until at least May 1st. Consensus shows that social distancing is slowing the spread of COVID-19. We currently will continue our distance learning efforts, and campus closure until further notice. I will let you know as soon as it is possible to return to campus.

This week we sent a questionnaire to every student asking them to share any difficulties they are having. We have received more than 100 responses so far. Many students are challenged with some form of technology needs to help them complete coursework. Some have difficulties balancing their studies with family obligations. I was pleased to see that a few students returned their questionnaire to let us know they are doing well. I appreciate that, and recognize the hard work that it is taking to maintain student success.

As we approach week three of our distance learning format, we know that the calendar shows that we are approaching the end of the semester as planned. We are working behind the scenes to plan how we can help students complete their coursework, lab work and clinical needs as expeditiously as possible. We are doing everything we can to help them stay on track toward their goals. Together we can make that goal a reality.

Continue to reach out to faculty, advisors, tutors, friends and more as we continue working through spring semester.

I am very proud of each of you for your commitment during these challenging times.

Dorey Diab, Ph.D.

President & CEO

Monday, March 30, 2020

To: Our amazing NC State students

From: Dorey Diab, President

Re: Moving forward despite the challenges

No words can express the gratitude I have for your effort as we transition all of your coursework to distance learning. I encourage you to remain committed to your dream of a college degree. I give you my personal assurance that we will do everything we can to help you during these challenging times because you matter.

You matter to us as both a student and as a future leader for our community.

How did the first week of distance learning go? I’ve heard of some difficulties. But for every challenge, I’ve heard numerous stories where faculty, staff and other students are helping each other to find solutions to meet those needs. Please reach out to your instructors if you need assistance. If they can help, I know that they will. I also know that they can refer you to additional resources like tutoring, counseling and more that might help you succeed.

Our immediate focus remains helping each student finish this semester safely and successfully.

As this crisis continues, we will continue to learn together even though we no longer see each other face-to-face. Let’s not allow social distancing to become social disconnecting. The days ahead require us to communicate, stay in touch and work together; resolve to continue to be resilient, keep a strong, positive spirit and move forward with courage – together.

Together we will survive this evolving global pandemic. Together we will succeed.

Keep up the great work, because at North Central State College, you matter.

I believe in each of you,

Dr. Dorey Diab

President and C.E.O.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Governor Dewine issues ”Stay-at-Home” order signed by Dr. Acton

The Governor of the State of Ohio has issued a statewide Stay-at-Home order that will go into effect at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 23, 2020.

This requires yet another adaptation of our plans to serve the needs of our students. North Central State College will comply with the Governor’s order. Beginning Tuesday, March 24th all offices will close until further notice. This includes the Child Development Center on our Main Campus.

If you need to pick up any materials, equipment, books, lab materials, etc. from the college, we will accommodate access on Monday, March 23rd. Contact the building administrator to schedule your visit:

Kehoe Center – Greg Timberlake 419-755-4740

Health Sciences – Kelly Gray 419-755-4823

Fallerius – Deb Hysell 419-755-4894

Byron Kee – Tom Prendergast 419-755-4712

Crawford Success Center – Amanda Sheets 419-755-9041

Please make arrangements to pick up everything you need from the college by the end of business on Monday, March 23rd.

Online resources and Student Services offices will work to continue meeting your needs using phone, email, zoom, canvas and other resources. Please check the links below regularly as we will continue to post updated information on the web pages for NC State’s Coronavirus Response including:

Important messages and updates: click here

Resources for students available online: click here

Frequently asked questions: click here

During this emergency, please check your email account daily for important updates and information.

Thank you for your understanding during this ongoing emergency situation. Everyone at NC State is committed to helping you continue your education successfully, while we also take every precaution to keep you and our employees healthy and safe.

As your President, I am committed to bringing every resource at my disposal to make sure these goals are accomplished. I am confident we will make it through this pandemic together.

Dorey Diab, President and C.E.O.

Friday, March 20, 2020

An update on the College’s Response to COVID-19 from President Diab 

In just two short weeks a lot has changed about the Spring 2020 Semester. I want to thank our faculty and staff for working so quickly to transition our courses into formats that allow distance learning wherever possible. I also thank each of you for your willingness to adapt to the realities required because of the continuing Coronavirus/CORVID-19 pandemic.

As your classes resume using distance learning next week, we will implement more changes in an effort to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Starting Tuesday, March 24, and until further notice, NC State staff members will be working from home. Access to some divisions and departments will require email or leaving a message so you can receive a return phone call. This change will include all offices in student services and advising. There are numerous connections to support services available online. Our newest page was built specifically to assist student during these challenging times.

All NC State buildings will be closed. The only exceptions will be:

  • Health Science Labs as necessary and arranged with your instructors.
  • Kehoe Center Labs as necessary and arranged with your instructors.
  • Offices in Byron Kee will be working remotely from home. Contact information is available online at https://ncstatecollege.edu/student-services/
  • Crawford Success Center: please contact Ms. Amanda Sheets at 419-755-9041
  • Fallerius 144 Computer Lab will be available for students needing access to a computer and the internet. This room will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Please enter Fallerius through the doors marked “A1” at the north end of the building. Students will adhere to the safety precautions and social distancing. Facility personnel will ensure proper cleaning and disinfection.
    • Additional computer labs may be opened if necessary.

The conditions we are facing are unprecedented and continually evolving as we continue to stay abreast of the recommendations and directives from the State of Ohio.

NC State has two primary objectives. First, we are committed to ensuring the safety of every member of our College community. Second, we want to make sure each of you continue toward your educational goals successfully.

Thank you for your efforts. We will get through this crisis – together!

Dorey Diab

President and C.E.O.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Student Anxiety during the Coronavirus Pandemic. 

For many students, a lot is changing right now. This handout was prepared by UC Berkeley to assist students, faculty and staff recognize their own anxiety, and the signs of anxiety in others. NC State as a number of resources available for students and employees to seek assistance in these challenging times. Talk with an instructor, your supervisor or anyone in an office of NC State and we will work with you to connect. Go to Personal Counseling for more information.

This is an image of a resource page to help students manage their fear and anxiety regarding Coronavirus/COVID19.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Classes will meet Wednesday, March 18th, Thursday, March 19th and Friday, March 20th to review how you and your instructors will collaborate to complete the semester successfully. 

If you have been contacted by your instructor and have a plan in place to continue your studies, you do not need to attend class in-person. Please contact your instructor if you have questions or need assistance.

If you have not heard from your instructor, please plan to attend your regularly scheduled class at the scheduled time, and be prepared to discuss your individual needs as a student – especially regarding your online access to course materials from off campus locations and to make special arrangements.

Everyone at NC State is working hard to ensure your success as we transition through these difficult times. Thank you for your patience and your efforts as we work together to complete the Spring 2020 term successfully.

Thank you for all you do to keep our campus safe for everyone.

March 11, 2020

Spring Break extended through Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

NC State College will be open for faculty and staff ONLY with NO classes on Monday and Tuesday, March 16-17.

CCP courses taught by high school faculty will continue their regular schedule at this time.

Students will return to campus on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday March 18-20 so faculty and staff can meet with them once to determine whether each student has access to a computer or internet outside of the college.  If students do not have access to technology, packets will be prepared with assignments, exhibits, lecture notes, etc.

We have decided to curtail holding face-to-face classes beginning Monday, March 23, 2020. 

This means we will transition to Canvas, Zoom, and electronic formats.  At the same time, we are committed to ensuring the success of every student enrolled at NC State.  During these times, college offices will remain open.

Courses that cannot be moved online will have alternate plans that will be communicated to students.  This change is being made in the best interest of public health while ensuring the continuity of student education.

Infectious disease experts including the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and the Ohio Department of Health agree that proper hand hygiene and social distancing will be most effective in controlling the spread of COVID-19. Social distancing is simply actions that reduce large gathering of people to slow the spread.  The College intends to scale up our support to students, faculty and staff to provide resources for those who may be unfamiliar with online education or other alternative delivery methods.

Currently there are no known members of the North Central State College who have tested positive for COVID-19.

Plans are in place to ask faculty and students about their travel as they return from spring break.

Furthermore, North Central State is suspending all out-of-state travel.  In addition, travel that is in-state, pre-paid, and deemed mission critical may only continue if approved by College administration.

“NC State is taking the necessary steps to preserve safety and public health that are in the best interest of our students and employees,” said Dr. Dorey Diab, President of North Central State College.  NC State students are able to access updates to campus information regarding the COVID-19 online at: https://www.ncstatecollege.edu/corona-response.

Students and employees are highly encouraged to follow the health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including:

  • If you are sick, or have mild symptoms of fever or cough, stay home.
  • Seek medical attention if you are seriously ill.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Hand sanitizer is less effective than washing. Make sure it contains at least 60%alcohol.
  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough using a tissue and dispose of it properly.
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people whether they appear sick or not.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Get a flu shot if you have not already done so.
  • Avoid shaking hands.

“The safety of our North Central State students, faculty, staff, and community is of the utmost importance,” said Dr. Dorey Diab, president of NC State.  “The College will make adjustments as necessary following state recommendations to make these temporary changes as tolerable as possible. We encourage students to keep an open line of communication with their faculty members, and employees with their supervisors, and check-in frequently for the latest campus updates.”

Fostering Education Across Campus

“I feel like I have a voice about my experiences, and I want to use it.”  Being a child raised in foster care Isaac Adhola faced many challenges.   Originally, from the Columbus area, Adhola came to Richland County within the foster care system and enrolled in school at Ontario High School.

“I moved in with a pastor and his wife,” he says.  “I was blessed enough to be in only one home during my time in foster care.”  However, he understands that his situation was not the same as everyone else’s.  “A lot of times a child moves from one house to another and that breaks the certainty of love.  Expecting to be heartbroken emotionally was the main psychological thing to happen.   Foster children can easily feel like no one really cares about them.”

Adhola says he relied on his faith to get him through the tough times.   It is his faith and believing he could have a better future that leads him to North Central State College.  “I met a former employee of the college while attending a local church.  She told me I should definitely go to college and that she would help me out,” he explains.  “After that, we met and discussed the courses I would take and soon after I was enrolled in classes.”  Adhola is currently studying graphic design.  While attending classes, Adhola was asked to speak about his experience as a foster child.

North Central State College is one of 19 colleges and universities across Ohio, working to improve the success rate of youth as they transition from the foster care system, into higher education.  The Short-Term Certificate Foster Youth Grant equally divides $385,000 in short-term certificate funding to help students from foster care earn credentials and certificates that will help them achieve their academic and career goals.

Adhola recently testified before the Children Services Transformation Advisory Council as they collected evidence on reforming Ohio’s foster care system.  He shared his experience in the foster care world.  “My goal is to discuss the mental aspects and its effect on kids.  I realized the panel is viewing foster care from the outside and most likely get their view of the system from the news,” Adhola says.  “In order to help somebody, you need to know what’s going on.  My whole goal was to get the group to understand why there are barriers and to help them see what they can do better and make it easier for students to succeed outside of the foster care system.”

He says the coaching and support he has received from NC State has been invaluable in helping navigate both college and life since his emancipation from the system.

In 2016, Ohio raised the foster care age from 18 to 21 so that young adults can opt to stay longer in the system.  However, after Adhola graduated high school, he left the foster care system.  According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, by age 21, just 43 percent of former foster youths in Ohio had a school diploma or equivalent.  He wants to help change that statistic.

“I believe this is my time to open others’ eyes to see that we are equal and to not forget about the children who many have already forgotten,” he says.

Adhola is looking forward to his educational journey. He plans to obtain his bachelor’s degree after graduating from North Central State College.   He also wants to continue to advocate for foster children across Ohio.  “I’m going to continue to this fight.  When I see pain, I just cannot be silenced.  That’s why I feel like I will continue to be an advocate for this issue.”

Sykes named Ms. Wheelchair Ohio

North Central State College student Laura Sykes has been named Ms. Wheelchair Ohio 2020.  She was crowned during a ceremony on campus Tuesday, February 11, 2020, in front of her friends, family, and classmates.

Ms. Wheelchair America originally started as a state contest in Ohio 22 years ago but has grown to the national level.  Sykes will now represent people with disabilities across the state.  “I really am honored.  I am looking forward to mentoring spinal cord injury survivors because I’ve gone through it myself.”

On November 13, 2015, a semi-truck hit the car Sykes was traveling in as a passenger.  Her vertebrae were shattered leaving her paralyzed.  She now wants to help educate those around Ohio about overcoming adversities.

“I chose to call my Ms. Wheelchair America platform ‘Sudden Impact’”. The title represents how a moment can impact every aspect of a person’s life and the lives of his/her family,” she explains.  “My primary goal will be to educate, support, and encourage spinal cord injury survivors to continue achieving their dreams.”

Sykes is also a standout student at North Central State College with a 3.9 GPA.  She is currently majoring in human services.  She is scheduled to graduate in spring 2021.

“We are very proud of Laura and all of her accomplishments.  She is not only a great representative of North Central State College with her academic success but also an inspiration to those all across the state of Ohio,”  said Dr. Dorey Diab, President of North Central State College.

Sykes will spend her time traveling around Ohio speaking on behalf of those with disabilities and sharing her courageous story.  In the summer, she will compete in the Ms. Wheelchair America in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Hard work pays off

From a young age, Alex Willacker knew exactly what he wanted to do for his career, he wanted to be an accountant.  While attending North Central State College, he honed his skills while his passion grew stronger. Now he is working his dream job as an accountant at RS Hanline, a multi-million dollar company in Shelby, Ohio.   The RS Hanline Company is one of the largest produce distributors in the Eastern United States providing ready to eat and packaged produce to some of the most reputable food service, retail, food manufacturing and wholesale distribution companies across the U.S.

Willacker’s passion for numbers began long ago.  In 8th grade, he had an opportunity to be a job shadow for a CFO of a company in Galion. “I shadowed him one day,” Willacker explains.  “We had a great time chasing receipts and looking for numbers.  I knew I always wanted to do something math-related.  It made it easy for me because when I began high school, I already knew I wanted to be an accountant.”

During his senior year at Colonel Crawford High School, Willacker learned about the College Credit Plus (CCP) program at North Central State College. CCP allows high school students who are college-ready to enroll in college classes while in high school.  Coming to NC State College was a great decision for him.  “I was grateful to be able to live at home while I got my degree at NC State,” he says.  “I also saved a great deal of money.  Some of my friends were attending a large four-year college and paying up to $35,000 a year.  Instead, I chose to stay close to home and take classes full-time, saving me thousands.”

It was classes like managerial accounting that helped him prepare for his future career. “I liked learning about the cost side of things,” he explains.  “In the classroom, the instructors make the assignments as realistic as possible and it was like being in the actual workplace.”

In 2012, Willacker graduated with his associate degree in accounting.  After graduation, he decided to continue his education by transferring to Franklin University as part of the 3 + 1 agreement, which allows students to complete their bachelor’s degree by taking additional classes at the Kehoe Center in Shelby or online.

Between obtaining his associate degree and bachelor’s degree, Willacker became a father.  He realized he needed to find a job to help support himself and his daughter.   “My daughter was born three weeks before my senior year of college.  That made it really tough, but thankfully I was able to take classes online,” he says.  “It was really convenient because I was still delivering pizzas at night so I could wake up in the morning, sit at the table and get my homework done.”

“After graduation, I went to interviews in Bucyrus, Marion, Mansfield…all over the area!  Those interviewing me said I was a great person, but I lacked experience.  I started to get discouraged, I thought I may have to go to a bigger city like Columbus to find an accounting position,” he explains.  Soon after, he heard about a position opening at RS Hanline in Shelby. “Thankfully they were looking for someone with a clean slate, and willing to learn about how they operate.  So, it worked out great.  I was hired.”

Willacker is responsible for accounts payable for five of the 11 companies RS Hanline operates.  “They treat me incredibly well here.  There is room for me to grow as a person and a professional.  With all of the new companies, I can’t even imagine where we are going to be five years from now.”

NEW Business Analytics Degree available at NC State

MANSFIELD, OHIO – North Central State College is offering a new associate degree in Business Analytics. Students will begin taking classes toward the new degree during the spring 2020 semester.

Business Analytics combines business knowledge (i.e. economics, management and marketing) with the use of processes and applications such as Microsoft Business Intelligence suite. Students will develop skills needed to improve business decision making through data analysis, critical thinking and problem-solving.

Representatives from accounting firms, manufacturing companies, banking institutions, health care providers and the non-profit sector helped North Central State College design this program.

Dr. Dorey Diab, president of North Central State College is pleased with the addition, “The need for employees with vision and insight to help businesses gather, analyze and make informed decisions is critical for the continuing viability of companies and institutions throughout the region. I am proud of our team and the work they completed to connect with area employers to develop this program to meet their needs.”

The Associate Degree in Business Analytics will provide opportunity for students of all ages – from current high school students taking College Credit Plus courses to currently employed workers who want to expand their skills and improve their careers. Many students will have the opportunity to complete internships to gain hands-on, real-world business experience.

“Almost every employer we meet with has expressed concern about hiring people with advanced skills. Certainly, this program will help answer those concerns and provide amazing career opportunities for our graduates,” stated Greg Timberlake, dean of the business, industry and technology division at NC State. “We live in a data-rich business climate today. Employees who can analyze and distill that information will become highly valued in every competitive market.”

Students enrolling in the Business Analytics program will also qualify for Choose Ohio First scholarship awards as part of their financial aid package. For the 2020-2021 school year, NC State has been awarded more than half a million dollars to assist student pursuing an education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical (STEM+M) programs.

For more information about the Business Analytics degree, go to www.ncstatecollege.edu/business-analytics.