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Taking Flight After Graduation

When she was a sophomore at Crestview High School, Emily Weaver discovered a way to challenge herself in academics and accelerate the pursuit of her future career.  Not only did she complete her associate degree (while still in high school), but she also served our country at the same time in the Air Force Reserves.

Through the College-NOW Business program, she became a full-time college student during her junior and senior years, allowing her to graduate high school with an associate’s degree. Weaver’s College-NOW classes met in Ashland, but were taught by professors from NC State.

“I chose to pursue the College-NOW Business program, which allowed me to work on my Associate of Arts in Business Administration,” she explained. “After two years, I ended up graduating both high school and North Central State College in the spring of 2024.”

Choosing NC State was important for Weaver because of College Credit Plus (CCP) and the College-NOW opportunities that allowed her to be enrolled in college and high school at the same time. She was the first student from Crestview in her grade to participate in the program. As she shared her experiences, more students became interested in the program, which also offers bioscience and engineering options.

“North Central gave me the work ethic and social skills that are highly sought after in any career path,” she said. “At first, adjusting from high school academics was challenging. I had a bad habit of procrastinating, but I knew I wanted a head start for my future career. The College-NOW program helped me learn how to study properly and put in the work needed for each class.”

In her junior year, she enlisted in the Air Force Reserves. She attended drill weekends once a month while finishing school and will leave for basic training in July, following her two graduations. Her drill weekends included briefings and training for basic skills needed in the Air Force.

The decision to join the Air Force Reserves was influenced by several factors, including financial assistance for college and the opportunity to travel. “I always knew I didn’t want to be trapped with debt for years after completing college,” she said. “The Air Force Reserves offer great benefits, and the job I chose, loadmaster, allows me to travel and handle cargo on C-130 planes.”

Balancing sports, a full college schedule,  Air Force duties, and a part-time job was challenging, but she managed it all with determination and support from her family. “My dad always told me I had to do things others weren’t doing to get ahead. I have big goals, and I knew I had to get going sooner rather than later. My family has really pushed me to be the best version of myself my entire life, and I am thankful for it now,” she says.  “I wouldn’t have gotten this far if it weren’t for them and North Central.”

“The instructors were wonderful, they always put so much into each student and gave us all of their attention and best effort.”

Her future plans include serving in the Air Force Reserves part-time while furthering her education in Marketing. She aims to either advance in the Air Force or work a civilian job while continuing to serve in the Reserves.

She encourages other students to take full advantage of CCP classes and the College-NOW program. “It offers students free college courses and can help them gain the skills they need for the future.”

At NC State, we congratulate Emily on her graduations, acknowledge her for breaking new ground for students from Crestview to follow, and thank her for serving our country in the Air Force Reserves.



North Central State College to hold Human Services & Social Work Career Expo/Job Fair

North Central State College is pleased to announce its upcoming Human Services & Social Work Career Expo/Job Fair, inviting the community to join in an effort to bolster the social work workforce within our community.

The event will provide networking opportunities for current professionals as well as prospective students interested in exploring careers in human services and social work. Enrollment advisors will be on hand to assist those interested in Human Services and Social Work careers, applying to a program or certificate, obtaining FAFSA guidance and scholarship opportunities for HMSV students.

It also aims to provide a platform for agencies to recruit employees and interns, as well as to share information about the vital services they offer. The Expo will take place Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Fallerius Building Conard Student Lounge at North Central State College.

In addition to networking opportunities, the Expo will feature a food truck offering complimentary refreshments, and a guest speaker.

Dr. Tonia Pace, organizer of the event, encourages all interested parties to attend and take advantage of this unique opportunity to connect with both potential employers and valuable resources.

To register go to

For more information about the Human Services & Social Work Career Expo/Job Fair, please contact Dr. Tonia Pace at

Students Crash Test Vehicles

On May 2, 2024, cutting-edge 3D printed vehicles, designed by engineering students from North Central State College, underwent crash testing at the Honda Marysville facility. Last year students in the program had a chance to bring their PVC vehicles to the facility to be crash-tested. This marks the first time the students designed and produced their vehicles using 3D printers.

The objective was to design a vehicle that would pass the major injury criteria from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for the head, thorax, and knee of a passenger if the vehicle was involved in a 19 MPH crash. Two distinct designs, crafted by separate teams of NC State engineering students, underwent rigorous testing each reaching speeds of 19 MPH.

During the tests, the vehicles were equipped with fully instrumented crash test dummies provided by Honda. The students’ vehicles showcased advanced safety features including custom belt systems and collapsible steering columns.

Despite the intensity of the tests, both crash test dummies passed injury requirements, marking a significant milestone in automotive engineering.

The Blue Vehicle Team, comprised of Kennadi Easter, Rebekah Haudenschild, Cheyenne Polen, and John Evans, and the Black Car Team, consisting of Noah Tuttle, Brady Zehe, Quinton Frankhouse, and Carson Barnes, demonstrated exceptional innovation and expertise, setting the stage for further advancements in vehicle safety technology.

According to the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC), over two million car accidents happen a year with over 40,000 deaths. Behind each of these numbers is a life tragically lost, and a family left behind.  The research conducted by engineering students at North Central State College aims to shed light on the safety measures inherent in vehicles, including 3D-printed go-karts, with the ultimate goal of potentially saving lives.


Go Kart Crashing into wallGO Kart crashing into wall

Innovative Pathways

Chance Mullins, a 20-year-old with a talent for mechanics, has taken an unconventional route through his education to find himself on the verge of a promising engineering career. On Friday, he earned his bachelor’s degree two years earlier than most traditional students by taking the path from CollegeNow to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology (BASMET).

Mullins’ journey began back in 2020 when he was a student at Ontario High School. It was during this time that he stumbled upon an intriguing opportunity – a chance to pursue a college associate’s degree while still in high school. This unique pathway, offered through the CollegeNow program, appealed to Mullins as a way to fast-track his education and enter the workforce sooner.

Chance Mullins stands in his graduation robe during graduation ceremony

Mullins went from CollegeNow, a two-year program that allows high school juniors to enter North Central State College on a track to earn their associate degree as they complete their last two years of high school, directly into his junior year of the bachelor’s degree program.

“I have an uncle who’s in engineering and I always thought what he did was interesting,” Mullins recalls. “And then my brother graduated from the North Central State College BASMET program. I just liked the structure of getting out of high school and getting the chance to get a degree.”

North Central State College’s BASMET

program teaches students advanced skills in designing and making high-quality products and systems through hands-on projects and instruction in computer software, math, science, and engineering. Graduates are well-prepared for competitive jobs in various industries.

Choosing this accelerated route meant that Mullins had to bid farewell to traditional high school experiences. Yet, in exchange, he gained access to a world of opportunities that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.

“My favorite part of the CollegeNow program was being around kids from other local schools. We got to have a lot of fun and do a lot of stuff you normally wouldn’t get to do in high school, like building our go-karts to race” he says.

As part of his academic journey, he embarked on an internship, a requirement for the Choose Ohio First scholarship he was awarded. Balancing full-time studies with a demanding internship wasn’t easy, but Mullins saw it as an investment in his future. His dedication paid off, as he now finds himself on the cusp of transitioning from intern to full-time employee.

“I ended up going to CNG; Charter Next Generation,” he explains. “I was full-time during my internship, so I was Monday through Friday, 40 hours. And then once I started back in the fall, my boss asked me if I wanted to stay on part-time. And I was like, yes please,” he says.

CNG, headquartered in Chicago, operates manufacturing facilities in four states, with a significant presence in Lexington, Ohio.  They produce blown, cast, and barrier solutions that are ideal for food, consumer, industrial, healthcare, and other protective applications.

“Following graduation, I will soon be interviewing for a full-time position with the company,” he says.

Mullins credits the unique opportunities available through programs like CollegeNow and Choose Ohio First for paving the way to his success.

Mullins advises, “It’s the best investment because I graduated with only paying about $200 out of pocket. There are so many opportunities for scholarships.”

As Mullins prepares to graduate at the age of 20, ahead of many of his peers, he acknowledges the sense of accomplishment.

“It feels weird to be graduating at 20 because a lot of my friends are still there in four-year colleges now,” he admits. ” I’m ready to start getting into the workforce already.”

For Mullins, the road to success hasn’t been without its challenges. From balancing rigorous coursework with real-world experience, he’s faced obstacles head-on and emerged stronger for it.

“We were tasked to make go-karts using PVC pipes, that’s what we were supposed to do, but it kind of got a little iffy because of COVID. So, it was hard trying to get some of the parts to come in. Ours didn’t end up getting finished just because of all the delays,” he recalls.

Despite the setbacks, Mullins remains undeterred in his pursuit. With a job offer on the horizon and a wealth of experience under his belt, he’s poised to make his mark in the field of engineering.

Mullins was one of 14 students who walked across the stage during the Spring 2024 commencement.

“It’s worth going on for your bachelor’s degree in the BASMET program at North Central because they have a bunch of other fun project classes you get to do and it saves you money,” he says with a smile.

As he looks towards the future, Mullins remains grateful for the support and opportunities that have shaped his journey thus far.


Graduation Ceremony

North Central State College will hold its graduation ceremony on May 10, 2024, at 7 p.m.  The ceremony will take place at the Campus Recreation Center, 2441 Kenwood Cir., Mansfield, OH 44906.  The 2024 Graduation Ceremony Keynote Speaker will be Jon Husted, Lieutenant Governor of Ohio.

This year, 333 North Central State College students have been invited to participate in the ceremony.  Immediately before the graduation, the processional will leave Ovalwood Hall and walk to the Campus Recreation Center.  Tickets for the event will not be available at the door.  Each graduate will be given a designated number of tickets before the ceremony.

The 2024 ceremony will be streaming live right here on and YouTube @ncstatecollege. 

Early College Leads to Engineering Career

Alex Berry is excelling in engineering, thanks to an early college program. Alex, a native of Creston, Ohio shared his insights into his educational experience and his aspirations for the future.

Alex began school at Norwayne High School for his first two years. However, his path shifted when he enrolled in the College Now Engineering program at North Central State College. “I began taking classes on campus in August of 2022,” Alex recalls, reflecting on his journey. “Before that, I took a couple of CCP at my high school.”

Now, Alex finds himself reaching a milestone, set to graduate with an associate degree in Engineering Technology at the end of the 2024 spring semester. His choice of North Central State College was driven by the opportunities afforded by College Now. “The program offers an opportunity to graduate with an associate degree in engineering technology,” Alex explains. “This program alone has jumpstarted my early career in engineering and allowed me to progress ahead.”

Reflecting on his academic journey, Alex emphasizes the pivotal role of North Central State College in shaping his future. “NCSC allowed me to have a leg up on many other applicants when I was applying to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida,” he says. The college provided him with an early understanding of the college workload, preparing him for higher education.

Grateful for the opportunities, Alex acknowledges the importance of scholarships in facilitating his academic journey. “I received the presidential scholarship from Embry Riddle along with a scholarship for being an out-of-state student,” he reveals. “Without these scholarships, I would not be able to afford and receive the level of education that I am pursuing.”

Alex’s involvement in the Honors College at North Central State has been equally transformative. “Being a part of the Honors College has allowed me to meet and interact with some amazing people,” he shares. “These interactions helped me make connections with people that I would never have met without being a part of the Honors College.” Throughout his time at NC State, Alex has undertaken and completed three projects, with a fourth currently underway. One of his projects focused on the application of geometry to land surveying.

A highlight of Alex’s academic journey was the opportunity to present his project at the Mid-East Honors College Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2023, an experience he describes as “truly an honor.” Interacting with diverse individuals and engaging with their presentations strengthened his social skills and broadened his horizons.

Looking to the future, Alex harbors ambitious dreams of working for NASA, specializing in astronautical engineering. “I would love to work for NASA because it will make me a part of something bigger than you or I,” he shares passionately. “The work that NASA does will forever change mankind, and being a part of that change is the dream.”

Alex attributes much of his success to the exceptional faculty and courses offered at North Central State College. “Many courses that I have taken have had a huge impact on my education,” he reflects. Among these, he highlights the CAD and design class as foundational to his growth as an engineer.

“If anyone is debating or thinking about becoming an engineer, this program is perfect,” he says. “You can receive an associate degree while still in high school. The program offers a huge jumpstart to your career, and if you decide to continue to a bachelor’s degree, it saves time and money.”

As Alex gets ready to work towards a bachelor’s degree at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, his story shows how education can change lives. With his determination and strength, he’s ready to make a big impact in engineering.


Solar Eclipse 2024

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Campus buildings will be closed/locked and students are not to come to campus.
  • All services and offices will be open virtually, except for designated employees who work in required service operations.
  • Online classes will continue as usual.
  • All regularly scheduled in person classes will be held in an online format. Faculty will inform their classes in advance.
  • Regular operations will resume on Tuesday, April 9.


Open House Registration

Explore Your Future!

Topics include

  • Degree and certificate programs offered at NC State
  • How to apply for admission
  • Completing the FAFSA and using Financial Aid
  • Earning Credit for Prior Learning
  • Using your College Credit Plus credits towards a degree
  • Student Support Services offered
  • All of the scholarships available for 2024-2025


March 27, 2024

Crawford Success Center – Bucyrus – Open House Crawford Success Center, 130 N Walnut St, Bucyrus, Ohio 44820
5:00PM – 7:00PM

  • Health Science, Business, Engineering Technology, Public Service, and Liberal Arts
  • Tour the facility
  • Meet the staff
  • Financial Aid Q & A
  • Find out how easy it is to enroll at NC State


Register for Crawford Success Center Open House, opens in a new window

April 3, 2024

Main Campus – Mansfield – Open House Byron Kee Center for Student Success, 2441 Kenwood Circle, Mansfield, Ohio 44906
10:00AM – 12:30PM

  • Health Science, Transfer, and Public Service
  • Tour the Health Sciences or Fallerius facilities
  • Financial Aid Q & A
  • Find out how easy it is to enroll at NC State


Register for Main Campus Open House, opens in a new window

April 12, 2024

Kehoe Center – Shelby Campus – Open HouseJames W. Kehoe Center for Advanced Learning, 175 Mansfield Ave., Shelby, Ohio 44875
10:00AM – 12:30PM

  • Business, Industry, Engineering Technology, and Transfer
  • Tour the facility
  • Financial Aid Q & A
  • Find out how easy it is to enroll at NC State


Register for Kehoe Center Open House, opens in a new window