North Central State College North Central State College

Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee Charge:

Provide support to all curriculum changes at the College, including addition, deletion, and degree requirements, and uphold curriculum compliance, quality and integrity.      

The committee has two major tasks:​
  • Review all curriculum changes made each academic year
  • Direct periodic evaluations of the overall curricula

The general philosophy of the committee is to provide support and assistance to faculty members who have perceived a need to alter the content of their curriculum or who have determined that the changes are appropriate as a result of past experience, advisory committee recommendation, or other controlling factors. The committee does not make content oriented decisions unless the content of a course represents a deviation from the mission of the college or duplication of content found in courses that already exist at the college.

Important  Links:

SHAREPOINT SYLLABI AND WORKSHEETS (Requires Login) Same as email for Faculty/Staff

Here is the Zoom link for the Virtual Room for CURRICULUM COMMITTEE 

Access to Curriculum (formerly known as Curriculog)


AY 2022-2023 Curriculum Handbook