Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Charge:
Provide support to all curriculum changes at the College, including addition, deletion, and degree requirements, and uphold curriculum compliance, quality and integrity.
- Review all curriculum changes made each academic year
- Direct periodic evaluations of the overall curricula
The general philosophy of the committee is to provide support and assistance to faculty members who have perceived a need to alter the content of their curriculum or who have determined that the changes are appropriate as a result of past experience, advisory committee recommendation, or other controlling factors. The committee does not make content oriented decisions unless the content of a course represents a deviation from the mission of the college or duplication of content found in courses that already exist at the college.
Important Links:
Here is the Zoom link for the Virtual Room for CURRICULUM COMMITTEE
Access to Curriculum (formerly known as Curriculog)
AY 2022-2023 Curriculum Handbook
ACCESS TO DIGARC- Remember, your login and password for Digarc is the same for email.
Here is the handbook for Curriculog, the curriculum changes software system.
Video HELP for
1. How do I even start using the curriculum system to make a change to a course? (7 1/2 minute youtube vide)
2020 Tutorial for using the VALUE rubrics in your CANVAS section.
VALUE Rubric for Oral Communication
VALUE Rubric for Critical Thinking
VALUE Rubric for Information Literacy
VALUE Rubric for Intercultural Knowledge and Competence