North Central State College North Central State College

Placement Testing and Assessment Services

Calendar of Events

Event Series ATI TEAS


124 Fallerius Hall

To register for an ATI TEAS date: Fill out one of the following forms: JAN-FEB Registration Form MARCH-APRIL Registration Form Email your completed form with your name and phone number...


ACCUPLACER Placement Testing

The Testing Center will offer ACCUPLACER in Fallerius, Room 124 (upper level). For information about testing at your high school or to schedule an on-campus ACCUPLACER for CCP, please call 419-755-4566.


ACCUPLACER Placement Testing

The Testing Center will offer ACCUPLACER in Fallerius, Room 124 (upper level). For information about testing at your high school or to schedule an on-campus ACCUPLACER for CCP, please call 419-755-4566.


ACCUPLACER Placement Testing

The Testing Center will offer ACCUPLACER in Fallerius, Room 124 (upper level). For information about testing at your high school or to schedule an on-campus ACCUPLACER for CCP, please call 419-755-4566.

Event Series ATI TEAS


124 Fallerius Hall

To register for an ATI TEAS date: Fill out one of the following forms: JAN-FEB Registration Form MARCH-APRIL Registration Form Email your completed form with your name and phone number...

Event Series ATI TEAS


124 Fallerius Hall

To register for an ATI TEAS date: Fill out one of the following forms: JAN-FEB Registration Form MARCH-APRIL Registration Form Email your completed form with your name and phone number to the Cashier’s Office at cashier@ncstatecollege.edu. The Cashier’s Office will then call you once your form has been received to make your payment over the phone...


ACCUPLACER Placement Testing

The Testing Center will offer ACCUPLACER in Fallerius, Room 124 (upper level). For information about testing at your high school or to schedule an on-campus ACCUPLACER for CCP, please call 419-755-4566.

Event Series ATI TEAS


124 Fallerius Hall

To register for an ATI TEAS date: Fill out one of the following forms: JAN-FEB Registration Form MARCH-APRIL Registration Form Email your completed form with your name and phone number...


ACCUPLACER Placement Testing

The Testing Center will offer ACCUPLACER in Fallerius, Room 124 (upper level). For information about testing at your high school or to schedule an on-campus ACCUPLACER for CCP, please call 419-755-4566.


ACCUPLACER Placement Testing

The Testing Center will offer ACCUPLACER in Fallerius, Room 124 (upper level). For information about testing at your high school or to schedule an on-campus ACCUPLACER for CCP, please call 419-755-4566.

Where to find the Testing Center

We have moved our Testing Center to the Fallerius Center, Room 124 (upper level) on main campus, 2441 Kenwood Dr, Mansfield, Ohio 44906.

  • Do I need to take the ACCUPLACER?

    How do I know if I need to take an ACCUPLACER Placement test?

    If you say YES to any of the following statements, you DO NOT need to take the ACCUPLACER.

    • My final cumulative (end of junior year) high school GPA was 2.5 or above.
    • I earned my GED since October 2019 and my scores in the following subjects were 165 or above:
      • Reasoning through Language Arts.
      • Mathematical Reasoning.
    • My ACT scores in the following subject areas were as follows:
      • Reading – 21 or above
      • English – 18 or above
      • Math – 21 or above
    • I transferred in credits from another college for the following courses:
      • ENGL-1010 – Basic Composition I
      • MATH-0084 – Intro and Intermediate Algebra
      • MATH-1110 – College Algebra
      • STAT-1010 – Probability & Statistics
    • I have already completed an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree (official credit must be transferred into NC State).

    What happens if I don’t meet any of the above criteria?

    You can choose to take the ACCUPLACER, but it is NOT required.

    • Students who do not wish to take a placement test may be placed into any of the following development courses:
      • ENGL-9920-Basic Composition I with a Lab
      • STAT-9920-Statistics & Probability with a Lab
      • MATH-0084-Intro and Intermediate Algebra.
    • If you transferred in an ENGL-1010, but not a math or statistics course:
      • You may still choose to take the math ACCUPLACER exam for your math placement.
    • If you transferred in MATH-0084, MATH-1110, or STAT-1010, but not ENGL-1010:
      • You may take the Reading and Writing ACCUPLACER exams for your English placement.


    Note: The first ACCUPLACER test for each student is FREE, however, effective May 1, 2012, a Non-Refundable fee of $25 applies to any Accuplacer retest.

    To register for an ACCUPLACER Retest:

    1. Schedule an ACCUPLACER retest, call: 419-755-4536
    2. Take the completed ACCUPLACER Retest Payment Form (PDF), opens in a new window and $25 payment to Cashier’s Office or call the Cashier’s Office to make payment over the phone at 419-755-4722.

  • When should you prepare?

    • Before taking the ACCUPLACER
    • Save time and money by preparing for the ACCUPLACER before testing. This can help avoid taking unnecessary classes as well as save on the need to retest.

    Ways to Prepare for the ACCUPLACER

    Online ACCUPLACER Next Generation Preparation

    Use any of the following sites for practice and review of Reading, Writing, or Math

  • Accuplacer Student Portal

    Effective February 2020, Accuplacer has launched a new Student Portal. This portal allows students to search their Accuplacer score reports and send their scores to a maximum of three colleges/universities.

    Students will need to have their Student ID number that was provided to them from the college/university that administered the test for which the student is searching for. If the student does not have their Student ID number, the student will need to contact the college/university that administered the exam.

    *Student ID numbers are unique and are not the same for each college/university.

    How to Use the Student Portal

    To use the Student Portal to lookup and send ACCUPLACER scores:

    • Step One: Go to the ACCUPLACER Student Portal, opens in a new window
    • Step Two: Enter the following information:
      • Student ID
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
      • Institution Country
      • Institution State
      • Student Institution (Name of the college/university you tested with)
    • If your information was found, ACCUPLACER will send you a link to your email address.
    • Once you receive the link in your email, you will be able to click on the “View Individual Score Report(s)” link. This will direct you to a website to view your scores. On this same screen you can click on the “Share Score Report” link and select the institutions in which you would like to send your score reports to.

  • The ATI TEAS is required for admission to:

    • Associate Degree Nursing
    • Practical Nursing Certificate

    The test is a 4-hour assessment that requires prior registration and fee payment at the Cashier’s Office, room 140 Kee Hall.

    Learn More About ATI TEASTEAS Test Resources
  • As a service to the students of other educational institutions, North Central State College can be utilized as a proctoring site for non-NC State exams or Accuplacer placement assessment for admission to another college. A $25 fee applies to each exam or Accuplacer assessment appointment.* Please contact the Proctoring Department to schedule your appointment at least five (5) business days prior to your exam due date to ensure sufficient time for all examination materials to be delivered, as well as individual proctor availability.

    For questions regarding Non-NC State Proctoring Services, please contact the Testing Center at proctoring@ncstatecollege.edu.

    * Franklin University students are not required to pay for Proctoring Services up front, as their institution is billed for this service at the end of each semester.

  • If you have a documented disability and qualify for accommodations, you will need to contact the Office of Specialized Support Services to make arrangements. Please contact the Coordinator of Specialized Support Services if you have any questions at 419-755-4727 or dheestand@ncstatecollege.edu.

    Learn More About Specialized Support Services