North Central State College North Central State College

Calendar of Events

Event Series ATI TEAS


To register for an ATI TEAS date: Fill out one of the following forms: SEP-OCT Registration Form NOV-DEC Registration Form Email your completed form with your name and phone number to the Cashier’s Office at cashier@ncstatecollege.edu. The Cashier’s Office will then call you once your form has been received to make your payment over the phone...

Event Series ATI TEAS


To register for an ATI TEAS date: Fill out one of the following forms: SEP-OCT Registration Form NOV-DEC Registration Form Email your completed form with your name and phone number to the Cashier’s Office at cashier@ncstatecollege.edu. The Cashier’s Office will then call you once your form has been received to make your payment over the phone...

Respiratory Care Information Session

Sign-up is required. Please click the following link: https://ncstatecollege.edu/associate-degrees/health-info-sesssions/ Dates are subject to change without notice.

Wellness 2024

100 Ovalwood Hall

Wellness Events Autumn 2024 Wellness events will take place in Ovalwood 100 from 12:40PM-1:20PM. November 14 - Understanding Eating Disorders For more information, click here.

Radiological Sciences Information Session

Sign-up is required. Please click the following link: https://ncstatecollege.edu/associate-degrees/health-info-sesssions/ Dates are subject to change without notice.

Physical Therapist Assistant Info Session

Sign-up is required. Please click the following link: https://ncstatecollege.edu/associate-degrees/health-info-sesssions/ Dates are subject to change without notice.

Event Series ATI TEAS


To register for an ATI TEAS date: Fill out one of the following forms: NOV-DEC Registration Form Email your completed form with your name and phone number to the Cashier’s Office at cashier@ncstatecollege.edu. The Cashier’s Office will then call you once your form has been received to make your payment over the phone ($75.00). Your registration...