North Central State College North Central State College

Whole Self

Believe in the power of your mind and in your ability to learn, change, and grow in every aspect of your life, not just academics. People who believe they can grow do grow. It’s that simple. We have seen it with a countless number of students like you who believe in their dreams and take action by registering for classes and reaching out to people who are committed to helping them thrive.

You are never alone. Collaboration is the NC State process. Our Wellness & Mental Health website is designed to remind you of this. It is organized to give all of us a framework (or structure) for partnering together on your journey. We encourage you to use this resource not as a step-by-step procedural manual but as a guide. Think of it as a simple checklist—a game plan to help make your experiences in college a little more manageable. Come back to this site from time to time for a reminder, an idea, an inspiration, or nudge to take action.

NC State can help you develop self-care practices and social connections that will not only enhance your academic success now but also your ongoing success as a lifelong learner and a leader in whatever you choose to do. To help you thrive, let’s pay attention to and explore your whole self—the all of you which creates wellness and mental health:

  • Relationships | Your Social Self
  • Mind |Your Emotional Self
  • Body | Your Physical Self
  • Trauma & Recovery | Your Resilient Self