Complaints, Concerns, Compliments
North Central State College seeks to afford every student, employee and community member a successful and positive experience. To this end, North Central State College maintains systems and procedures to address these concerns. In many cases disputes or concerns are handled in the appropriate division or department. However, there are times when an issue cannot be resolved informally. That is what this system is for:
To report a complaint or concern, please select the category that best fits the nature of your complaint or concern and follow the guidance.
General concerns regarding student, employee, or community member experience
Academic matters except those pertaining to final grades
Please use this link when you have concerns regarding a final grade in a course
Sexual harassment, gender discrimination or assault
Share positive feedback about your experience at North Central State College
This is the secure tool all employees can use to log any complaints received by their office. This information is complied every semester and analyzed by President’s Cabinet for trend analysis. Consequently. it is essential that any complaint that you believe may give us insight into doing our jobs better, be logged.
The College’s Policy and Procedure for complaints can be found on the college’s Policy page at this link. POLICY PAGE.