Two-Factor Authentication for Students
The IT Team are implementing two-factor authentication for student accounts accessing the North Central State College network. Students will now be required to authenticate their accounts before gaining access to NCSC network and related systems. Authentication will occur using the Duo app on a mobile device or with an authentication fob.
Students who attended NCSC during the summer term have already activated two-factor authentication. The switch-over for all remaining students occurred on Monday, August 26th.
When students log in for the first time, they will be prompted to install/setup the Duo app on their personal device. Personal device must be a “smart” (mobile-web-app-capable) cell phone/tablet. If the student does not have a personal device, they will have the option to obtain an authentication fob (hardware) from the Business Office (Byron Kee Hall, Room 140) or the IT Helpdesk (Fallerius Hall, Room 074).
Students who pick up an authentication fob will be asked to sign an equipment agreement. The agreement will stipulate that the fob will be used during the summer term and must be returned at the end of the term to the Business Office. Failure to return the fob will result in a $25 fee added to their account.
If students have any trouble downloading the Duo app or authenticating to the network, please refer them to the IT Help Desk ( \ 419-755-4734).