Physical Therapist Assistant, AAS
Attendance at an Information Session is mandatory for all Health Science programs prior to applying.
The Physical Therapist Assistant program is part of the Health Sciences Division with limited enrollment of 28 students per year. Application and observation hours must be completed by February of each year for admission to the program for the following Fall semester.
Clinical Rotation
Clinical rotations begin in the second year of the program. Students will have the opportunity to experience a variety of physical therapy facilities with numerous sites available throughout Ohio. At their request, previous students have been able to complete clinical experiences in Florida, California, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.
Program Outcomes
The Physical Therapy Assistant Program at North Central State College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 419-755-5624 or email
For PTA licensure information for states other than Ohio, please refer to the following link:
Want more information?
Out of State Licensure
North Central State College offers courses, that with successful completion of the program, may potentially lead to professional licensure, registration or certifications. Licensure, registration or certification may be global, national or state-specific. Click here to see a state specific listing (PDF).
If you currently live in a state other than Ohio or intend to move to a state other than Ohio and use the education completed at North Central State College to sit for such an exam, be aware there may be additional requirements. Please contact the appropriate administering body for specific questions. You will also need to keep our registrar informed of any address changes post-graduation.
$49,000 - $60,000*
These estimated earnings are for employees who have completed their associate degree in Physical Therapy Assistant. Career advancement is available if you transfer your credits toward a bachelor’s degree. As experience and education increase, you can expect to earn significantly more during your career.
For more information on regional jobs and pay, go to NC State’s Career Coach, opens in a new window page.
*Earnings figure is based on EMSI employment information for north central Ohio.
$20,257 - $12,690 = $7,567 in net cost*
The calculation above includes the following:
- The estimated current cost of tuition, fees and books to complete a two-year associate degree in Physical Therapist Assistant at NC State is $20,257.
- Minus the average amount of financial aid ($6,690 x 2 years) students received. NOTE: Your financial aid could be higher or lower than this average.
- Leaving just $7,567 to be funded by other sources — which may include additional scholarships, grants and loans. Many students opt for payment plans to avoid debt. Employed students should inquire with their employers about the possibility of reimbursement for educational expenses.
Three out of four NC State graduates have $0 college debt. We will work with you to explore every source of financial aid available.
*These figures were calculated using data available when this information was published.
Estimated cost of two years of instruction and attendance at a four-year public institution in Ohio.
Estimated cost of two years of instruction and attendance at a four-year private institution in Ohio.
*This estimate is an average of the cost including room and board for residential students.
Year One
Fall Semester
BIOL 2751 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
This course is an in-depth study of the principles of human anatomy and physiology. It includes the study of structure and function of the body as a whole and study of cell biology, histology, the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, and nervous systems plus the special senses. Laboratory exercises are designed to supplement lecture topics and include microscopy, the study of models, cat and specimen dissection, cadaver study, and physiological experiments. (OTM approved course in Natural Sciences TMNS)
PHTA 1010 - Intro to Physical Therapy
In this course the field of physical therapy and the roles of physical therapists, physical therapists assistants, and other healthcare personnel and organizations are explored. Laws, rules, ethics, organization, and accreditation in physical therapy and healthcare are reviewed also. Management of patient rights and the legal, ethical, and moral issues involved in the patient treatment, medical and physical therapy documentation, functional outcome reporting, and SOAP note writing is introduced as well.
PHTA 1040 - Physical Agents Theory and Practice
The course will cover the clinical application of physical agents to be administered by the physical therapist assistant. Included are the presentation of basic physiology and theory of vital signs, patient positioning, body mechanics, transfers, sterile procedures, massage, wound care, heat, cold, hydrotherapy, pneumatic compression, ultrasound, light, and motorized traction electrical safety as well as physiology, theory, and application of ultrasound, various forms of therapeutic electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and biofeedback. Bed traction and patient instruction will also be included. Semesters available: Day - Fa
PHTA 1070 - Functional Anatomy
A course involving a study of human movement, principles of mechanics, musculoskeletal anatomy and neuromuscular physiology as it relates to the development of physical therapy exercise and those forces creating human activity. The time, space and mass aspects of human motion are also presented. Laboratory activities including location and palpation of muscles. Semesters available: Day - F
Spring Semester
BIOL 2752 - Anatomy and Physiology II
This course is a continuation of BIOL 2751. It includes the study of structure and function of blood and the cardiovascular, lymphatic/immunity, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. Laboratory exercises are designed to supplement lecture topics and include microscopy, the study of models, cat and specimen dissection, cadaver study, and physiological experiments. (OTM approved course in Natural Sciences TMNS)
ENGL 1010 - English Composition I
This is a basic course in expository writing and critical reading. Students read a variety of nonfiction works and write summaries, analysis, essays, and a researched argument in response to their reading. Students learn to read actively and accurately and to organize, develop, and revise coherent papers appropriate for a college-educated audience. (OTM for First Writing Course TME001)
PHTA 1090 - Therapeutic Exercise
This course is beginning course work in therapeutic exercise including goniometry, range of motion, manual muscle testing, strengthening, stretching, joint mobilization, manual therapy, abnormal posture and gait training as well as wheelchair mobility, aquatic therapy and women's care Semesters available: Day - Sp
PHTA 1110 - Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
This is a continuation of didactic and technical instruction for clinical practice. This course covers normal and abnormal motor development, pediatric conditions affecting motor development, and interventions to address infant and pediatric conditions leading to motor delays and adult neurological disorders affecting motor function and interventions to address the motor deficits of individuals with neurological motor dysfunction. Wheelchair prescription and use as well as various transfers for pediatric and neurologically impaired individuals will also be covered. Semesters available: Day - Sp
Summer Semester
COMM 1010 - Speech
This course involves instruction and experience in giving a presentation. Students are taught the principles of speech content and delivery so that they can effectively participate in a variety of practical speaking situations. Presentations will include the informative speech, persuasive speech, visual aid/demonstration speech, impromptu speech, and group presentation. (OTM for Oral Communication TMCOM and TAG# OCM013)
HLTH 1150 - Medical Terminology
This course will introduce medical terminology; including common medical root words, prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms. It will include common medical abbreviations, pronunciation, spelling, and definitions of medical terminology related to the human body systems. Students who are pursuing an allied health or nursing degree, or working in health care professions will enhance their knowledge of medical terminology in this course. (TAG# OHL020 and CTAG# CTMT001)
PHTA 2110 - Practicum I
The practicum experience is a "hands-on" reality experience providing on-the-job opportunities to acquire further knowledge, learning and opportunities for practicing skills. The practicum will take place in a facility that can provide learning experiences consistent with the student's interest and learning desires and meets approval of the instructor. Students will be supervised by a licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. This practicum experience is a full-time rotation for 5 weeks with a minimum of 35 hours per week with an online seminar during the 5 weeks. Semesters available: Day - Su
PHTA 2115 - Seminar I
This course discusses issues relevant to the physical therapy profession and patient populations. The course also discusses time and stress management as well as styles of management and communication, utilization review, and utilization management. The course relates patient outcomes to documentation and reimbursement in the healthcare field. Introduction into research as it relates to physical therapy, along with data collection and the different methods of collecting data for research. Semesters available: Day - Su
PSYC 1010 - Introduction to Psychology
STAT 1010 - Probability and Statistics
This course provides the student with an overview of probability and statistics. Probability terminology, concepts and rules are emphasized in solving probability problems. Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and dispersion, charts, tables and diagrams are used to summarize data. The student is introduced to the binomial, Poisson, hyper-geometric, normal and t-distributions. Confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and linear regression are used to make conclusions concerning population parameters from sample data. This course meets the requirements for OTM Introductory Statistics TMM010.
Year Two
Fall Semester
PHTA 2070 - Pathophysiology and Interventions
This course examines diagnoses encountered by the physical therapist assistant during practice and will be presented in terms of their relationship to physical therapy. Topics will include but not be limited to cardiovascular conditions, respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, and geriatric disorders. Semesters available: Day - F
PHTA 2090 - Orthopedic Conditions and Interventions
This course is designed to provide more in-depth detail and knowledge involving clinical conditions and interventions related to orthopedic diagnoses. This more advanced subject matter will allow the physical therapist assistant student to integrate previous knowledge into more situations with greater understanding of the orthopedic client. Semesters available: Day - F
PHTA 2170 - Professional Research
This is a research course which will allow the PTA student to learn to perform evidence-based research to gain further understanding in a particular area as well as to complete a research project and present the material to classmates. This class is graded Pass (P) or No-Pass (NP). Semesters available: Day - Sp
PSYC 2010 - Human Growth and Development
This course presents an overview of the total lifespan of human growth and development from conception through death. Major theories of human development will be studied through examination of the dynamics of human growth in relation to physical/neurological, socio/emotional, and cognitive development across the lifespan. Please note outcomes are written to ODHE standards using ODHE language. Ohio Articulation Number 0SS048. This course also meets the requirements for Ohio Transfer 36 - Social and Behavioral Sciences TMSBS.
Spring Semester
PHTA 2130 - Practicum II
This is the second of three clinical rotations completed in a facility affiliated with the program. The practicum experience is a "hands-on" reality experience providing on-the-job opportunities to acquire further knowledge, learning and opportunities for practicing skills. The practicum will take place in a facility that can provide learning experiences consistent with the student's interest and learning desires and meets approval of the instructor. Students will be supervised by a licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. This practicum experience is a full-time rotation for 6 weeks for a minimum of 38 hours per week. Semesters available: Day - F
PHTA 2135 - Seminar II
This course is designed to review material discussed in previous physical therapy assistant courses. The review is designed to assist students in preparation for the Ohio licensing exam and the National Physical Therapist Assistant Examination. As well as to cover topics such as professional development and evidence-based practice. This course is graded Pass (P) or No-Pass (NP). Day - Sp
PHTA 2150 - Directed Practice
This is the final clinical rotation completed in a facility affiliated with the Physical Therapy Assistant program. The Directed practicum experience is a "hands-on" reality experience providing on-the-job opportunities to acquire further knowledge, learning and opportunities for practicing skills. The Directed practicum will take place in a facility that can provide learning experiences consistent with the student's interest and learning desires and meets approval of the instructor. Students will be supervised by a licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. This practicum experience is a full-time rotation for 7 weeks for a minimum of 40 hours per week. Semesters available: Day - Sp
PHTA 2155 - Semianr III
This course discusses issues relevant to the physical therapy profession and patient populations. The course reviews the Ohio laws and rules for jurisprudence exam and the Integrity and Practice Campaign designed by the APTA. The course will have discussions online about patient caseload and different diagnoses that the students are encountering.
Total Credit Hours: 62
Humanities Electives
HIST 1010 - American History I
This American Studies course is an introductory survey course covering the development of American politics, law, religion, philosophy, art and literature from 1600 to 1877. The goal of the course is to help students understand the cultural development of the United States especially in relation to its religion, art, philosophy, law, and political system. (TAG# OHS043 or if combined with HIST1030 OHS010. This course also meets the requirements for the OTM Arts and Humanities - TMAH)
HIST 1030 - American History II
This American Studies course is an introductory survey course covering the development of American politics, law, religion, philosophy, art and literature from 1877 to the present. The goal of the course is to help students understand the cultural maturity of the United States especially in relation to its religion, art, philosophy, law, and political system. (TAG# OHS044 or if combined with HIST1030 OHS010. This course also meets the requirements for the OTM Arts and Humanities - TMAH)
HUMA 1010 - Introduction to the Humanities
This course is a genre-based introduction to the humanities and the fine arts. The student will explore the six major means of artistic expression within the fine arts: painting, literature, drama, film, photography, and sculpture. The course focuses on an understanding of the genre itself as well as the various critical theories that apply to the fine arts, including but not necessarily limited to mimesis, formalism, didacticism, and postmodernism. Field trips are required in the course. This course meets the requirements for OTM in Arts and Humanities TMAH.
MUSC 1010 - Music Appreciation
Develop listening skills used for understanding elements of musical style in a historical perspective and the significance of music as fine art.
PHIL 1110 - Ethics
This course involves an examination of several ethical theories, including ethical relativism, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, social contract ethics, theological ethics, and rational ethics. Subjects covered may include the ethics of nuclear war, the ethics of suicide, ethical issues in abortion, the ethics of euthanasia, ethical issues in genetic engineering, sexual ethics, racism and sexism, capital punishment, ethics and the environment and so on. This course meets the requirements for OTM Arts and Humanities TMAH and slso TAG# OAH046.