North Central State College North Central State College

Health Information Technology Degree Courses

This degree is offered in cooperation with Marion Technical College. Some courses are completed at Marion Technical College while the remainder are completed at North Central State College.

The Marion Technical College course titles are listed on this page. See the Marion Technical College website for complete course descriptions.

  • ALH 1120 – Human Diseases
  • HIT 1200 – Health Records Management I
  • HIT 1301 – Clinical Classifications
  • HIT 1302 – Current Procedural Terminology
  • HIT 1400 – Healthcare Reimbursement
  • HIT 1500 – Advanced Clinical Classification Systems
  • HIT 1900 – HIT Professional Practice I
  • HIT 2000 – HIT Legal Issues
  • HIT 2100 – Health Record Management II
  • HIT 2200 – Health Information Tech Systems
  • HIT 2301 – HIT Statistical Analysis
  • HIT 2400 – HIT Quality Assessment
  • HIT 2500 – Health Information Management and Data Governance
  • HIT 2900 – HIT Professional Practice II

The remainder of the North Central State courses required to complete this degree are listed below.

4 Credits | 3 Lecture Hours
Syllabus (PDF)

BIOL 1730 - Basic Anatomy and Physiology

This course presents the basic terms and concepts that deal with the structure and processes of the human body. It involves examination of the body as a whole, the cell, and tissues. The basic structure and physiology of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, and endocrine systems are presented. Laboratory exercises enhance and support the lecture topics and include microscopy, the study of models, specimen dissection, cadaver study, and physiological experiments.

Required Prerequisite(s): ENGL0040 with a minimum grade of C- or qualifying placement test scores
Required Concurrent Course(s): Take BIOL1730L

3 Credits | 3 Lecture Hours 
Syllabus (PDF)

BUSM 1050 - Management

A study of the principles and practices relating to the successful management of modern business. Topics include planning, organizing, designing, and decision making. Ethics and organizational change are also covered. Cases are used to provide practice in the application of management concepts.

3 Credits | 2 Lecture Hours | 2 Lab Hours
Syllabus (PDF)

CISS 1020 - Introduction to Computers

Introduction to Computers is a course designed to present the basic computer concepts and the Microsoft Office Suite applicable to today’s business world. Areas of concentration include Computer Concepts, Windows, Internet Explorer, E-mail, Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competency by interfacing with the Windows operating system and the internet, and to produce electronic presentations, written business documents, electronic spreadsheets, relational databases, and electronic mail. TAG course:OBU003

3 Credits | 3 Lecture Hours 
Syllabus (PDF)

COMM 1010 - Speech

This course involves instruction and experience in giving a presentation. Students are taught the principles of speech content and delivery so that they can effectively participate in a variety of practical speaking situations. Presentations will include the informative speech, persuasive speech, visual aid/demonstration speech, impromptu speech, and group presentation. (OTM for Oral Communication TMCOM and TAG# OCM013)

3 Credits | 3 Lecture Hours
Syllabus (PDF)

ENGL 1010 - English Composition I

This is a basic course in expository writing and critical reading. Students read a variety of nonfiction works and write summaries, analysis, essays, and a researched argument in response to their reading. Students learn to read actively and accurately and to organize, develop, and revise coherent papers appropriate for a college-educated audience. (OTM for First Writing Course TME001)

Required Prerequisite(s): ENGL0040 with a minimum grade of C- or qualifying placement test scores

2 Credits | 2 Lecture Hours
Syllabus (PDF)

HLTH 1150 - Medical Terminology

This course will introduce medical terminology including common medical root words, prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms.  It will include common medical abbreviations, pronunciation, spelling, and definitions of medical terminology related to the human body systems.  Students who are pursuing an allied health or nursing degree or working in health care professions will enhance their knowledge of medical terminology in this course. (TAG# OHL020 and CTAG# CTMT001)

3 Credits | 3 Lecture Hours
Syllabus (PDF)

PSYC 1010 - Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology is an introductory level course and is a study of the basic human behavior. Topics include the history of psychology, scientific methods, biological processes, cognitive processes, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning, intelligence, human development, personality theory, psychopathology and treatment, stress and health, and social psychology. Please note outcomes are written to OBR standards using OBR language. Ohio Articulation Number OSS015. This course meets the requirements for OTM in Social and Behavioral Science TMSBS

3 Credits | 3 Lecture Hours
Syllabus (PDF)

STAT 1010 - Probability and Statistics

This course provides the student with an overview of probability and statistics.  Probability terminology, concepts and rules are emphasized in solving probability problems.  Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and dispersion, charts, tables and diagrams are used to summarize data.  The student is introduced to the binomial, Poisson, hyper-geometric, normal and t-distributions.  Confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and linear regression are used to make conclusions concerning population parameters from sample data. This course meets the requirements for OTM Introductory Statistics TMM010.

Required as Prerequisite(s): MATH0084 with a minimum grade of C-, or qualifying placement test score, or co-requisite of STAT0086

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