Advising Related Forms
Update your address or phone number using this form:
Change your major using this form:
Add or Drop classes starting week 2 using this form:
Before Dropping classes check:
To Drop or Not?, opens in a new window – Don’t Drop or Withdraw from a Class just Yet… Make an informed decisionRefund and Withdraw Dates, opens in a new window – Check the deadlines for dropping classesThis form is used when extenuating circumstances exist and a student needs to request to drop classes after the posted last day to withdraw
Proof of Veteran Status
The Department of Education may require our financial aid office to verify a student is qualifying veteran of the armed forces. Provide a Member 4 copy of your DD214 to the FAO. Please note: Members of the National Guard or Reserves are only considered veterans if they were called up to active federal duty by presidential order for a purpose other than training.
Proof of Veteran Status Information Sheet, opens in a new window
College Graduate - 150% Appeal
Federal financial aid rules limit the number of credit hours for which a student may receive federal aid. The maximum time frame, or 150% rule requires that a college terminate funding when it determines that a student:
- Has completed requirements to receive the degree or aid-eligible certificate s/he is seeking, or
- Cannot complete the requirements to earn the degree or aid-eligible s/he is seeking within 150% of the minimum number of credit hours required
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal
Those receiving federal student aid at the college are required to make Satisfactory Academic Progress toward earning a degree or aid-eligible certificate. Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined as:
- Earning at lease a 2.0 (C) cumulative grade average, AND
- Passing at least 67% of cumulative attempted credit hours, AND
- Graduating within 150% of the minimum number of credit hours required to complete graduation requirements.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal (PDF), opens in a new window
IT Help Request Form
Student Login Issues
Call the IT Service Desk, 419-755-4734 for immediate assistance M-Th, 7am to 4:30pm, Friday 7am – 11am. After hours please submit the following form. This form is for student login issues only.
Employer Tuition Deferral
Students whose fees are being paid by an agency/employer at the end of a term based on course completion or proof of grade(s) can apply for Employer Reimbursement Tuition Deferment. Student are required to submit an application (prior to the published last day to pay fees for the given term), a letter on the employer’s letterhead outlining the tuition reimbursement policy and confirmation that the employee is eligible to participate in the program, a deferment fee of and their first payment of 25% of their fees. Final payment of tuition is due no later than four (4) weeks after the end of the term. If you have any questions, please contact the Cashier’s office.
Readmission/Reinstatement (Academic)
For students who have been academically suspended from North Central State College.
- To begin the process, student must fill out request form available at the Welcome Desk in Byron Kee Center for Student Success or online at the link below
Traci Lykins
Senior Administrative Assistant
Academic and Student Services
Phone: 419-755-4733
Location: 158 Fallerius -
First Year Experience Waiver
The First Year Experience course requirement is waived for this student who meets one of the following conditions:
☐ Has a college degree
☐ Has completed a similar college course and has a successful academic record (cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better in previous college courses)
☐ Is only taking one or two courses for transfer, a work requirement, or skill improvement
☐ Has completed a tour of duty in the military with the successful completion of military occupational specialty (MOS) training
☐ Is taking courses as part of an apprenticeship or employee-sponsored trainingFirst Year Experience Course Waiver Form (PDF), opens in a new window
Tuition Freedom Waiver
Students receiving the Tuition Freedom Scholarship are obligated to meet certain requirements. Advisors/Liaisons can submit a request to have these requirements waived, allowing the student to maintain their scholarship.
Tuition Freedom Scholarship Waiver Form (PDF), opens in a new window
GPA Calculator
Calculate a student’s GPA based on expected course grades.
Graduation Petitions
Graduation Petitions can be submitted online through your MyNC, opens in a new window account. You can also download a PDF version, opens in a new window and mail it the the address listed on this page or return it in person the the Cashier’s Office room 140 Byron Kee Center for Student Success.