North Central State College North Central State College

Taking Flight After Graduation

When she was a sophomore at Crestview High School, Emily Weaver discovered a way to challenge herself in academics and accelerate the pursuit of her future career.  Not only did she complete her associate degree (while still in high school), but she also served our country at the same time in the Air Force Reserves.

Through the College-NOW Business program, she became a full-time college student during her junior and senior years, allowing her to graduate high school with an associate’s degree. Weaver’s College-NOW classes met in Ashland, but were taught by professors from NC State.

“I chose to pursue the College-NOW Business program, which allowed me to work on my Associate of Arts in Business Administration,” she explained. “After two years, I ended up graduating both high school and North Central State College in the spring of 2024.”

Choosing NC State was important for Weaver because of College Credit Plus (CCP) and the College-NOW opportunities that allowed her to be enrolled in college and high school at the same time. She was the first student from Crestview in her grade to participate in the program. As she shared her experiences, more students became interested in the program, which also offers bioscience and engineering options.

“North Central gave me the work ethic and social skills that are highly sought after in any career path,” she said. “At first, adjusting from high school academics was challenging. I had a bad habit of procrastinating, but I knew I wanted a head start for my future career. The College-NOW program helped me learn how to study properly and put in the work needed for each class.”

In her junior year, she enlisted in the Air Force Reserves. She attended drill weekends once a month while finishing school and will leave for basic training in July, following her two graduations. Her drill weekends included briefings and training for basic skills needed in the Air Force.

The decision to join the Air Force Reserves was influenced by several factors, including financial assistance for college and the opportunity to travel. “I always knew I didn’t want to be trapped with debt for years after completing college,” she said. “The Air Force Reserves offer great benefits, and the job I chose, loadmaster, allows me to travel and handle cargo on C-130 planes.”

Balancing sports, a full college schedule,  Air Force duties, and a part-time job was challenging, but she managed it all with determination and support from her family. “My dad always told me I had to do things others weren’t doing to get ahead. I have big goals, and I knew I had to get going sooner rather than later. My family has really pushed me to be the best version of myself my entire life, and I am thankful for it now,” she says.  “I wouldn’t have gotten this far if it weren’t for them and North Central.”

“The instructors were wonderful, they always put so much into each student and gave us all of their attention and best effort.”

Her future plans include serving in the Air Force Reserves part-time while furthering her education in Marketing. She aims to either advance in the Air Force or work a civilian job while continuing to serve in the Reserves.

She encourages other students to take full advantage of CCP classes and the College-NOW program. “It offers students free college courses and can help them gain the skills they need for the future.”

At NC State, we congratulate Emily on her graduations, acknowledge her for breaking new ground for students from Crestview to follow, and thank her for serving our country in the Air Force Reserves.