North Central State College North Central State College

Staff Handbook

This handbook is designed to acquaint North Central State College staff members with various policies, services, benefits, and facilities at the College.  This handbook does not apply to faculty, to the extent that the matters contained in the handbook are subject to contracts or specific policies unique to that group.  This handbook should answer the questions frequently asked by staff members and serve as a reference. The contents are for informational purposes only and are intended as a summary of the subject matter.  The official source documents for the subject matter of this handbook are those complete policies and other materials on file in the Office of Human Resources.  This handbook is not intended to substitute for or supercede those policies and materials referred to.

This handbook is not a contract, expressed or implied, guaranteeing employment for any specific duration. Employment is at-will.  North Central State College or the staff member may end the employment relationship for any reason at any time. All policies, procedures, benefits, or programs of North Central State College are subject to change at the sole discretion of the College.  Staff members having questions regarding this handbook should ask their supervisor or the Office of Human Resources.

Our Mission


North Central State College is committed to being a leader in affordable quality higher education and a partner in achieving greater community prosperity and better quality of life.


Providing individuals with the knowledge, skills and inspiration to succeed in their chosen path.

Strategic Plan

The strategic plan is the pathway for the achievement of the college’s mission of student access and success through the alignment of the human, fiscal and physical resources.


In all we do, we value a culture of integrity, inclusion, and excellence

We value our students and are committed to creating an accessible environment that is affordable, caring, supportive, inclusive and learner-centered.

We value our employees and are committed to creating an environment that is culturally diverse, collaborative, and respectful.

We value our communities and are committed to creating an environment that is innovative, responsive, and accountable.

Starting the Job


All staff members of North Central State College are hired contingent upon approval of the Board of Trustees. Staff members are not officially employed until their name and position have been submitted and approved by the Board. The Board allows for the hiring of personnel between its business meetings with approval being granted retroactive the first day of employment.


North Central State College provides an orientation to each newly hired staff member. During this orientation, staff members will review policies and procedures, and be asked to complete employment paperwork.


North Central State College may require a newly hired staff member to serve an initial 90-calendar day Orientation Period upon appointment to a position. During this period the individualís overall performance and capabilities will be evaluated relative to continuing employment in that position every 30 days. If the College determines the staff memberís overall performance and capabilities cannot be evaluated within the Orientation Period, the period can be extended by the Office of Human Resources to allow sufficient time for the evaluation. The completion of the Orientation Period does not guarantee continued employment. North Central State College or the staff member may end the employment relationship at-will during or after the Orientation Period.


Parking tags are available to current, eligible staff at the North Central State College’s Human Resource Office. There is no cost for parking in the non-restricted or restricted parking areas.  Parking regulations on campus are enforced and should be followed by the entire campus community.

Compensation Procedures, Payroll Deductions, Work Schedules & Overtime


An annual salary for a full-time staff member is divided into (26) bi-weekly pays. Each paycheck will include earnings for all work performed through the end of the current payroll period.


Full-time staff members are required to have their paycheck deposited directly into a bank account. Staff members will receive a pay advice during the normal payroll periods. The pay advice will indicate the amount of the deposit as well as a detail of earnings and deductions for the current pay period. Authorization for direct deposit can be requested through the Payroll Department.


North Central State College automatically deducts federal, state, city, school district, Medicare taxes, and School Employees Retirement or other selected retirement from staff member paychecks. Optional deductions and services such as Tax Sheltered Annuities, United Way, and the NC State College Foundation are available for staff members.


The typical work schedule for full-time staff members is Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with one-hour unpaid for lunch. According to the needs of a particular office, some staff members may not work a ìtypicalî schedule. Supervisors will determine hours of work and in special situations, supervisors may adjust a staff memberís working hours.


In compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, non-exempt staff members are eligible to receive overtime pay of one and one-half times their regular hourly wage for hours worked in excess of forty hours in one week. Questions about overtime pay or what are considered overtime hours should be directed to a staff memberís supervisor or the Payroll Department.

Staff members must have advance permission from their supervisor to work overtime.

Staff Member's Rights & Responsibilities

In compliance with the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, North Central State College is committed to maintaining a healthy, drug-free work environment. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace.

As a condition of employment, all staff members must adhere to the Drug-Free Workplace Policy of North Central State College, and violation of this policy may result in appropriate actions. An online copy of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy is available. Further information on both the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Workplace Policy is available in the Office of Human Resources.

North Central State College strictly prohibits discrimination against any individual for reasons of race, color, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), political ideas, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, or veteransí status. North Central State College complies with all federal and state legislation directed toward taking steps to promote equal opportunity in all aspects of employment practices, including, but not limited to, recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, demotion, transfer, training, reassignment, corrective action, compensation, benefits, and separation.

North Central State College is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and shall promote equal opportunity through a positive and continuing Affirmative Action Plan. Further information on the Affirmative Action Policy can be found in the Office of Human Resources.

North Central State College is committed to creating and maintaining a work environment for all staff members that is fair and responsible and which supports career goals on the basis of ability and performance, which is free from any forms of sexual harassment. It is the policy of North Central State College that sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated.

  1. Sexual Harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
  2. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individualís employment.
  3. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individual.
  4. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonable interference with an individualís work, or
  5. A staff memberís conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonable interference with a studentís ability to function in the classroom or on campus.

Any individual who feels that such conduct has occurred should contact the Office of Human Resources. Information on informal and formal procedures can be found in the Office of Human Resources or online at Sexual Harassment Policy

North Central State College recognizes that there will be times when staff members have problems and complaints that need to be resolved. North Central State College provides a policy for staff members to resolve problems and complaints through an orderly system.

Staff members are encouraged to talk with their supervisor about problems and complaints that may occur as soon as possible so they can be resolved. If informal attempts do not resolve the staff membersí problems or complaints to their satisfaction, they may use an approved procedure to express dissatisfaction. Staff members may use this procedure without fear of reprisal.

North Central State College requires staff members to follow certain Rules of Conduct while at work. Staff members have a responsibility to the College and co-workers to adhere to certain Rules of Conduct to fulfill our commitment to our students and preserve our reputation in the community.

Violation of these policies, or any type of behavior and conduct which are considered inappropriate, will result in corrective action.

North Central State College staff members are expected to dress in appropriate business attire to ensure a positive, professional image. The following are guidelines for appropriate business attire:

Acceptable Clothing

  • Business Suits, sports coats or blazers
  • Business Dresses/Skirts
  • Business Slacks, dockers
  • Business Shirts/Sweaters
  • Dress Culottes (skirt length)
  • Casual Slacks, Skirts, Dresses, Jumpers, etc. and Shirts/Sweaters (when
  • appropriate)
  • Logo-wear clothing such as oxford button down shirts, polo shirts, sweaters
  • and cardigans (t-shirts and sweatshirts maybe included based on relevant situation)
  • Dress shoes, loafers

Unacceptable Clothing

  • T-shirts with a written language and/or picture
  • Jeans
  • Halter Tops
  • Tank Tops
  • Jogging Suits
  • Sweat Pants
  • Sweat Shirts
  • Clothing that is torn, patched, or shows excessive wear
  • Clothing that is provocative
  • Tennis Shoes, Athletic Shoes, Flip Flops

Staff members should contact their supervisor or the Office of Human Resources with questions regarding Business Attire Guidelines.

Logo-wear Fridays

  1. On Fridays a more casual and informal work dress code is acceptable through the wearing of NCSC logo clothing.  Jeans that are well-kept, neat and clean may be worn with appropriate logo-wear.
  2. The primary objective is to allow staff to take advantage of a more casual dress code while still projecting a neat and professional image.  Staff are expected to consider each day’s activities when determining what to wear and should refraim from casual dress when participating in College hosted special events, if conducting or attending meetings, seminars, roundtables, or the like with other business professionals, etc.  Staff are expected to represent the College in a professional manner and dress apropriately for conducting such business.

North Central State College has in place a policy to govern and define appropriate uses of College Computer and Network Resources. All students, faculty and staff members that utilize these resources must make sure that their uses of North Central State College Computer and Network Resources comply with the guidelines laid out in this policy.

A complete online copy of North Central State College’s Computer and Network Resources Use Policy is available for staff members to familiarize themselves with this policy.

All forms of property (including equipment, facilities, supplies, and services) purchased with North Central State College funds are intended for College business only. The use of College property must be consistent with the mission and goals of the institution. Property used by staff members, departments, or divisions belongs to the College as a whole and not to any staff member, department, or division to which it has been assigned.

The College obtains and provides equipment for its staff members only for the purpose of executing work assignments and work-related responsibilities. All College equipment, whether assigned to a particular staff member office, instructional area, or off-campus location, is to be used only for College activities. Staff members are not authorized to use College property for personal or non-College business purposes, and College-owned property and facilities shall not be used to bring personal profit to any employee of the College.

Staff members shall be held accountable for any damage or loss occurring to property assigned to them and shall not lend such property or permit such property to pass out of the control of a College staff member.

Establishment and maintenance of personnel records is a key function of the Office of Human Resources. A permanent, personnel file will be established at the time of hire for each staff member. For access to personnel files, please contact the Office of Human Resources.

Employees have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest.  This policy establishes only the framework within which North Central State College wishes to operate.  The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that employees can seek further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation.  Contact your Vice President, supervisor, or the Director of Human Resources for more information or questions about conflicts of interest.

An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that employee or for a relative as a result of North Central State Collegeís business dealings.  For the purpose of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage.

No ìpresumption of guiltî is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms.  However, if employees have any influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts, or leases, it is imperative that they disclose to an officer of North Central State College as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.

Personal gain may result not only in cases where an employee or relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which North Central State College does business, but also when an employee or relative receives any kickback, bribe, substantial gift, or business dealings involving North Central State College.

Another conflict of interest that may exist from time to time is when an employee of North Central State College is in a position to offer training or consulting services.  In an effort to encourage maximization of North Central State Collegeís non-credit training and consulting services, any employee of the College, faculty, staff, and/or administration contracting to provide training or consulting services within the Collegeís three county service district must have permission form the Vice President for Academic and Student Services prior to services being delivered.

Staff having a change of mailing address should notify the Office of Human Resources as soon as they have their new address. A change of address form is available in the Office of Human Resources.

Staff Member's Health and Safety

Security personnel patrol the campus, buildings, and grounds on a 24-hour basis. Security personnel are responsible for investigating criminal acts on campus property; reporting traffic accidents; enforcing parking regulations; providing for the security of campus buildings; and lending assistance in many other ways to the faculty, staff, students, guests, and visitors of the campus. Security can be reached during normal business hours by contacting either North Central State College or The Ohio State University at Mansfield operators. After business hours, Security can be reached at 419-755-4346.

Additional information regarding Safety and Security can be found in The Campus Security Report.   North Central State College publishes this report annually in compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and the Campus Security Act of 1990. This report contains campus safety and security policies and crime statistics for North Central State College and The Ohio State University at Mansfield. A hard-copy version of  The Campus Security Report can be obtained at the Student Development Office.

North Central State College recognizes the need to create and maintain a smoke-free environment. Therefore, smoking is not permitted in any building on the campus. This includes hallways, classrooms, restrooms, public and private offices, and all other indoor spaces.

Smoking is permitted in the following designated outdoor areas:

  • Byron E. Kee Hall
  • Fallerius Technical Education Center
  • Health Sciences
  • Kehoe Center for Advanced Learning
  • Urban Center
  • Crawford Success Center

All staff members are expected to abide by this policy while at work. For information on the Smoking Policy, please contact the Office of Human Resources.

The provisions of the Workersí Compensation Law of Ohio cover all North Central State College staff members. In the event of accidental injury, disability from occupational diseases, and death occurring in the course of and arising from employment, Workersí Compensation provides medical, salary, and survivor benefits. Injuries should be reported to the staff memberís supervisor and Campus Security immediately. Contact the Office of Human Resources for the appropriate forms needed as soon as possible.

The Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.) provides confidential counseling by a professional matched to individualís and immediate familyís area of need, such as, family/marital problems, parenting concerns, alcohol or drug abuse, work conflicts or crises, financial/legal problems, and emotional distress. The services of the E.A.P. are available at no charge to the staff member and his/her immediate family (up to three sessions). Referrals and/or treatment may result in costs that must be borne by the staff member. Some of these costs will be covered under the umbrella of the Collegeís healthcare plan. Name, record, or any other confidential information is not shared with the employer. When a staff member wants assistance, he/she should contact New Directions at 1-888-805-1561.

Staff Member's Benefits

Insurance plans offered by North Central State College to eligible staff members include medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, and long-term disability insurance.

Health Insurance
Medical, dental, and vision insurance plans are available to full-time staff members. A prescription plan is included with the medical insurance. North Central State College contributes a portion of the premium for the staff member and for eligible dependents. Staff members should contact the Office of Human Resources for the Summary Plan Description of the benefits and information on eligibility, cost of coverage, premium contributions, and additional information. All provisions of the health care insurance plans (medical, dental, and vision) are subject to change, including plans offered, services covered, and North Central State Collegeís contribution to premiums.

Life Insurance
Life insurance benefits are provided by North Central State College for full-time staff members.  Additional life insurance coverage may also be purchased. Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance is provided as part of the basic life insurance for full-time staff members. For additional life insurance information, please contact the Office of Human Resources.

Long-term Disability Insurance
North Central State College provides a long-term disability benefit plan to assist eligible, full-time staff members to cope with an illness or injury that results in a long-term absence from employment. Long-term disability is designed to ensure a continuing income for staff members who are unable to work. For details of the long-term disability benefit plan including amounts, limitations, and restrictions, contact the Office of Human Resources for a Summary Plan Description.

Professional Liability Insurance
North Central State College provides full-time and regular part-time staff members professional liability insurance. Limit of liability is one million dollars. For more information regarding this insurance, please contact the Office of Human Resources.

According to federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985, staff members and their eligible dependents may have the opportunity to continue coverage at the staff memberís expense under North Central State Collegeís health insurance program for a limited period of time when normal coverage terminates due to a qualifying event.

North Central State College provides COBRA information to each eligible staff member when the staff member and/or their eligible dependent become eligible for continuation of coverage. Contact the Office of Human Resources for additional information including eligibility requirements.

Flexible Spending Accounts enable staff members to use pre-tax dollars to pay for dependent care and medical expenses.  There are two types of Flexible Spending Accounts, health care or dependent care.Eligible, full-time staff members determine an amount at the time of enrollment that is withheld from their pay prior to calculation of taxes, therefore, lowering their taxable income. Staff members submit receipts for reimbursement for payments they have made for dependent care and/or medical expenses and will receive a refund for an amount equal to their receipts. Any monies remaining in the staff membersí Flexible Spending Account(s) for which they have not incurred medical or dependent care expenses are non-refundable. For additional information, contact the Office of Human Resources.

School Employees Retirement System (SERS)
North Central State College and staff members are required to participate in the School Employees Retirement System. North Central State College contributes 14% of all salary into staff memberís retirement. Each staff member is required to contribute 10% of earnings to their retirement. Ohio public institutions including North Central State College do not participate in the Federal Social Security System other than contributions to a fund supporting Medicare of 1.45% from both the staff member’s salary and North Central State College.

School Employees’ Retirement System is a defined benefit plan. Staff members and North Central State College contribute to the benefit. This benefit is determined by a mathematical formula established by law and is guaranteed. All staff members of North Central State College are eligible to participate in this retirement plan.

Alternative Retirement Plan
Alternative Retirement Plan is a defined contribution plan that is available to designated staff members. Staff members and North Central State College makes contributions in the amount of 10%  and 8% respectively. The staff member chooses how to invest contributions. The benefit is determined by the amount of your account balance and the payment option you choose.

Tax Deferred Annuity Programs
Eligible staff members may purchase tax deferred annuities with qualified companies by means of payroll deduction. This allows staff members to plan for their retirement and defer taxes on their current income. Details of plans are available from plan representatives at the beginning of each school year. A list of companies and their representatives are available from the Office of Human Resources. For additional information regarding retirement, please contact the Office of Human Resources.

Tuition Reimbursement
North Central State College offers a Tuition Reimbursement Plan to eligible, full-time staff members.  Course work taken at an accredited college or university must have a clear, close relationship to employment at North Central State College. Reimbursement will be granted at the end of the fiscal year to all eligible applicants.  The percentage of these fees to be paid will be determined by the total number of reimbursable dollars divided into the total budgeted dollars.  In no case, however, will an employee receive more than 100% of eligible fees.

Tuition Remission
North Central State College offers Tuition Remission to eligible, full-time staff members and their eligible dependents for credit/non-credit courses taken at North Central State College. North Central State College will pay instructional, contact hours, and general fees. All other fees including lab fees and books are expenses incurred by the staff member and their dependent(s). Any staff member or dependent enrolled in a credit/non-credit course will be given the same enrollment consideration as other students of North Central State College. Contact the  Human Resources Office to obtain appropriate paperwork to apply for tuition remission.


North Central State College provides paid vacation to full-time staff members. Vacation is accrued beginning with the staff member’s first full month of employment and may be used immediately upon accumulation. Staff members supervisors or managers will schedule vacation with consideration given to staffing requirements, length of service, and staff members preferences. The vacation accrual rate for full-time staff members is based on length of employment as follows:

Years of Employment
Annual Accrual
Classification: Non-Exempt Staff
Years of Employment: 1 to 5 Years
6 to 10 Years
11 Years+
Annual Accrual: 10 days
15 days
20 days
: No
: No
Classification: Exempt Staff
Years of Employment: Date of hire to succeeding years
Annual Accrual: 20 days
: No
: No
Classification: President's Staff
Years of Employment: Date of hire to succeeding years
Annual Accrual: 24 days
: No
: No

A maximum of 30 days may be accumulated.

Any accrued but unused vacation leave will be paid out to the staff member based on their rate of pay at termination of employment regardless of their length of full-time service.


Each full-time employee earns one-quarter (1 1/4) days of paid sick leave per month, or up to fifteen (15) days each calendar year.  Unused sick leave shall be accumulated up to two hundred ten (210) working days.  These days are to be used when necessary, primarily for an employee’s own absence due to sickness or disability.

Notification of all absences due to sickness or disability shall be made by the employee on the “Request for Leave” to their immediate supervisor as early as possible.  Failure to give such notification may result in the days being charged to vacation or leave without salary.

Earned sick leave may also be used when illness in the family requires the employee’s attendance, only until other arrangements can be made by the employee to care for the family member.  Absences of this nature will normally be brief, of one (1) or two (2) day’s duration.  Verification of such illness by presentation of a physician’s statement may be required.  Family member is defined as parent, spouse, or child (under the age of 18 or is 18 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability.

Each full-time North Central State College employee with ten (10) consecutive years or more of full-time service with the College shall be entitled to payment based on the employee’s rate of pay at retirement for thirty percent (30%) of the employee’s accrued but unused sick leave at retirement as follows:

Notice of Retirement
Maximum Sick Pay-Out
Notice of Retirement: <1 month
Maximum Sick Pay-Out: 39 days
: No
: No
Notice of Retirement: <2 months
Maximum Sick Pay-Out: 40 days
: No
: No
Notice of Retirement: <3 months
Maximum Sick Pay-Out: 41 days
: No
: No
Notice of Retirement: 3 months
Maximum Sick Pay-Out: 43 days
: No
: No
Notice of Retirement: 6 months
Maximum Sick Pay-Out: 44 days
: No
: No
Notice of Retirement: 12 months
Maximum Sick Pay-Out: 45 days
: No
: No


At times, situations not directly relating to an employee’s physical health arise which require absence from the College.  A leave for such reasons may be granted by the employee’s immediate supervisor.

Full-time employees who have been employed for at least 90 days may utilize up to 16 hours personal leave in any fiscal year for matters of a personal nature.  No compensation for unused days will be provided upon termination of employment, nor will these days accumulate.

: Hired between 7/1/XX and 11/30/XX
Full-Time: 16 Hours
: No
: No
: (b) Hired between 12/1/XX and 3/31/XX
Full-Time: 8 hours
: No
: No
: (c) Hired between 4/1/XX and 6/30/XX
Full-Time: 0 hours
: No
: No

Further information on Personal Leave, such as reasons for personal leave usage, can be found in the Office of Human Resources.


An employee shall be granted up to five (5) days bereavement leave for the death of a spouse or child; up to four (4) days for the death of a parent, parent-in-law, brother, sister or member of the same household and/or claimed as dependents for IRS purpose; up to two (2) days for the death of a grandparent, grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, uncle, aunt, niece, or nephew and spouse’s relatives (grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, niece and nephew).


All personnel associated with North Central State College are encouraged to advance themselves through professional channels such as: advanced education; professional licensure and/or certification; and professional workshops, seminars, conventions, equipment shows, and conferences.

Decisions regarding attendance for the above items will be predicated upon: purpose, benefit to the staff members position in the College, budgetary considerations, and relevance of the sponsoring organizations to the College.

A Request for Leave form must be filled out and approved by the immediate supervisor in advance.


Staff members who are subpoenaed to serve on a jury or as a witness for another person will be granted excused absence from work. No deduction of pay or benefits will be made for such services. If a staff member receives any monies for court service while they would normally be working, the staff member will return monies in return for regular pay.  See Absence Due to Court Service Policy available in the Office of Human Resources for further clarification.


North Central State College provides military leave benefits to staff members in accordance with state and federal legislation. Full-time staff members, who are members of the Ohio National Guard or any other reserve components of the United States Armed Forces, are entitled to leave of absence for a period or periods not to exceed 31 days per calendar year in order to enter field training or active duty. The staff member may elect to use vacation or leave of absence for military leave. Staff members are required to submit to their immediate supervisor military orders or other statement in writing from the appropriated military authority as evidence of duty and income, which will be or was earned.

Staff members who are members of the Ohio National Guard shall be granted emergency leave for mob, riot, flood, civil defense, or other such duties when so ordered by the Governor to assist civil authorities. For further information on Military Leave, please contact the Office of Human Resources.


Staff members of North Central State College are not required to work on the following paid holidays:

Holiday: Thanksgiving Day
Dates: 4th Thursday in November
: No
: No
Holiday: Labor Day
Dates: 1st Monday in September
: No
: No
Holiday: Independence Day
Dates: July 4th
: No
: No
Holiday: Memorial Day
Dates: Last Monday in May
: No
: No
Holiday: Martin Luther King's Birthday
Dates: 3rd Monday in January
: No
: No
Holiday: New Years Day
Dates: Dec. 30 to Jan. 2, 2017
College closed 12/21 to 1/3
: No
: No


The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires employers to provide up to 12 workweeks ( 480 hours) of unpaid leave to eligible staff members for specific reasons. Eligible staff members must use accrued paid leave such as vacation, sick, and personal leave before going on unpaid Family Medical Leave. However, the leave counts towards the staff members Family Medical Leave entitlement.  For information on Family Medical Leave, please contact the Office of Human Resources.


Staff members of the College are covered by the unemployment compensation program, under the Ohio Bureau of Job and Family Services, for weekly unemployment benefits as provided by Ohio law. As a nonprofit employer, the College reimburses the unemployment fund for all claims attributable to the College.


Staff members with at least three years of continuous employment at North Central State College may apply for an extended leave of absence without compensation. Staff members requesting an extended leave of absence must complete and submit a Request for Extended Leave of Absence form and a written statement as to the purposes of the leave to their supervisor. Appropriate Senior Administrative Officer and the President must approve requests prior to the start of leave.