North Central State College North Central State College

Calendar of Events

Mansfield Campus 3-Point Shootout


Sign up and show off your shot! Students can compete to see who is the best shooter on the Mansfield campus. Sign up at http://go.osu.edu/threepointshootout.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

Outside Eisenhower Hall

Come to the Pumpkin Patch in front of Eisenhower Center and pick up a pumpkin and carving kit. Take your pumpkin home and carve away. Once finished, please return your...

Nursing Information Session (RN & LPN)

This information session will be held remotely via Zoom. Please contact either Amy Burns at aburns@ncstatecollege.edu or Aubrey Place at aplace@ncstatecollege.edu to sign up. *Date and time are subject to change.