Calendar of Events
Priority Registration – Pre-Health & Undeclared
March 29 is the first day that currently enrolled Pre-Health or Undeclared students may register for classes for Summer 2019 and Fall 2019. Registration begins at 7:00AM and continues until the start of each semester.
Career Services Job Fair
Kee Hall, Room 128Do you need a summer job or internship? Are you graduating? Employers want to meet you! Dress for success! Bring copies of your resume! To register, go to: For list of participating employers and more information, go to: If you have questions, contact Paula Waldruff, Career Pathway Coordinator, NC State College, at or Pam...
Open Registration Begins
New students may begin registering for Summer and Fall 2019 classes. Registration for most new students begins on their Orientation day and continues each day until the start of each term.
Main Campus Preview Night
Health Sciences Center 2441 Kenwood Circle, Mansfield, OH, United StatesPreview the health science, public safety, human services, and transfer programs offered at North Central State College. Tour the Health Sciences Center, located on main campus. Register to attend by visiting the website.
Kehoe – Shelby Campus Preview Night
Kehoe Center 175 Mansfield Ave., Shelby, OH, United StatesPreview the business, industry, technology, public safety, human services, and transfer programs offered at North Central State College. Tour the Kehoe Center, located on the Shelby campus. Register to attend by visiting the event website.
Easter Sunday. Campus closed.
Crawford Success Center – Bucyrus Campus Preview Night
Crawford Success Center 130 N. Walnut, Bucyrus, OH, United StatesPreview the health science, business, industry, technology, public safety, human services, and transfer programs offered at North Central State College. Tour the Crawford Success Center in Bucyrus. Register to attend by visiting the event website.