North Central State College North Central State College

Practical Nursing Philosophy

The Practical Nursing (PN) program subscribes to the philosophy of the North Central State College and is based upon the following faculty beliefs concerning the individual and society, nursing, education as a lifelong process, nursing education , and practical nursing as an integral part of nursing.

Concept of Nursing

We, as faculty, recognize the dignity and value of human life, and the right to health care for all.  We also recognize each person as a unique individual who functions within a constantly changing internal and external environment.  Each individual possesses unique physical and psychosocial needs.  These needs must be satisfied before the individual can function at an optimal level within their environment.

Health is on a continuum with high level wellness and death as the extremes.  The position on the continuum depends upon the individual’s ability to adapt to a changing environment and the availability of supportive assistance.  The individual’s optimal level of health will vary throughout life.

Nursing is a profession that provides services which contribute to the health and well-being of the individual. Nursing is a progressive applied science, requiring technical skills and knowledge in the biological, behavioral, social, and nursing sciences.  Using the nursing process, nursing implements measures to assist individuals in meeting their physical and psychosocial needs, thereby helping them to maintain and/or restore an optimal level of health or support in death.

Teaching/Learning Process

Learning is a continuous process throughout the life cycle.  Learning occurs when there is a change in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective behavior.  Each student presents different learning needs as well as inherited traits and past experienced and contribute to the learning process.  Learning is facilitated as the study of concepts develops from awareness to higher levels of comprehension in a goal directed manner.  Students must be responsibly and actively involved in the process before learning takes place.

Nursing Education

Nursing education involves structuring of the environment to provide learning experiences which utilize the nursing process.  The clinical and college setting provide the atmosphere conductive to this type of learning.  The teacher acts as a resource person who assists in clarifying the elements of the nursing process and in translating knowledge and skill into effective nursing actions.

Practical Nursing

Practical Nursing is an integral part of all nursing and of health care in our society.  Through observation, patient teaching, and performing technical skills, the Practical Nurse assist in the maintenance, restoration, and promotion of health.  These activities are performed in a variety of health care settings.