North Central State College North Central State College

Practical Nursing Certificate

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Nursing Programs Administrator:
Dr. Laura Gilmore, DNP, R.N.



Abby Schroeder  aschroeder@ncstatecollege.edu

For more information on the PN Certificate, please call Aubrey Place at 419-755-4806 or email aplace@ncstatecollege.edu

*The North Central Region of Ohio includes these counties: Richland, Ashland, Crawford, Wayne, Holmes, Medina, Huron, Seneca, Wyandot, Marion, Morrow, Knox, and Delaware.

Practical Nurses are prepared to give skillful, bedside care that may include procedures such as assisting individuals with hygiene needs, nutrition and elimination needs, assessing vital functions, administering medications, and performing wound care. The Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) functions under the supervision of the registered nurse, physician, dentist, podiatrist, or optometrist. There are employment opportunities that provide satisfying and rewarding work in hospitals, extended care facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitation units, medical offices, and private or home nursing.

Practical nursing is best suited to individuals who are interested in people and enjoy assisting others. In addition to having a caring manner, the nurse must develop technical skills that require manual dexterity. The curriculum of the Practical Nursing program is designed to include a blend of classroom activities and clinical experiences to provide the graduate with the knowledge and skills needed to assist individuals with health care needs. Experiences are provided in   various health care agencies in the community. The program is approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing and by the Ohio Board of Regents. Upon completion, the graduate is eligible to take the licensing examination for practical nurses (NCLEX). The Board of Nursing may, at its discretion, refuse to accept the application for licensure of any person who has been convicted or has charges pending against them for a felony or who has been convicted of a misdemeanor resulting from or related to the use of drugs or alcohol. Enrollment in the Practical Nursing program is limited. There is a special admission procedure. Please contact the Admissions Office for details.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

  1. Function as a health team member under appropriate supervision.
  2. Utilizes the nursing process when assisting the patient/client to reach optimal state of wellness throughout the life span.
  3. Safely performs technical procedures based on knowledge of scientific and humanistic principles.
  4. Utilizes various communication methods in maintaining relationships with patients, families, and coworkers.
  5. Adjusts to changes occurring in society in relation to health care needs.

This certificate is eligible for federal financial aid.

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Summer Evening Cohort Quick Info - Designed for the Working Adult

  • Just two semesters (May-December)
  • 5:30pm-9:30pm (typical class times)
  • No classes or clinical on Friday
  • Co-req courses can be taken in the Spring semester for a seamless transition to the summer evening PN cohort
  • No STNA required

Where You Could Go

Employment settings include hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, home health agencies, physicians’ offices, patient education facilities. Many students start in practical nursing and go on to earn an associate degree in nursing, to become an RN. The advantage is that they can work as an LPN while pursuing their associate degree.

NC State has over 40 agreements with four-year colleges and universities, to provide a smooth transition for students who want to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Through university partnerships, some four-year courses are also offered on the NC State campus or online.

Job Demand

The field of nursing is experiencing a shortfall and many practical nursing graduates are hired immediately.


Both associate degree nursing and practical nursing programs consistently score above the national average on their licensure exams.

For LPN licensure information for states other than Ohio, please refer to the following link: https://nc-sara.org/professional-licensure-directory.

Out of State Licensure

North Central State College offers courses, that with successful completion of the program, may potentially lead to professional licensure, registration or certifications. Licensure, registration or certification may be global, national or state-specific. Click here to see a state specific listing (PDF).

If you currently live in a state other than Ohio or intend to move to a state other than Ohio and use the education completed at North Central State College to sit for such an exam, be aware there may be additional requirements. Please contact the appropriate administering body for specific questions. You will also need to keep our registrar informed of any address changes post-graduation.

Program Outcomes

Exam Pass Rate [See footnote 1]
Year: 2020
Graduates: 12
Exam Pass Rate: 91.67%
: No
: No
Year: 2021
Graduates: 7
Exam Pass Rate: 85.71%
: No
: No
Year: 2022
Graduates: 27
Exam Pass Rate: 75%
: No
: No
Year: 2023
Graduates: 25
Exam Pass Rate: 97.14%
: No
: No
Year: 2024
Graduates: 19
Exam Pass Rate: 100%
: No
: No
1 Graduates who have tested for the Practical Nursing licensure exam.


Ohio Approved

This program received the Ohio Board of Nursing Full Approval status on March 17, 2021.

Web Site: www.nursing.ohio.gov, opens in a new window

  • Students Graduating on Time

    85.7%Two year completion average for evening students
    80%Three year completion average for daytime students

    Program Costs*

    Cost: $12,185
    Description: for in-state tuition and fees
    : No
    : No
    Cost: $19,656
    Description: for out-of-state tuition and fees
    : No
    : No
    Cost: $2,698
    Description: for books and supplies
    : No
    : No

    The typical graduate leaves with

    N/A*in debt
    *Fewer than 10 students completed this program within normal time. This number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of the students.

    The typical monthly loan payment

    N/A*per month in student loans
    N/A*interest rate
    *Fewer than 10 students completed this program within normal time. This number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of the students.

    Graduates who got jobs

    87%of program graduates who got jobs according to the accreditor job placement rate

    Program graduates are employed in the following fields:

    Licensure Requirements

    Program qualifies students to sit for licensure exam in:


    Date Created 3/20/2018 These disclosures are required by the U.S. Department of Education

Year One

Fall Semester

BIOL 1101 - Nutrition

BIOL 1101 is an introductory course to the principles of nutrition and its relationship to health. Included are practical applications in daily life as well as nutritional assessments of individuals. Emphasis is on essential nutrients, their supply and function, as related to an individual's well-being. Health promotion and chronic disease are explored in relation to today's society. (TAG# OHL016)

Credit Hours: 2
Lecture Hours: 2

BIOL 1730 - Basic Anatomy and Physiolo

This course presents the basic terms and concepts that deal with the structure and processes of the human body. It involves examination of the body as a whole, the cell, and tissues. The basic structure and physiology of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, and endocrine systems are presented. Laboratory exercises enhance and support the lecture topics and include microscopy, the study of models, specimen dissection, cadaver study, and physiological experiments. Day - F, Sp Evening - F, Sp

Credit Hours: 4
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 2
Required Prerequisite Course:      
Required Concurrent Course: Take BIOL 1730L 

PNUR 1012 - Fundamentals of Practical Nursing

This introductory course begins the study of the nursing process as it relates to meeting basic human needs of individuals in all age groups. Emphasis is placed upon principles of nursing care, performance of safe nursing measures, development of observational skills, and recording. Communication methods and nurse-patient relationships, health and health care organizations, and the role of the practical nurse as a member of the health care team are explored. Emphasis is placed upon increasingly complex principles of nursing care and performance of safe nursing measures as the semester progresses.

Credit Hours: 6
Lecture Hours: 3
Required Concurrent Course: Take PNUR 1012C, PNUR 1012L;

PNUR 1030 - Pharmacology

Pharmacology PNUR 1030/RNUR 1030 provides an introduction to the study of drugs. Content also includes classifications of drugs, dosage calculations, legal aspects of drug administration, and preparation and administration of drugs. Uses, actions and side effects of selected drugs will be studied as well as associated nursing care and implications. Semesters available: Day - F

Credit Hours: 2
Lecture Hours: 2
Required Prerequisite Course: MATH 0084 (minimum grade of C-) or qualifying placement test scores AND High School Chemistry or CHEM 1010 (minimum grade of C-)

Spring Semester

BIOL 1550 - Microbiology for Health Professionals

This course is designed for allied health and nursing majors. It explores the major groups of microorganisms and the role they play in the environment and in disease. The host-parasite relationship, human immunity to disease, epidemiology, and the control of microorganisms are also addressed. Laboratory exercises provide the student with the basic techniques of microbial identification, microscopy, sterile technique, and basic infection control. (OTM approved course for Natural SciencesTMNS) Day - F, Sp Evening - F

Credit Hours: 3
Lecture Hours: 2
Required Concurrent Course: Take BIOL 1550L 

PNUR 2012 - Advanced Concepts of Practical Nursing I

This course builds on the basic nursing knowledge gained in PNUR 1012 and PNUR 1030. Emphasis is placed upon content relating to interferences with meeting basic human needs of safety and protection, nutrition and elimination, sensory perception, and oxygenation throughout the life cycle. Focus will be upon utilization of the nursing process. Content includes presentation and study of drug categories that are related to common health problems. The role of the practical nurse in drug administration is emphasized. Principles of therapeutic nutrition are integrated throughout the course. Practical application of this information is achieved through clinical experience at in-patient facilities and various community health venues.

Credit Hours: 6
Lecture Hours: 3
Required Prerequisite Course: Take PNUR 1012, PNUR 1030, BIOL 1730, BIOL 1101;

PNUR 2032 - Advanced Concept of Practical Nursing II

This course is a continuation of content begun in PNUR 1012, PNUR 1030, and PNUR 2012. Content is designed to prepare a student to care for individuals of all ages. Emphasis is placed upon content relating to interferences with meeting basic human needs of safety and protection, nutrition and elimination, sexuality, and oxygenation throughout the life cycle. Focus will be upon utilization of the nursing process. Content includes presentation and study of drug categories that are related to common health problems. The role of the practical nurse in drug administration is emphasized. Principles of therapeutic nutrition are integrated. Patient care experiences include local nursing homes and the obstetrics and gynecology unit in a local hospital. There is a capstone preceptorship experience at the end of the semester. Evening hours may occur during the clinical rotation.

Credit Hours: 6
Lecture Hours: 3
Required Prerequisite Course: Take PNUR 2012 
Required Concurrent Course: Take PNUR 2032C 

PNUR 2050 - Professionalism & Trends in Practical Nursing

This course is designed to prepare the student for the role transition from student to graduate/practicing nurse. Topics include a study of th history and future of nursing; legal, ethical, and political responsibilities and issues; the role of the Board of Nursing; nursing organizations; and job seeking skills. Strategies for coping with conflict and stress as a new graduate will be explored. Roles and responsibilities of the practical nurse are discussed. Students will prepare for th licensure exam by completing the required paperwork and taking a practice examination.

Credit Hours: 1
Lecture Hours: 1
Required Prerequisite Course: Take PNUR 2012 

Total Credit Hours: 30