Police Academy Certificate
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Cadets must meet 15% to enter the academy

NC State’s Police Academy certificate program allows students to complete a series of coordinated courses in a shorter period of time than an associate degree. Students in associate degree programs may benefit from adding a certificate to their areas of expertise. A minimum of a 2.00 grade-point average must be obtained for all required courses in order to receive a certificate.
Upon successful completion of a certificate program, a Certificate Request form must be completed in the Student Records Office in order to receive a certificate.
Out of State Licensure
North Central State College offers courses, that with successful completion of the program, may potentially lead to professional licensure, registration or certifications. Licensure, registration or certification may be global, national or state-specific. Click here to see a state specific listing (PDF).
If you currently live in a state other than Ohio or intend to move to a state other than Ohio and use the education completed at North Central State College to sit for such an exam, be aware there may be additional requirements. Please contact the appropriate administering body for specific questions. You will also need to keep our registrar informed of any address changes post-graduation.
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Day academies are offered in Fall and Spring semesters. A part-time night academy will be offered on an as-needed basis, starting Fall semester and finishing in Spring semester of each academic year. The academy registration is ongoing for both academies. Students must visit North Central State College's Criminal Justice webpage to locate the registration link. The academy must be completed on a full‐time basis. The full-time academy is 40 hours per week and the part-time academy is 24 hours per week. In addition, students will be required to pass a physical examination, a state certification exam, and be capable of being hired by a law enforcement agency.
INDIVIDUALS WITH A FELONY AND/OR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CONVICTION OR CERTAIN DRUG CONVICTIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE: LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM. An acceptable Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI&I) report and an FBI report is required to enter the Peace Officer Academy. This fingerprint check is part of the official application process during mandatory orientation.
Students must successfully pass a drug screening within 90 days of the start of this academy. The cost of the test is at the expense of the student. This is part of the official application process during the mandatory orientation. Students must pass a Physical Fitness Assessment Test (1.5 mile run, push‐ups, sit‐ups) at the 15% level of the OPOTA standards.
The matters identified below prohibit an individual from attending a peace officer basic training program. If these mattters include occurrences that are sealed or expunged, they must be reported to OPOTC for review.
a. The person is subject to a weapons disability;
b. The person is under indictment, has pleaded guilty to, or has been convicted of a felony;
c. any person currently registering as a sex offender, child-victim offender, or arson offender;
d. Any person under indictment or otherwise charged with an offense under ORC Chapter 2925, Drug Offenses; Chapter 3719, Controlled Substances, or Chapter 4729, Dangerous Drugs, that involves the illegal possession, use, sale, administration, or distribution of or trafficking in a drug of abuse - if they are convicted of that offense, they are disqualified for a three-year period;
e. Any person under indictment or otherwise charged with a misdemeanor offense of violence - if they are convicted of that offense, they are disqualified for a three-year period;
f. Any person under indictment or otherwise charged with a violation of ORC 2903.14, Negligent Assault;
Any person with a conviction of guilty to an offense under ORC Chapter 2913, Theft and Fraud, or a municipal ordinance that is substantially similar is disqualified for a three-year period. As part of the enrollment process, a BCI and FBI criminal record check will be conducted. Records that have been expunged or sealed by court order will be opened and reviewed for purposes of attendance in Peace Officer Basic Training and for purposes of appointment as a peace officer.
Students will graduate under an OPOTA Curriculum with applied credit hours from the following courses upon graduation
Students will achieve core competencies and learning outcomes of the following NC State curriculum.
Year One
Fall Semester
CRMJ 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice & US Judicial Systems
This course introduces the student to the American System of Criminal Justice including growth and historical development. Emphasis will be placed on the criminal justice subsystems of law enforcement, corrections, courts, the Ohio court structure, and the Juvenile Justice System. In addition, this course will examine the ethical, professional, and legal issues confronting the criminal justice professional.
CRMJ 1070 - Family Violence
This course examines the characteristics of the growing number of families "on the fault line" of present day society in the United States. The causes and solutions that have been proposed to understand, control, and re-address problems of at-risk families are discussed during this course. Topics of discussion include the characteristics of social intervention, domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, exploitation and neglect, crimes against the elderly, and victim rights/issues. This course further examines the professional and criminal justice response to these issues.
CRMJ 2174 - Current Issues in the Criminal Justice Profession
This course introduces the student to the diverse ethical, professional, cultural, and legal issues and dilemmas confronting the field of the criminal justice profession. The course requires the student to create action plans to address the issues.
CRMJ 2230 - Police Skills I
This course is presented to students in three parts. Part one of this course meets OPOTC requirements for the certification of CPR and basic first aid. Part two of this course introduces the student to community diversity issues as well as the OPOTC requirements for the following topics; domestic violence, child abuse and investigations, crisis intervention, the juvenile justice system, and victims' rights. Part three of this course meets OPOTC requirements for laws of arrest, search & seizure, legal aspects of interview & interrogations, civil liability & use of force, testifying in court, criminal statutes in Title 29 of the ORC, and rules of evidence. All practical exercises related to certification are graded as P/NP. Students must pass all certification exams and practical exercises to successfully pass this course. This is course 3 of 5 to meet CTAG articulation# CTBPO
CRMJ 2250 - Peace Officer Academy Firearms
This course will introduce the student to the historical perspective of firearms, the lawful and unlawful use of weapons under current legal controls, and the restrictions concerning firearms. Thorough training is provided on precision pistol shooting and police combat shooting. All firearm discharges will be conducted in lab sessions at the state approved range site. All students will be required to successfully pass the state qualification standards in order to receive a Pass (P) for this course. This course is graded as pass (P) or no pass (NP). This is course 5 of 5 to meet CTAG articulation# CTBPO
Spring Semester
CRMJ 1110 - Criminal Investigation I
This course introduces the student to the study of investigative procedures beginning with the preliminary investigation through the follow-up phase. Additional topics covered within this course include documenting the crime scene, death investigations, interviewing techniques, evidence recognition, identification and collection. The laboratory experience will provide actual investigation situations to enhance student learning.
CRMJ 2090 - Defensive Tactics
This course provides the student with the basic principles and tactics of unarmed self-defense, and how to defend against physical attack, control aggressive behavior, and how to arrest/subdue an individual using the minimum amount of force. The course is graded pass (P) or no pass (NP). This is course 1 of 5 to meet CTAG articulation# CTBPO
CRMJ 2170 - Terrorism and Homeland Security
This course will examine the history, structure, and current trends of domestic and international terrorist organizations along with the development and structure of Homeland Security. This is course 2 of 5 to meet CTAG articulation# CTBPO
CRMJ 2210 - Introduction to Police Operations and Report Writing
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the history of policing, police operations and community policing. This course will also acquaint the student with current technology, reporting systems, report writing and various divisions within police organizational structure. This is a TAG course (OSS034).
CRMJ 2240 - Police Skills II
This course is presented to the student in three parts. Part one of this course meets OPOTC requirements for traffic enforcement technologies and SFST certification. This course also examines the fundamental concepts of traffic accident investigation; protection of the scene, recording of information, collection of evidence, and the analysis of traffic accidents. Part two of this course introduces the student to the knowledge and skills required for OPOTC requirements of defensive driving, pursuit driving, and stops and approaches. Part three of this course meets OPOTC requirements for the needs, purpose and importance of physical conditioning. All practical exercises related to certification are graded as P/NP. Students must pass all certification exams and practical exercises to successfully pass this course. This is course 4 of 5 to meet CTAG articulation# CTBPO