North Central State College North Central State College

Engineering Pathway

These represent sample pathways toward the Associate of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology (MECT) or the Associate of Applied Science in Industrial Technology-Integrated Engineering (IT-IE) at NC State. These courses are also guaranteed to transfer to any public Ohio college under the Ohio Transfer Module (general education) or as applicable to a Mechanical Engineering Technology-related major. This is just a sample. There are numerous courses that could apply toward this pathway, and with noted exceptions they do not have to be taken in this order. For more information on these programs, go to the degrees page.

Tier One Credit Pathway

Course Title
Program Application
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria
Available Online
Transfer Label [See footnote 1]
Course: ENGL 1010 [See footnote 2]
Course Title: English Composition I
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 3
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: Yes
Transfer Label: OTM / English
Course: MATH 1110
Course Title: College Algebra
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 4
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: No
Transfer Label: OTM / Math
Course: MATH 1130
Course Title: Trigonometry
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 4
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: No
Transfer Label: OTM / Math
Course: HIST 1010
Course Title: American History I
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 3
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: No
Available Online: Yes
Transfer Label: OTM / Humanities
Course: ENGR 1010 [See footnote 5]
Course Title: Introduction to Engineering
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 2
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: No
Available Online: Yes
Transfer Label: TAG

Tier Two Credit Pathway

Course Title
Program Application
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria
Available Online
Transfer Label
Course: ENGL 1030 [See footnote 6]
Course Title: English Composition II
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 3
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: Yes
Transfer Label: OTM / English
Course: PHYS 1110 [See footnote 7]
Course Title: General Physics I
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 4
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: No
Transfer Label: TAG
Course: PHYS 1130 [See footnote 8]
Course Title: General Physics II
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 4
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: No
Transfer Label: TAG
Course: CHEM 1030 [See footnote 9]
Course Title: Chemistry
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 3
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: No
Transfer Label: OTM / Natural Science
Course: MECT 2330 [See footnote 10]
Course Title: Statics
Program Application: MECT, IT-IE
Credits: 3
Prerequisites or Placement Criteria: Yes
Available Online: No
Transfer Label: TAG / Engineering Technology
1 Ohio Transfer Module (OTM): Transferable general education courses regardless of major. Students should consult the state Transfer Module Grid for limits on credit hours by area that are guaranteed general education transfer. Ohio Transfer Assurance Guides (TAG): Technical courses transferable to certain major areas above and beyond OTM courses. In limited instances a course could have both an OTM and TAG label.
2 Placement: proof of college readiness in English (ACT English >=18 or Accuplacer Sentence Skills >=88). If these cut-off scores are not achieved, students have a secondary option of providing evidence of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in high school courses with a B or above in the 11th grade English class OR a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in high school courses and the recommendation of the last English teacher.
3 Placement: MATH 1050 requires proof of college readiness in math (ACT math score >=21, or Accuplacer College Level Math >= 45). MATH 1110 is a substitution for Technical Math I (MATH 1050), which is not generally offered off the NC State campus nor is guaranteed transfer. MATH 1110 requires proof of college readiness in math (ACT math score >=22, or Accuplacer College Level Math >= 55). If these cut-off scores are not achieved, students have a secondary option of providing evidence of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in high school courses with a B or above in a higher-level mathematics class (Algebra II or above).
4 Placement/prerequisite. MATH 1051 requires a prerequisite of MATH 1050. Otherwise, it requires proof of college readiness in math (ACT Math score >=26, or Accuplacer College Level Math >= 55). MATH 1130 is a substitution for MATH 1051, which is generally not offered off the NC State campus nor is guaranteed transfer. MATH 1130 requires a prerequisite of MATH 1110, or proof of college readiness in math (ACT Math >=26 or Accuplacer College Level Math >=63).
5 ENGR 1010 is part of NC State’s Engineering Technology curriculum as a key gateway course to discipline concepts. It only universally guaranteed transfer for majors in Calculus-based engineering programs, as opposed to engineering technology.
6 Prerequisite: ENGL 1030 requires completion of ENGL 1010 with a C- or better.
7 Prerequisite/co-requisite: Physics 1110 requires the student at least concurrently take MATH 1051 (or MATH 1130 if following the substitution pattern in the first tier pathway.) If applied as a pre-requisite, the student must have earned at least a C-.
8 Prerequisite: Physics 1130 requires completion of PHYS 1110 with a grade of C- or better.
9 Prerequisite: Chemistry (CHEM 1030) has a prerequisite of high school chemistry or CHEM 1010 at NC State (minimum grade of C- for either). This further requires proof of college readiness in math (ACT Math score >=21 or Accuplacer College Level Math of 45).
10 Prerequisite/co-requisite: MECT 2330 requires completion of MATH 1050 (or MATH 1110 if following the substitution pattern), and at least a co-requisite of PHYS 1110.