Welcome Back!
Everyone at North Central State College has been working to meet the educational needs of our students while maintaining the safety of everyone.
While some things are changing, our commitment to provide support for you as you continue toward your goals will not change. We’re ready to help you learn, strive to succeed, and I know your persistence will pay off!
Thank you for your effort, and for joining us at North Central State College.
Dr. Dorey Diab, President & C.E.O.
While some things are changing, our commitment to provide support for you as you continue toward your goals will not change. We’re ready to help you learn, strive to succeed, and I know your persistence will pay off!
Thank you for your effort, and for joining us at North Central State College.
Dr. Dorey Diab, President & C.E.O.

Before Coming to Campus
- If you are sick, stay home.
- If you have traveled outside Ohio to a Level 3 country, or a domestic hotspot for COVID-19, please fill out and submit an expanded form at https://ncstatecollege.edu/health-travel-information/

When Students Arrive on Campus
- You will be required to enter through a single door for each NC State Building
- “A1” at Fallerius
- “A1” at Byron Kee
- “A2” at Kehoe Center
- “A1” at Health Science (“C1” for faculty at Health Sciences)
- “B1” at the Crawford Success Center.
- Upon entering, your temperature will be taken.
- You will be required to wear a face mask.
- You will be asked a series of travel and health screening questions.
- If you complete the health screening successfully, you will be given a wrist band that will need to be worn for the rest of the day. This visual will signify that you have been screened, however, your temperature will be taken each time your enter a building.
- If you answer yes to any of these questions, or if your temperature is above 100.4° F, you will be asked to fill out and submit an expanded form at https://ncstatecollege.edu/health-travel-information/

Throughout the day while on campus
- Maintain social distancing of 6 feet of spacing.
- Wash your hands with soap and water often. Use hand sanitizer when washing your hands is not possible.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth throughout the day.
- Cover your mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
- Get plenty of rest, and practice good hygiene habits.

Learning Environment Fall 2020
- Whenever possible, classes will be taught in a distance learning format.
- You will have access to advising, tutoring, financial aid, student records, admissions, career services both online and in person. We encourage you to reach out via phone and email first to see if your needs can be met without meeting face-to-face.
- Similarly, instructors will provide opportunities to meet one-on-one remotely, or in-person if necessary, to assist you in your studies.
- Keep classroom doors open whenever possible.
- Don’t share classroom materials.
- Water fountains are closed. Bring your own water with you.

Hands-on learning environment
- Many programs at NC State require laboratory work, and clinical experiences. We have prepared lab spaces to accommodate students safely, building physical barriers between work stations in some labs, and increasing space between students in other areas.
- You will be required to wear masks while in laboratory settings.
- Hand sanitizer and/or hand washing stations will be provided for your use upon entering and before
exiting the laboratories. - Instructors will disinfect any work stations used between classes.
- Deep cleaning of all laboratory spaces will occur every evening.
For a printable PDF of this information go to: NCState_Fall2020_reopeningV2 (PDF)