North Central State College North Central State College

Required Disclosure

  • North Central State College is pleased to provide the following information regarding our institution’s graduation/completion and transfer-out rates. The information is provided in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The rates reflect the graduation, completion and transfer-out status of students who enrolled during the fall 2014-15 school year and for whom 150% of the normal time-to-completion has elapsed (eg, August 31, 2017 for associate degrees).

    During the fall semester of 2013, 247 first-time, full-time, certificate or degree-seeking undergraduate students entered North Central State College. After three years, 47 (19%) of these students had completed their program within 150% expected completion. Of the 47 that completed, 14 (6%) also transferred to a university. Finally, 33 (13%) of the 247 did not graduate but did transfer to a university.

    Consequently, 80 (32%) of the entering first-time, full-time certificate or degree-seeking students either completed or transferred.

    While reviewing this information, please bear in mind:

    • Graduation and transfer-out rates are based on 3 years of attendance that equates to 150% of our longest program.
    • Graduation (and transfer-out) rates do not include students who left the school to serve in the armed forces, on official church missions, or in the foreign service of the federal government. Students who died or were totally and permanently disabled are also excluded.

  • Information about Safety and Security, including campus crime statistics.
  • In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), by October 29, 2011, each postsecondary institution that participates in Title IV federal student aid programs must post a Net Price Calculator on its website that uses institutional data to provide estimated net price information to current and prospective students and their families based on a student’s individual circumstances. The net price calculator is required for all Title IV institutions that enroll full-time, first-time degree- or certificate-seeking undergraduate students.

  • Effective July 1, 2011, the Department of Education requires schools with Gainful Employment programs to disclose certain information about these programs. Information linked is for the period between July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 (2009 – 2010 Award Year). At North Central State College, the Licensed Practical Nursing Certificate program had been deemed as a Gainful Employment.

  • Retention

    Percentage of students that graduated or re-enrolled for the following semester.

    Program: Accounting
    Spring 2015: 77%
    Fall 2015: 71%
    Spring 2016: 69%
    Fall 2016: 70%
    Spring 2017: 59%
    Fall 2017: 60%
    Program: Management / Marketing
    Spring 2015: 65%
    Fall 2015: 69%
    Spring 2016: 66%
    Fall 2016: 74%
    Spring 2017: 70%
    Fall 2017: 81%


    Number of graduates per academic year.

    Program: Accounting
    2015-16: 13
    2016-17: 11
    2017-18: 10
    Program: Management / Marketing
    2015-16: 31
    2016-17: 50
    2017-18: 51

    Employment (2013-14)

    Number and percentage of graduates that recorded a wage six months after graduation.

    Program: Accounting
    Graduates: 17
    Wage Record at 6 Months: 16
    Percentage: 94%
    Program: Management / Marketing
    Graduates: 28
    Wage Record at 6 Months: 18
    Percentage: 64%

    Employment (2014-15)

    Number and percentage of graduates that recorded a wage six months after graduation.

    Program: Accounting
    Graduates: 15
    Wage Record at 6 Months: 14
    Percentage: 93%
    Program: Management / Marketing
    Graduates: 34
    Wage Record at 6 Months: 34
    Percentage: 100%

    Employment (2015-16)

    Number and percentage of graduates that recorded a wage six months after graduation.

    Program: Accounting
    Graduates: 13
    Wage Record at 6 Months: 10
    Percentage: 77%
    Program: Management / Marketing
    Graduates: 31
    Wage Record at 6 Months: 29
    Percentage: 94%


    Percentage of program graduates that transferred to a university within one year.

    Program: Accounting
    2014-15: 57%
    2015-16: 54%
    2016-17: 27%
    Program: Management / Marketing
    2014-15: 29%
    2015-16: 22%
    2016-17: 28%