North Central State College

                                                             Board of Trustees= Meeting

                                                                      January 23, 2002



1.                  CALL TO ORDER


The Chairman, Mr. Brad Preston, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.


2.                  ROLL CALL


The Secretary called the roll.


Present:            Dr. Ford - arrived after roll call

Mrs. Humphrey

Dr. Kafer

Mr. Kehoe

Mr. Preston

Dr. Ressallat

Mr. Ross

Mr. Schmid

Mr. Wiseman


3.                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS


Dr. Abrams recognized and welcomed Dr. Mike Williams representing the Faculty Assembly and Mr. Terry Thomas, Executive Director of the Ohio Association of Community Colleges, to the meeting.


4.                  TOUR OF TRAINING CENTER


Dr. Abrams informed the Board that classes began in the ATTC on January 7.  He then proceeded to take the Board members on a brief tour of the building.




Mr. Thomas gave a brief presentation on how community and technical college students compare to four-year university students.  His presentation also covered the growth the community and technical colleges are experiencing.  Mr. Thomas also discussed with the Board members the new Trustee Education plan recently developed by the Ohio Association of Community Colleges and the Association of Community College Trustees.


6.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES


The Chairman called for questions or comments regarding the minutes of the December 5, 2001, meeting.  Mr. Preston pointed out an error on page 4 of the minutes.  The Secretary will make the correction.  Hearing no further comments, the Chairman called for a motion to approve the minutes.  Mr. Schmid moved to approve the December 5, 2001, minutes seconded by Mrs. Humphrey.  The motion carried unanimously.

7.                  TREASURER=S REPORT


Mr. Miller presented the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending December 31, 2001.  Revenues for the month totaled $1,024,101.  Expenditures for the month were $1,192,674 leaving a deficit of $168,573.  Year-to-date revenues are $8,655,786 and year-to-date expenditures are $6,603,423 leaving an excess of $2,052,363.  Mr. Miller pointed out that the current year-to-date figures compared to budget release for the first six months overall shows a favorable variance of $1,043,471.  Also when comparing current year-to-date figures with the prior year-to-date figures we currently have a $730,365 excess in comparison.  There was an error in the cell and the figure should be $1,640,737.  The StarOhio month end balance is $2,546,368.  Mr. Miller reminded the Board that this account includes restricted as well as unrestricted dollars.


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Kafer moved approval of the Treasurer=s Report.  Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


8.                  OLD BUSINESS


Shared Services Resolution - R-2001-33 - Dr. Abrams stated that the resolution was approved by mail with a unanimous vote of support by those that voted.  The Facilities Committee has met and begun to discuss the resolution.  Dr. Abrams requested that the negotiation team delay their meeting until the administration has had the opportunity to discuss the steps that need to be taken to meet the requirements of the resolution.







WHEREAS: North Central State College is the dominate occupant and service user of the campus, and


WHEREAS: the current shared services arrangement between North Central State College and the Ohio State University-Mansfield significantly limits the college=s ability to manage a significant portion of its operating budget and facilities of which it is the sole occupant, and


WHEREAS: the current expense allocation and management arrangement has resulted in high cost and inconsistent quality of service, requiring a year-end payment of actual cost as opposed to an agreed upon budget, and


WHEREAS: the current state budget situation compels the college to be even more responsible and prudent in the management of its limited resources.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees directs the college administration to negotiate an agreement (elements of which are outlined in the attached addendum) with the Ohio State University-Mansfield, that addresses the management and fiscal interests of North Central State College, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that if such an agreement is not in place and elements operational by July 1, 2002, the Board of Trustees of North Central State College, hereby gives notice to the Ohio State University-Mansfield that the buildings and accompanying grounds currently known as the Fallerius Technical Education Center, Health Sciences Center, and Engineering Center will become the sole management and fiscal responsibility of North Central State College and will no longer be considered to be part of the campus shared services agreement effective June 30, 2003.


                                              ADDENDUM TO RESOLUTION R-2001-33


In order to insure the management and fiscal interest of North Central State College, as it pertains to shared services, the Board of Trustees directs the administration to negotiate and secure an agreement with the Ohio State University-Mansfield which will contain the following elements:


9.                  Establishment of a new position within Plant Operations and Maintenance, reporting to and on the payroll of North Central State College, for the purpose of monitoring the quality of, and insuring equity in the delivery of POM services.


10.              The acquisition of an independent third party, to oversee and monitor the fiscal operations of POM and to report a fair and accurate accounting of costs, charges, and expenses.


11.              Establish a fiscal reconciliation process that is based upon a predetermined and agreed upon annual shared services budget, as apposed to final cost.


12.              Institute items 1 thru 3 within the parameters of the existing POM budget, resulting in no additional cost to North Central State College.




13.              Winter Quarter Enrollment Report - Mr. Collins presented the Winter Quarter Enrollment Report.  He commented that this report is an informational item and Board action is not required.  He stated that current enrollment for Winter Quarter is 3,025.  The figures indicate that full-time enrollment is up 19.5% and part-time enrollment is up 9.2% for a total enrollment increase of 12.2%.  Broken down by categories, the day enrollment is down 12.4%, evening enrollment is up 47.1%, new students are up 34.5%, returning students are down 50%, and continuing students are up 19.2%.


14.              Grant Funds Report - Mr. Miller presented the Grant Funds Report.  He stated that the targeted industry grants are considerably down as compared to last year.  Mr. Miller pointed out the new CCAMPIS Grant, a Child Development Center grant from the U.S. Department of Education which helps individuals with child care costs, at this point has not been utilized.  He also pointed out the two new Tech Prep Grants at $150,000 each.




15.              Travel Expense Report - Mr. Miller presented the Travel Expense Report.  He stated that under the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs line item there is a large number due to the fact that all travel money in the Academic areas have been moved and placed under Mr. Collins supervision.


16.              Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2002-01 - Consideration of Approval of Employment of College Personnel.  Mr. Miller informed the Board that the Maintenance Assistant position at the Incubator is not a new position and is 100% grant funded.


                                                 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                            EMPLOYMENT OF COLLEGE PERSONNEL






BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following classified staff are hereby awarded the prescribed salary at the beginning dates stipulated below:



Terry Sexton, Maintenance Assistant, Incubator

SALARY: $1,791.66 per month based on 12 months


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Ross moved approval of R-2002-01.  Mrs. Humphrey seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.            


17.              Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2002-02 - Consideration of Approval of Status Changes.  Mr. Miller stated that the salary increases are for work experience.  The dollars were in the budget approved in July but are just now being allocated due to a delay in paperwork.  Dr. Abrams added that a year ago the CDC went to a base level pay scale and at that time the funds were not available to give them credit for work experience.


                                                 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                                                  STATUS CHANGES






BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following Child Development Center staff are hereby awarded the following credit for experience salary adjustments partially funded through Early Head Start quality improvement funds:




Susan Householder, Early Childhood Specialist III

SALARY: $1,534.16 per month based on 12 months



Shannon Malec, Early Childhood Specialist II

SALARY: $1,639.93 per month based on 12 months


Deana Owens, Early Childhood Specialist II

SALARY: $1,429.25 per month based on 12 months


Amy Reese, Early Childhood Specialist II

SALARY: $1,454.00 per month based on 12 months


Teresa Shafer, Early Childhood Specialist IV

SALARY: $1,676.58 per month based on 12 months


Julie Tinsman, Early Childhood Specialist IV

SALARY: $1,741.33 per month based on 12 months


Juliana Weber, Early Childhood Specialist III

SALARY: $1,897.66 per month based on 12 months


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Wiseman moved approval of R-2002-02.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


18.              Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2002-03 - Consideration of Approval of College Personnel Professional Growth Recognition.


                                       CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF COLLEGE





WHEREAS: Shannon Malec, Early Childhood Specialist, has supplied verification of the completion of a Child Development Associate, and


WHEREAS: Amy Reese, Early Childhood Specialist, has supplied verification of the completion of a Child Development Associate.


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that Shannon Malec be awarded a $1,105.00 increase to base salary from $16,917.00 to $18,022.00 effective July 1, 2001.


THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that Amy Reese be awarded a $1,105.00 increase to base salary from $15,743.00 to$16,848.00 effective July 1, 2001.


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Schmid moved approval of R-2002-03.  Mr. Kehoe seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


19.              Mr. Collins presented Resolution R-2002-04 - Consideration of Approval for Non-Probationary Faculty.  Mr. Collins informed the Board that the faculty members listed in the resolution have been evaluated and recommended for renewal by their individual Deans.




                                                     (First Year of a Three-Year Contract)




BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees of North Central State College that approval is hereby given to the Administration of the College for the Amemos of intent@ issued to the following faculty who have been fully evaluated and are recommended without reservation for renewal of contracts for the period stated below:




Susan Barnard                                                Jerry Francl

Richard Birk                                                    Vasantha Harinath

Karen Danielson                                             Brad Hays

William Despain                                              Thomas Ruggles

Kenneth Ekegren                                            Paul Sukys


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Wiseman moved approval of R-2002-04.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


20.              Dr. Abrams presented Resolution R-2002-05 - Consideration of Approval of Building Naming Policy.  Dr. Abrams stated that currently there are not any guidelines set for naming buildings.  This resolution establishes the needed guidelines.


                                                 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                                         BUILDING NAMING POLICY




WHEREAS: With North Central State College=s recent relocation  of operations from the Enskat Center and the Engineering Building to establish the Advanced Technology Training Center in the Shelby Mutual Building, and


WHEREAS: with the renovation of  the Engineering Building to house the Student Development One-Stop Center, consideration needs to be given to rename the facilities to better represent their new function to the College, and


WHEREAS: a Naming Policy has been created to aid in this process.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees of North Central State College hereby approves the following Naming Policy.


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Ford moved approval of R-2002-05.  Mr. Schmid seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


21.              Dr. Abrams presented Resolution R-2002-06 - Consideration of Approval of Recognition of Meritorious Service Associated with the Occupation of the Advanced Technology Training Center.  The Board discussed the resolution.


ACTION TAKEN: The Board decided that the resolution needs to be edited and brought back to the next meeting for further action.




Trustee Appointments - Mr. Preston informed the Board that Mr. Wiseman and himself had been reappointed for three-year terms.  The Governor=s office has  acknowledged receipt of our recommendation for Mr. Ross=s reappointment and the process continues.




Budget Status - Dr. Abrams stated that at the last meeting the Board had approved cutting $750,000 out of the budget.  Since then, state allocation numbers have been verified.  He also stated that the budget was built on a 5% enrollment increase.  He did not anticipate a 12% increase.  He stated that he expects at the next meeting to ask salary cuts be returned and the hiring freeze to be lifted.  Lifting the freeze does not mean all positions will be filled.


Shelby Project (Grants) - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that there are 317 students registered in classes at the ATTC and 300 or so enrolled in non-credit training sort of programs.  Renovation is virtually done.  The budget for the renovation and the move was estimated at $1,475,000 and the actual cost was $1,345,000.  Capital money will be directed to purchase additional equipment.  We have $272,000 in hand of pledges made to this project.  He also informed the Board that we have received a Federal Grant from the Department of Education for a model training site.  We would be 1 of 4 of these sites in Ohio.  We also received a $1.7 million grant from the Ohio Department of Development due to a request from GM to buy robots and training for GM.  Betty Wells then gave a quick overview of the events planned for the Grand Opening of the ATTC in April.


Engineering & Fallerius Renovation - Bids for the Engineering building will begin the first week of February with construction completed by summer.  Fallerius renovations will follow.


Other - We have received notice that we now have a .edu domain.  This will broaden our access to students who are searching on the internet.


The Adult High School had three individuals enrolled for fall.  We have five currently enrolled for winter and expect to have our first graduate at the end of winter quarter.

We have been selected by the office of Civil Rights for a site visit review on February 12.  We are subject to site visits because we receive Perkins Vocational Education money.




Mr. Wiseman called for an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter.  Upon a motion made by Mr. Wiseman, seconded by Dr. Kafer to adjourn to Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter, a roll call vote on the motion was approved unanimously.


Dr. Ford - Aaye@                                               Dr. Ressallat - Aaye@

Mrs. Humphrey - Aaye@                                    Mr. Ross - Aaye@

Dr. Kafer - Aaye@                                              Mr. Schmid - Aaye@

Mr. Kehoe - Aaye@                                           Mr. Wiseman - Aaye@

Mr. Preston - Aaye@


Upon a motion made by Mr. Ross, seconded by Dr. Ford at 10:50 p.m. to terminate the Executive Session and to reconvene the regular Board meeting, a roll call vote on said motion was approved unanimously.


Dr. Ford - Aaye@                                               Dr. Ressallat - Aaye@

Mrs. Humphrey - Aaye@                                    Mr. Ross - Aaye@

Dr. Kafer - Aaye@                                              Mr. Schmid - Aaye@

Mr. Kehoe - Aaye@                                           Mr. Wiseman - Aaye@

Mr. Preston - Aaye@


The regular meeting of the North Central State College Board of Trustees was declared reconvened at 10:50 p.m.




The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for February 27, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 168 of the Fallerius Technical Education Center.




The Chairperson called for any additional business for Board action.


ACTION TAKEN: As there was no further business for Board consideration, a motion was made by Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Wiseman to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 p.m.  The motion carried unanimously.





Respectively submitted:                                     Mr. J. Bradford Preston, Chairman

Lisa A. Kitts, Secretary