North Central State College

                                                       Board of Trustees= Meeting

                                                                October 24, 2001



1.                  CALL TO ORDER


The Chairman, Mr. Brad Preston, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.


2.                  ROLL CALL


The Secretary called the roll.


Present:            Dr. Ford

Mrs. Humphrey

Dr. Kafer

Mr. Preston

Dr. Ressallat

Mr. Ross (arrived after roll call)

Mr. Schmid

Mr. Wiseman


Absent:           Mr. Kehoe


The Chairman declared a quorum in attendance.  At this time, Dr. Abrams presented Dr. Ford with a corsage, plaque, and a cake to congratulate her on being inducted into the Ohio Women=s Hall of Fame.


3.                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS


There were no guests in attendance for this meeting.


4.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES


The Chairman called for questions or comments regarding the minutes of the September 12, 2001, meeting.  Hearing none, the Chairman called for a motion to approve the minutes as submitted.  Dr. Ressallat moved to approve the September 12, 2001, minutes seconded by Mrs. Humphrey.  The motion carried unanimously.


5.                  TREASURER=S REPORT


Mr. Miller presented the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending September 31, 2001.  Revenues for the month of September totaled $791,758.  Expenditures for the month were $1,089,834 leaving a deficit of $298,076.  Year-to-date Revenues are $4,746,277 and year-to-date Expenditures are $2,993,123 leaving an Excess of $1,753,154.  Mr. Miller stated that student fees are above budget projections and prior year=s amount due to the fact that we budgeted zero growth and actual growth is above 10%.  He also stated that Expenditures are below budget projections primarily due to payroll not including overload and adjunct.  Those items will be included on the October 30th payroll.  Mr. Miller concluded the Treasurer=s Report by stating that the StarOhio month end balance is $1,106,964.


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Kafer moved approval of the Treasurer=s Report.  Mr. Schmid seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


Audit Update - Mr. Miller stated that a Post Audit meeting was held today and the College received an unqualified opinion.  The auditors did find one immaterial non compliance in regards to printing.  All printing must be bid out.  The College currently has a ceiling that anything over $500 needs to be put out to bid.  Mr. Miller informed the Board that he has spoken with the people to whom this issue effects.  Dr. Abrams pointed out that Mr. Ross and Mr. Preston were in attendance at the Post Audit meeting.  Mr. Ross commended Mr. Miller and his staff on the extremely clean audit.


6.                  OLD BUSINESS


Shared Services - Mr. Preston informed the Board that he and John Harkness met with Jim Meyer and John Riedl to discuss the lack of cost accounting and the fact that nothing had been done with the work order system.  Jim Meyer brought up separating our three buildings equipped with our own maintenance staff and no further discussion took place on the matter.  Mr. Preston stated that he wrote Mr. Meyer a letter with a possible idea on how to handle the maintenance staff for the Shared buildings.  Mr. Preston welcomed any ideas or input from the Board members.  He also stated that we are trying to move to a formula based on usage instead of enrollment to determine our cost of the shared services.  OSU is very open to that idea.


Kehoe Resolution - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that they were contacted by telephone earlier to seek approval of the resolution to nominate Jim Kehoe for the OACC Maureen C. Grady Award.  It is being presented here to be shown that the resolution passed unanimously for record in the minutes.


7.                  NEW BUSINESS


1.                  Final Fall Quarter Enrollment Report- Mr. Collins presented the final Fall Quarter enrollment report.  He commented that this report is an informational item and formal Board action is not required.  The figures indicate full-time enrollment is up 15.1%, and part-time enrollment is up 8.3% for a total increase of 10.3%.  Broken down by categories, the day enrollment is up 9.6%, evening enrollment is up 11.1%, continuing students is up 9%, new students, is up 18.9%, and returning students is down 2.8%.


2.                  Part-Time Agreements - Mr. Collins presented the part-time agreements stating that this is an informational item brought to the Board on a quarterly basis.  The agreements include adjunct and overload compensation and well as program director compensation.


3.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-30 - Consideration of Approval of College Personnel.


                                           CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                      EMPLOYMENT OF COLLEGE PERSONNEL




BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following non-academic professional staff  are hereby awarded an employment agreement at the salary and dates stipulated below contingent upon the continued receipt of funds from private third-party sources:




James Stoner, Director of the Small Business Development Center

SALARY: $33,850.00 prorated from $45,100.00 for a fiscal year


Barbara Harmony, Senior Business Analyst/Counselor, Small Business Development Center

SALARY: $30,750.00 prorated from $41,000.00 for a fiscal year




BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following part-time non-academic professional staff  are hereby awarded an employment agreement at the salary and dates stipulated below:




Shannon Roberts, Part-time Academic Advisor/Student Success Center

SALARY: $10,877.73 prorated from $14,141.00 for a fiscal year


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Schmid moved approval of R-2001-30.  Mrs. Humphrey seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


4.                  Nominating Committee Report - Mrs. Humprey reported that the nominating committee would like to put forth the motion to nominate Mr. Brad Preston, Mr. Tom Ross, and Mr. Russ Wiseman for reappointment to the North Central State College Board of Trustees.  Dr. Ford made a motion to close the nominations.  Mr. Schmid seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.  Dr. Kafer made a motion to approve the nominations.  Mr. Schmid seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


5.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-31 - Consideration of Approval of Contract with Dearman Moving & Storage Company.  Mr. Miller stated the purpose of this resolution is to acquire services to move equipment and furniture from Enskat to the Shelby building.







WHEREAS: North Central State College needs to relocate lab and classroom equipment and office furnishings from the Enskat Center and the Engineering Center to the Advanced Technology Training Center in Shelby, and


WHEREAS: the College issued Requests for Proposal to the qualified, local moving companies, and


WHEREAS: the Dearman Moving and Storage Company submitted the most attractive proposal, and


WHEREAS: Dearman has a previous record of successful performance for the College,


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees of North Central State College authorizes the President to execute a contract with Dearman Moving and Storage for the relocation of classes, labs, and offices from Enskat and Engineering to the Advanced Technology Training Center in Shelby for a sum not to exceed $25,000.


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Ford moved approval of Resolution R-2001-31.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


8.                  BOARD CHAIRMAN=S REPORT


President=s Annual Review - Mr. Preston stated that he would like Dr. Kafer and the review committee to meet to begin the process of the President=s annual review.  Dr. Kafer stated that the committee will incorporate the agreement along with a new process to bring to the Board at the next meeting.


9.                  PRESIDENT=S REPORT


Governor=s Cabinet Meeting Presentation - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that last Thursday the Governor brought his Cabinet meeting to OSU-M.  The meetings are an opportunity for the general public to present items going on in the community for economic development.  Dr. Abrams conducted a presentation on the Shelby building and received a lot of positive feedback.


Advanced Technology Training Center Update - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that construction is on schedule.  Classes will start on January 7.  We are now working on how to get sprinklers on to the 2nd and 3rd floors.  We are beginning to run out of space for offering partnerships on the 1st floor.  The College Foundation has agreed to raise $2 Million and we are currently at $1.3 Million.  We are still waiting the hear from the Rupp Foundation.


Budget Consideration - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the College=s budget will be reduced by another 6%.  The State has informed us that the cut includes everything but Capital funds.  We will bring to the next Board meeting an actual figure.  The 6% is more like an 8 1/2% cut due to the fact that we are in the 3rd month of the fiscal year.  Dr. Abrams stated that he held a campus-wide meeting with staff and faculty to discuss this matter.  He also stated that he has currently put a freeze on hiring and out-of-state travel.


MIS Conversion Update - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the software is being installed and the vendors have been and campus conducting training.


Other - Dr. Abrams distributed a copy of a journal kept by students in a class taught by Paul Sukys.  The course is new and deals with the connection between arts, sciences, and literature.


10.              EXECUTIVE SESSION


The Chairman of the Board, Mr. Brad Preston, called for an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter.


Upon a motion made by Dr. Ford, seconded by Mrs. Humprehy to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. to discuss the personnel matter, a roll call vote on the motion was approved unanimously.


Dr. Ford - Aaye@                                               Dr. Ressallat - Aaye@

Mrs. Humprhey - Aaye@                                    Mr. Ross - Aaye@

Dr. Kafer - Aaye@                                              Mr. Schmid - Aaye@

Mr. Kehoe - absent                                          Mr. Wiseman - Aaye@

Mr. Preston - Aaye@


Upon a motion made by Mrs. Humphrey, seconded by Mr. Schmid at 8:38 p.m. to terminate the Executive Session and to reconvene the regular Board meeting, a roll call vote on said motion was approved unanimously.


Dr. Ford - Aaye@                                   Dr. Ressallat - Aaye@

Mrs. Humphrey - Aaye@                        Mr. Ross - Aaye@

Dr. Kafer - Aaye@                                  Mr. Schmid - Aaye@

Mr. Kehoe - absent                              Mr. Wiseman - Aaye@

Mr. Preston - Aaye@


The regular meeting of the North Central State College Board of Trustees was declared reconvened at 8:38 p.m.


ACTION TAKEN:  No action was taken regarding the personnel matter discussed in Executive Session.




The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 197-T of the Fallerius Technical Education Center.


12.              ADJOURNMENT


The chairman called for any additional business requiring Board action.


ACTION TAKEN: As there was no further business for Board approval, a motion was made by Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned.







Respectively submitted:                                     Mr. Brad Preston, Chairman

Lisa A. Kitts, Secretary