North Central State College

                                                       Board of Trustees= Meeting

                                                              September 12, 2001



1.                  CALL TO ORDER


The Chairman, Mr. Brad Preston, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Mr. Preston asked for a moment of silence in recognition of the events that took place on Tuesday.


2.                  ROLL CALL


The Secretary called the roll.


Present:            Mrs. Humphrey

Dr. Kafer

Mr. Kehoe

Mr. Preston

Dr. Ressallat

Mr. Ross

Mr. Schmid


Absent:           Dr. Ford

Mr. Wiseman


3.                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS


The Chairman recognized and welcomed Dean Schaad, representing the Staff Association, and Doug Hanuscin, the Human Resource Director


4.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES


The Chairman called for questions or comments regarding the minutes of the June 20, 2001, meeting.  Hearing none, the Chairman called for a motion to approve the minutes as submitted.  Dr. Kafer moved to approve the June 20, 2001, minutes seconded by Mr. Kehoe.  The motion carried unanimously.


5.                  TREASURER=S REPORT


Mr. Miller presented the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending August 31, 2001.  Mr. Miller noted that there are some format changes to the Treasurer=s Report.  He noted that in prior years the Budget Release column represented an allocation at 1/12 per month.  Now the columns may vary to better reflect economic reality.  He gave an example using the OBR Subsidy that is still allocated by 12ths because it is received monthly.  OBR Grants are allocated as received in July and January.  Student Fees are allocated in thirds to represent Summer/Fall, Winter, and Spring.  The Prior Year-to-Date and Current vs. the Prior columns are new.  The Prior Year-to-Date information will be allocated more accurately with the November or December reports.  Mr. Miller reported that Revenues for the August totaled $1,325,443.  Expenditures for the month were $996,145 leaving an excess of $329,298.  Year-to-Date Revenues are $3,954,519 and Year-to-Date Expenditures are $1,903,635 leaving and Excess of $2,050,884.  Mr. Miller noted that the Student Fees and Lab Fees are greater than anticipated as a result of enrollment being above a flat projection.  Mr. Miller concluded his report stating that the StarOhio month end balance is $1,103,909.  This amount differs from the amount listed in the Board Packet.  It reflects the August information he just received.


Mr. Miller gave a brief report on the Audit status.  The College audit began August 27th.  The field work will be completed next week, barring any unforseen issues.  At this point in the audit, there is nothing noted.  Mr. Miller continued with a Fiscal Year 2001/2002 update regarding Contingency.  During the budget process we had hoped for a Contingency carry over of over $200,000.  At this time that amount will more than likely not be available.  Mr. Miller speculated that the amount will be less than $50,000 due to vacation/sick accrual requirements, OBR Subsidy reduction, various write offs, and Shelby operating costs not in the original Fiscal Year budget.


ACTION TAKEN: Mrs. Humphrey moved approval of the Treasurer=s Report.  Mr. Schmid seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


6.                  OLD BUSINESS


Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the next two items, R-2001-25-Consideration of Approval of Eisenhower Renovation Bid and R-2001-26-Consideration of Approval of Construction Budget, were the resolutions that were approved by telephone.  The items were placed on the agenda so that they could be documented for official record.


Shared Services - Mr. Preston discussed with the Board some issues concerning the progress of the Shared Services agreement.  He also informed the Board that he has met with Jim Meyer who is just as concerned as he is.  Mr. Preston will talk to Mr. Meyer about the possibility of starting at Aground zero@.  Dr. Abrams also informed the Board of an area of concern regarding the budget development process and the facilities committee.


7.                  NEW BUSINESS


1.                  Fall Quarter Enrollment Report - Mr. Collins presented the preliminary Fall Quarter Enrollment Report.  He commented that this report is an informational item and board action is not required.  The figures indicate that full-time enrollment is up 8.8% and part-time enrollment is up 9.7% over last fall.  Broken down by categories, the day enrollment is up 2.5%, evening enrollment is up


17.4%, new students are up 15.8%, returning students is up 2%, and continuing students are up 7.9%.  The total adjustment is 9.4% over last year with the total FTE up .6%.  Actual paid registrations is up 12.4% which indicates that students are more committed early on.  He stated that he anticipates the figures to be more than flat enrollment.


2.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-27 - Consideration of Approval of Employment of College Personnel.


                                           CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                      EMPLOYMENT OF COLLEGE PERSONNEL





BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following faculty are hereby awarded an employment agreement at the salary and dates stipulated below:




Antoinette Carr, Associate Professor/Early Childhood Education

SALARY: $32,992.00 for an academic year


Matthew Cupach, Associate Professor/Digital Media

SALARY: $32,042.00 for an academic year


Donald Dicke, Associate Professor/Accounting

SALARY: $43,917.00 for an academic year


Patricia Herb, Associate Professor/English

SALARY: $32,517.00 for an academic year


Jennifer Howe, Assistant Professor/Business Management

SALARY: $30,142.00 for an academic year


James Olive, Instructor/Computer Information Systems

SALARY: $27,292.00 for an academic year


Jarrod Schiffbauer, Instructor/Physics

SALARY: $30,142.00 for an academic year


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following Child Development Center classified staff is hereby awarded the prescribed salary at the beginning date stipulated below:




Denise Funk, Early Childhood Specialist

SALARY: $1,598.92 per month based on 12 months


ACTION TAKEN: Mrs. Humphrey moved approval of R-2001-27.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


3.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-28 - Consideration of Approval of Salary Adjustments.








WHEREAS: it is the intent of North Central State College to maintain fair and equitable compensation levels for its employees, and


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees of North Central State College that Molly Hockenberry be hereby awarded a salary adjustment of $2,533.00 retroactive to June 18, 2001, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that Faye Grund be hereby awarded a salary adjustment of $475.00 effective September 13, 2001, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that Jennifer Adkins be hereby awarded a salary adjustment of $2,375.00 effective September 13, 2001.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following non-academic professional staff  are hereby awarded a salary adjustment at the amount and dates stipulated below:


Amy Eldridge, Family Resource Specialist/Child Development Center, salary adjustment of $459.00 retroactive to July 1, 2001.


Denise Conrad, Program Design/Management Coordinator, Child Development Center, salary adjustment of $2,817.00 retroactive to July 1, 2001.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following Child Development Center classified staff  are hereby awarded the prescribed salary at the beginning date stipulated below:




Rita Elliott, Child Care Specialist

SALARY: $1,126.67 per month based on 12 months




Laura Campbell, Early Childhood Specialist

SALARY: $1,490.92 per month based on 12 months


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Schmid moved approval of R-2001-28.  Mr. Kehoe seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


4.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-29 - Consideration of Approval of Contract with Computing Options Company.  Mr. Miller stated that this resolution is asking the Board to approve the authorization of entering into a contract with CoCo for a new MIS system.  The amount came in under the anticipated amount.  The biggest savings is that we do not need to replace the hardware system and we already have two of the modules from CoCo.







WHEREAS:  North Central State College needs to replace its Management Information System software, and


WHEREAS: the College requires both an efficient and user-friendly Management Information System to improve its productivity and customer satisfaction, and


WHEREAS: the College has performed a request-for-bid and proposal analysis, and


WHEREAS: Computing Options Company has proposed the best-value solution.


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees of North Central State College authorize the President to execute a Software Product Use Agreement with Computing Options Company for a new Management Information Software System as outlined in the proposal of August 10, 2001 for a cost not to exceed $326,025.00 and an annual support cost of $52,000.00 starting in the second year for five years.


Bid Proposal Comparisons:


Computing Options Company . . . . .  $   534,025


Jenzabar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $1,171,915


Datatel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $1,132,863


8.                  BOARD CHAIRMAN=S REPORT


Board Member and Officers Nominating Committee - The Chairman informed the Board members that three terms would expire in January.  They are Brad Preston, Tom Ross, and Russ Wiseman.  Mr. Preston appointed a nominating committee consisting of Mrs. Humphrey and Dr. Ressallat.  The nominating committee will have a report prepared for the next Board meeting.


OACC Fall Conference - Mr. Preston reminded the Board that the OACC Fall Conference is scheduled for tomorrow and Friday.  He announced that the speaker is unable to attend due to the recent events.


Mr. Preston stated that at the last Board meeting the board had approved a resolution nominating Paul Sukys for the William H. Meardy Faculty Award.  Unfortunately he was not selected to receive the award.


9.                  PRESIDENT=S REPORT


Employee Appreciation Dinner - Dr. Abrams reminded the Staff members of the Employee Appreciation Dinner being held on September 28, 2001, at the Brown Derby Roadhouse.


Advanced Technology Training Center - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the Contractors will be in place next week.  The goal still is to be done by mid December so that moving can take place over the holiday.  In the packet of information already distributed, the second sheet is a two-page report of committed partners of the Shelby building.  The sheet after that pertains to funding.  Dr. Abrams stated that the Enskat Center is still on the market.  We have received inquiries but nothing concrete.


Foundation Audit - The on site work of the audit has been completed.  We have not received a formal report yet but we anticipate a clean report.


Tuition Increases - The next page in the packet points out the reality of what happened regarding tuition at colleges across the state; particularly two-year public community and technical colleges.


Vietnam Era Veteran Complaint - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that six to eight weeks ago the College was notified by the Department of Labor that an individual had filed a complaint.


Campus Master Plan - A year ago OSU main campus funded bringing in a firm to compile a Campus Master Plan for their branch campuses.  We have been working with a firm from Dayton that they brought in.  Dr. Abrams stated that he will share the final report with the Board when he receives it.


Adult High School - Dr. Abrams stated that the College is pursuing the idea of an adult high school to create an alternative to the GED.  We have worked out an arrangement with Mansfield City Schools and have gone public with the partnership.  This is a pilot project for this year.


Incubator Grant - We received a grand from the E.D.A. for $820,000, supplemented by $300,000 would bring a total of $1.2 million to upgrade the facility.


Other - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that on October 18 the Governor will be bringing his traveling Cabinet meeting to campus.  OSU will be hosting the meeting at Ovalwood Hall.  Dave Williamson is trying to get us on the agenda to present the ATTC.




The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Wednesday, October 24, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 168 of the Fallerius Technical Education Center.


11.              ADJOURNMENT


The Chairman called for any additional business requiring Board action.

ACTION TAKEN: As there was no further business for Board approval, a motion was made by Mr. Ross, seconded by Dr. Kafer to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.  The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting adjourned.






Respectively submitted:                                     Mr. J. Bradford Preston, Chairman

Lisa A. Kitts, Secretary