������������������������������������������������������ North Central State College

Board of Trustees= Meeting

March 21, 2001





1.                  CALL TO ORDER


The Chairman, Mr. Brad Preston, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


2.                  ROLL CALL


The Secretary called the roll.


Present:����������� Dr. Kafer

Mr. Kehoe

Mr. Preston

Dr. Ressallat

Mr. Ross

Mr. Wiseman


Absent:���������� Dr. Ford

Mrs. Humphrey

Mr. Schmid


The Chairman declared a quorum in attendance.


3.                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS


There were no guests in attendance.


4.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES


The Chairman called for questions or comments regarding the minutes of the January 24, 2001, and February 7, 2001, meetings.Hearing none, the Chairman called for a motion to approve both sets of minutes as submitted.Dr. Kafer moved to approve the January 24, 2001, and February 7, 2001, minutes seconded by Mr. Kehoe.The motion carried unanimously.


5.                  TREASURER=S REPORT


Mr. Miller presented the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending February 28, 2001.Mr. Miller reported that revenues for February totaled $1,725,851.Expenditures for February were $1,252,449.Mr. Miller stated that the All Other Expense line item of $118,000 represents a payment made to Sprint.This payment represented a payment of phone services.The bills were being held until appropriate adjustments were made to our statements.Excess revenues over expenditures totaled $473,402.Year-to-date revenues are $10,356,308 and year-to-date expenditures are $8,620,189 leaving an excess of $1,7636,119.Mr. Miller concluded his report stating that the StarOhio month end balance for February is $3,955,631 and that this balance includes the $1,000,000 donation.


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Wiseman moved to accept the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending February 28, 2001.Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


6.                  OLD BUSINESS


Shared Services


Mr. Preston stated that the Shared Services drafting committee had not met since the last Board meeting but that they will be meeting tomorrow to discuss the issues of vending, food service, and rental space.


7.                  NEW BUSINESS


1.                  Part-Time Agreements - Mr. Collins presented the Winter quarter Part-Time Agreements report.Mr. Collins stated that this is a standard report listing adjunct faculty for Winter quarter and faculty receiving adjunct pay for Winter quarter.Mr. Collins also stated this report is an informational item and formal action is not required by the Board.


2.                  Mr. Collins presented Resolution R-2001-06 - Consideration of Approval of Contracts for Probationary and Non- Probationary Faculty.Mr. Collins stated that the faculty members listed in the resolution have all been evaluated by their department heads and reviewed by him also.Mr. Collins noted that there is a faculty member receiving afourth-year probationary contract.Mr. Collins further stated that this is unusual but within College policies.


������������������������������ CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACTS

���������������������������������������������������� FOR PROBATIONARY AND

���������������������������������������������� NON-PROBATIONARY FACULTY


��������������������������������������������������������������������� R-2001-06


BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that approval is hereby given to the Administration of the College for the Amemos of intent@ issued to the following faculty who have been fully evaluated and are recommended without reservation for renewal of contracts for the period stated below:


���������������������������������� PROBATIONARY SECOND-YEAR CONTRACTS


Lenny Eaken�������������� Carmen Morrison������ Bob Matney

Dan Gibney���������������� Ed Taylor������������������� Molly Hockenberry

Amy Welsh�����������������������������������������������������


������������������������������������ PROBATIONARY THIRD-YEAR CONTRACTS


Mike Allen������������������ Doug Kranch������������� Jen Rietschlin

Judith Sturgill������������ Anne Vinson��������������� Faye Grund

Cindy Hartman


���������������������������������� PROBATIONARY FOURTH-YEAR CONTRACTS


��������������������������������������������������������������������� Len Keller


������������������������������ NON-PROBATIONARY THREE-YEAR CONTRACTS

���������������������������������������������� (First Year of a Three-Year Contract)


��������������������������������������������������������������������� 2001-2004


John Falls ����������������� Janice Ramsdell��������� Phil Martin

Dolly Weikel


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Wiseman moved approval of R-2001-06.Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


3.                  Mr. Collins presented Resolution R-2001-07 - Consideration of Approval of Designation of Emeritus Status for Paul Robinson.Mr. Collins informed the Board that Dr. Robinson had retired this past academic year.


������������������������������������������ CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

������������������������������������ DESIGNATION OF EMERITUS STATUS FOR

������������������������������������������������������������� PAUL ROBINSON


��������������������������������������������������������������������� R-2001-07


WHEREAS: in accordance with Board Resolution R-1998-20, qualifying retiring faculty members may be recommended by the Administration for Emeritus Status, and


WHEREAS: Dr. Paul Robinson, who after 22 years retired as a Professor of Human Services, has met the required criteria, and


WHEREAS: Dr. Paul Robinson has been recommended for Emeritus Status by his Dean and this recommendation is endorsed by the Vice President of Academic and Student Services.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees, that Dr. Paul Robinson be granted Emeritus Status.


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Ross moved approval of R-2001-07.Mr. Wiseman seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


4.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-08 - Consideration of Approval of College Personnel.Mr. Miller stated that the first and second positions are replacement positions.He also stated that the Help Desk position is new and was approved in last fiscal year=s budget and that the fourth position is also a replacement position.Mr. Ross asked what a Help Desk Specialist was and Mr. Miller and Dr. Abrams went over the position for the Board members.


������������������������������������������ CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

������������������������������������� EMPLOYMENT OF COLLEGE PERSONNEL


��������������������������������������������������������������������� R-2001-08


BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following non-academic professional staff is hereby awarded an employment agreement at the salary and dates stipulated below:



Rebecca Matney, Computer Programmer

SALARY: $13,655.29prorated from $35,000.00 for a fiscal year


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following faculty is hereby awarded an employment agreement at the salary and dates stipulated below:



Penny Snyder, Assistant Professor/Practical Nursing Program

SALARY: $9,565.98 prorated from $38,263.90 for an academic year


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following classified staffare hereby awarded the prescribed salary at the beginning date stipulated below:



Vickie Kissel, Help Desk Specialist

SALARY: $1,958.33 per month based on twelve months


Terry Miller, Administrative Assistant/Academic Business Division

SALARY: $1,916.66 per month based on twelve months


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Kafer moved approval of R-2001-08.Mr. Kehoe seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


5.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-09 - Consideration of Approval of Salary Increases.Mr. Miller stated that the Recruiting Coordinator position=s job description was rewritten to include Coordinator responsibilities.The second position is moving from 2 time to 3/4 time.


������������������������������������������ CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

���������������������������������������������������������� SALARY INCREASES


��������������������������������������������������������������������� R-2001-09


WHEREAS: the responsibilities of the Recruiting Coordinator in the Institutional Advancement Division have increased, and


WHEREAS: one position of Professional Support Staff, Student Success Center has changed from half time to three quarter time, and


WHEREAS: it is the intent of the College to maintain fair and equitable compensation levels for its employees,


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees of North Central State College approve the salary for Tanya Hartings, Recruiting Coordinator, at $28,000.00 for a fiscal year.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees approve the salary of Margaret Puckett, Professional Support Staff, Student Success Center at $21,560.00 for a fiscal year.


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Kehoe moved approval of R-2001-09.Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


6.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-10 - Consideration of Approval of College Personnel Professional Growth Recognition.Upon 60% completion of the Masters degree the employee is awarded a 1 point salary increase.Upon completion of the degree the employee is awarded the other 1 point salary increase.Mr. Miller also stated that this is not a new policy and is consistent in higher education.Dr. Abrams informed the Board that Mr. Ruggles is completing his degree on-line through Capella University.


������������������������������������������ CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

��������������������������������������� COLLEGE PERSONNEL PROFESSIONAL

����������������������������������������������������� GROWTH RECOGNITION


��������������������������������������������������������������������� R-2001-10


WHEREAS: Thomas E. Ruggles, Assistant Professor/Electronic Engineering Technology, has supplied documentation of completion of 60% of a Master of Science Degree in Education and Professional Development,


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that Thomas E. Ruggles, Assistant Professor/Electronic Engineering Technology, be hereby awarded a $950.00 increase to base salary from $37,248.00 to $38,198.00 effective January 31, 2001, in recognition of 60% completion of a Master of Science Degree in Education and Professional Development in accordance with the policy adopted under resolution 1977-33 for AProfessional Growth Recognition.@


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Wiseman moved approval of R-2001-10.Mr. Kehoe seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


7.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-11 - Consideration of Approval of Groundskeeping Proposal.Mr. Miller deferred the Resolution to Mr. Harkness for explanation.Mr. Harkness described the process and content of the proposal.The company selected had the third lowest proposal and his references in the community were checked.Mr. Harkness stated that it is an annual contract.It includes twice a week pick up of trash and branches even in the off season.







WHEREAS: the Shared Services Committee has agreed to North Central State College=s APerimeter Groundskeeping Proposal@, and


WHEREAS: the College has performed an extensive request for proposal process, and


WHEREAS: the lowest responsive and responsible proposal was received from Preston Pro Lawn,


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:that the Board of Trustees of North Central State College authorizes the President to enter a one year contract with Preston Pro Lawn for groundskeeping services within defined perimeters for a sum not to exceed $51,000.


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Ressallat moved approval of R-2001-11.Mr. Wiseman seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


8.                  Mr. Collins reported to the Board that the College will be submitting some new degree programs to the Ohio Board of Regents.The first will be an Electrical Utility Program.First Energy stated that they will need to replace 50% of their workforce in the next 8 years.The proposal has been submitted and approved by the Curriculum Committee and now will be forwarded on to the Ohio Board of Regents.Mr. Collins also stated that the College didn=t have to establish and new courses for this program.The specialized courses are developed by First Energy and they secure the instructors for those specialized courses.People entering the program will be first screened by First Energy.First Energy expects 15-20 students initially.It is a two-year program and graduates will earn an Associate=s Degree in Applied Science.The skills learned through this program are transferrable to cable and telephone companies.First Energy also has agreements with two other institutions.


The other program is a Digital Media Technology program.Mr. Collins stated that the College has developed this type of program in a secondary school setting.The program will cover such areas as web technology, digital arts, and broadcast media.Mr. Collins also stated that Mr. Mike Greene from TV 68 has been very active in developing the program.Mr. Ross asked if Mr. Greene would have further involvement in the program.Mr. Collins stated that right now he is only consulting but further involvement from Mr. Greene could be possible.


Mr. Collins stated that the College is looking into an Automotive Technology program in collaboration with Pioneer Career and Technology Center.Mr. Collins also stated that College currently has a certificate for an Educational Assistant.The College is looking at possibly turning it into an Associate Degree program.


8.                  BOARD CHAIRMAN=S REPORT


Mr. Preston stated that he has formed a new committee in regards to Presidential Evaluation.Dr. Kafer will be heading up this committee.Mr. Preston then deferred to Dr. Kafer.Dr. Kafer stated that the committee is comprised of Mr. Ross and Mrs. Humphrey.Dr. Kafer explained the purpose and goal of the committee.Dr. Abrams will be providing the committee with 5-10 goals.The goals are to be global.Dr. Kafer further stated that after the committee has looked over the goals and what is presented, they will share them with the full Board.


Mr. Preston informed the Board that the Shelby Chamber of Commerce honored Mr. Kehoe along with Mr. Phillips as Man of the Year at the Shelby Chamber=s Annual Dinner meeting.


Mr. Preston expressed to the Board his concern of the grapevines killing the trees and destroying the woods along the Lexington-Springmill Road entrance.Mr. Preston called Dave Cramer to see what could be done about this problem.Dr. Cramer informed Mr. Preston that the grapevines need to be cut to keep them from growing and further destroying the trees.Mr. Preston asked for volunteers to help cut the vines.He stated that it will show the OSU Board how much this property means to the NC State Board members.Mr. Preston stated that whoever wanted to help should be at the site at 9:00 a.m. on April 21 along with the proper tools.A rain date of April 22 was set.


9.                  PRESIDENT=S REPORT


Board Appreciation Dinner - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the date for this year=s Board Appreciation Dinner will be May 11.The dinner will be held at Westbrook Country Club.A formal notice will be sent out soon.


Status of Shelby Building Project - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that a formal agreement has been signed but that the property has not been closed on due to a zoning issue.Dr. Abrams stated that he has received assurances from the Mayor of Shelby and a councilman that this will be taken care of.Dr. Abrams then distributed a copy of a letter that was faxed to him regarding the zoning issue.The Shelby City Council will meet on April 16 and we will close on the property on April 17.


CWA Update - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that since the last meeting when the Board voted not to accept the proposed CWA contract there has been no communication with the Union.The three people involved have signed a petition to decertify.


Governor=s Budget Proposal - Dr. Abrams stated that the House is supposed to have their budget approved and out of committee by April 5.A Supreme Court decision requires there be an education budget by June 15.The preliminary figures show us with a 5% growth for the 1st year and a 3% growth the 2nd year based on enrollment increases.


Other - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that conversation has begun regarding the budget and that budget packets have been provided to the Department Heads.Dr. Abrams stated that the College is moving to a Zero Base budgeting process.


The process of becoming a Learning Centered Institution is receiving growing interest from faculty.The Learning Committee has asked the College to fund a couple of positions to provide more resource people for faculty to work with and to increased the pedagogical skills of the faculty.


Dr. Abrams informed the Board that enrollment was up 2% yesterday and 1% today.He also informed the Board that the NCA has accepted our assessment report, the Radiology program had 100% of the students pass the certification exam, and that Addie Tacket will be retiring next year.


Mark Collins mentioned that Dr. Abrams will be receiving an award from Phi Theta Kappa at the national convention in Denver.Mark also stated that Diane Hipsher has done an excellent job as advisor of Phi Theta Kappa.Phi Theta Kappa has inducted 340 members in two years.




The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 168 of the Fallerius Technical Education Center.


11.              ADJOURNMENT


The Chairman called for any additional business requiring Board action


ACTION TAKEN: As there was no further business for Board approval, a motion was made by Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Wiseman to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned.







Respectively submitted:������������������������������������ Mr. J. Bradford Preston, Chairman

Lisa A. Kitts, Secretary