North Central State College

Special Board of Trustees= Meeting

February 7, 2001



1.                  CALL TO ORDER


The Chairman, Mr. Preston, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


2.                  ROLL CALL


The Secretary called the roll.


Present:            Dr. Ford

Mrs. Humphrey

Dr. Kafer

Mr. Kehoe

Mr. Preston

Dr. Ressallat

Mr. Schmid (arrived after roll call)

Mr. Wiseman


Absent:           Mr. Ross


3.                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS


Mr. Preston acknowledged and welcomed Mr. Ralph H. Phillips to the meeting.




Mr. Phillips distributed a revised proposal to the Board members and explained the terms of the proposal.  Mr. Phillips stated that he would like to close on March 3.  After Mr. Phillips went over the proposal he asked if the Board members had any questions for him.  Since the Board had no questions, Mr. Phillips left the meeting.  The Board then went on to discuss the new proposal.  Dr. Abrams distributed a comprehensive review of the progress on the Shelby Building for the Board.  Dr. Abrams then proceeded to discuss the handout.  Mr. Harkness presented a drawing of the Training Center from the Architects.  The drawing showed the first two floors of the building as they might be laid out to serve our purpose.  Mr. Harkness also discussed what programs would be housed on each floor.  The Chairman called for discussion.  The Board continued to discuss the proposal.


ACTION TAKEN: A motion was made by Mrs. Humphrey to move approval of R‑2001-01 - Consideration of Approval to rescind R-2000-41 Consideration of Approval of Plan to Purchase and Operate the Shelby Mutual Insurance Building that was tabled at the January 24, 2001, meeting.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried with seven (7) voting for approval and one (1) voting to not approve the Resolution.


                                  CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL TO RESCIND

                            R-2000-41 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF PLAN

                                             TO PURCHASE AND OPERATE THE

                                               SHELBY INSURANCE BUILDING




WHEREAS: The Board of Trustees of North Central State College approved a resolution to purchase and operate the Shelby Mutual Insurance Building, and


WHEREAS: That resolution stipulated property lines that differed from those outlined in the offer presented by Mr. Ralph Phillips, owner of the Shelby Mutual Insurance Building, and


WHEREAS: Mr. Phillips rejected the counter proposal, wishing his offer to remain as presented.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: By the Board of Trustees of North Central State College that resolution R-2000-41 is rescinded.


Having heard and discussed Mr. Phillips= revised proposal, the Chairman called for a motion to approve Resolution R-2001-02 - Consideration of Approval of Plan to Purchase and Operate the Shelby Mutual Insurance Building.







WHEREAS: Increased enrollment, expanded programs, and ever-changing technology have created a need for an Advanced Technology Training Center, and


WHEREAS: The availability of the Shelby Mutual Insurance Building provides the opportunity to shorten the lead-time on such a concept, and


WHEREAS: A business plan and an 18-month cash flow projection have been developed that indicate the concept is programmatically feasible and economically viable.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: By the Board of Trustees of North Central State College, that approval is hereby given to proceed with the

establishment of an Advanced Technology Training Center as proposed in the Business Plan and Cash Flow Projection.



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees authorizes the purchase of the Shelby Mutual Insurance Building, and the surrounding 33 2 acres, for an amount not to exceed $3,361,000, for the purpose of housing said Advanced Technology Training Center.


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Kehoe moved approval of R-2001-02 and Dr. Ford seconded the motion.  The motion carried with 7 voting for approval and 1 voting not to approve the Resolution.


5.                  BOARD CHAIRMAN=S REPORT


The Chairman had nothing to report at this time.


6.                  PRESIDENT=S REPORT


Dr. Abrams announced that the Governor=s office called with approval of Tom Schmid=s reappointment.


Dr. Abrams mentioned to the Board that Paul Sukys has published a new book.  The book presents the principles of science to non-science people.


Dr. Abrams presented a Resolution to the Board for recognition of Carol Secoy stating that Carol has just reached her 30th year of employment with the College.  The Resolution is to acknowledge this milestone and will be presented to her at a party in her honor.  Mrs. Humphrey moved approval of the Resolution.  Mr. Schmid seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


7.                  TIME AND PLACE OF NEXT MEETING


The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 168 of the Fallerius Technical Education Center.


8.                  ADJOURNMENT


The Chairman called for any additional business requiring Board action.


ACTION TAKEN: As there was no further business for Board approval, a motion was made by Dr. Kafer, seconded by Dr. Ford to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m.  The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned.







Respectively submitted:                                     Mr. J. Bradford Preston, Chairman

Lisa A. Kitts, Secretary