North Central State College

                                                       Board of Trustees= Meeting

                                                                January 24, 2001





1.                  CALL TO ORDER


The Chairman, Mr. Brad Preston, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.


2.                  ROLL CALL


The Secretary called the roll.


Present:          Dr. Ford

Ms. Humphrey

Dr. Kafer

Mr. Kehoe

Mr. Preston

Dr. Ressallat

Mr. Ross

Mr. Schmid

Mr. Wiseman


3.                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS


Dr. Ronald E. Abrams acknowledged and welcomed Dr. Mike Williams, representing the Faculty Assembly, and Dean Schaad, representing the Staff Association.  Dr. Abrams informed the Board that at 7:30 p.m. Russ James and Todd Albert, who represent Ralph Phillips, will be joining the meeting to answer questions regarding the Shelby Building.


4.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES


The Chairman called for questions or comments regarding the minutes of the December 6, 2000, meeting.  Hearing none, the Chairman called for a motion to approve the minutes as submitted.  Mr. Ross moved to approve the December 6, 2000, minutes seconded by Dr. Kafer.  The motion carried unanimously.


5.                  TREASURER=S REPORT


Mr. Miller presented the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending December 31, 2000.  Mr. Miller reported that revenues for November totaled $1,146,577 and revenues for December totaled $867,442.  Mr. Miller noted that under November there is a line item in the amount of <$194,262>.  This amount represents funds originally placed in General Fund that should have been put in Restricted Accounts, specifically The Jobs Challenge Grant and the Capital Allowance.  Expenditures for November were $1,201,039 and for December they were $1,51,749.  Mr. Miller noted under November there is a decreased amount for <$52,015> under new equipment.  This represents reimbursement due to receipt of institutional and data equipment dollars from OBR.  The Deficit for November was <$54,462> and December was <$284,307>.  Year-to-Date Revenues totaled $7,470,685, Expenditures were $6,315,852 leaving an excess of $1,154,833.  Mr. Miller concluded his report stating that the StarOhio month end balance for December is $2,121,092.


ACTION TAKEN: Dr. Ford moved to accept the Treasurer=s Report for the period ending December 31, 2000.  Mrs. Humphrey seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


6.                  OLD BUSINESS


Shared Services


Mr. Preston informed the Board that there has not been a Shared Services meeting since the last Board meeting.  The two issues left to resolve concerning the Agreement are vending and rental space.  The rental space question is based on what happens if OSU needs space on campus and we are renting it to someone else.  Dr. Riedl still hasn=t gotten the information requested concerning the hot food service in the cafeteria.  Mr. Miller stated that Sinese vending is currently in the Enskat Center on a Ahand-shake@ agreement.  Mr. Preston asked for an update on the custodial service.  Mr. Schaad reported that improvements have been made.  Mr. Harkness stated there has been modest improvement in physical appearance and dramatic improvement in control.  Dr. Abrams reinforced Mr. Harkness=s comments.


Consideration of Approval to Rescind R-2000-41 Consideration of Approval of Plan to Purchase and Operate the Shelby Mutual Insurance Building



Dr. Abrams presented Resolution R-2001-01 stating that at the last Board meeting, the Board had approved the resolution to purchase the Shelby building pending certain modifications.  Since that meeting, Dr. Abrams had a conversation with Mr. Phillips and his people.  They were not willing to accept the modifications.  The Board went on to discuss this information.  Mr. Ross made a motion to rescind R-2000-41, and Mr. Schmid seconded the motion.  The Board did not want to vote on the passing of the Resolution until they heard from Mr. Phillips=s representative.  Dr. Abrams introduced Mr. Russ James, Assistant to the President of the Ralph H. Phillips Corporation, and Mr. Todd Albert, On-Site Facilitator.  Mr. James explained the reasoning behind Mr. Phillips decision.  After Mr. James and Mr. Albert left the meeting, the Board continued to discuss the issues regarding the acquisition.


ACTION TAKEN:  Mr. Ross and Mr. Schmid withdrew their motions.  The Board decided to table Resolutions R-2001-01 and R-2001-02.


7.                  NEW BUSINESS


1.                  Audit Report - Mr. Preston informed the Board that there had been an exit interview with the Auditors and that the College received a clean audit.  The Auditors didn=t have any problems with our internal controls.  The Board expressed their gratitude to the Administration of the College for the job well done.


2.                  Mr. Miller presented Resolution R-2001-03 - Consideration of Approval of College Personnel.  Mr. Miller stated that these replacement positions not new positions.


                                           CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF

                                      EMPLOYMENT OF COLLEGE PERSONNEL




BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the following non-academic professional staff  are hereby awarded an employment agreement at the salary and dates stipulated below:



Stephen W. Ragan, Director of Grants

SALARY: $29,200.00 prorated from $58,400.00 for a fiscal year



Janet Boeckman, Director of Nursing Programs

SALARY: $19,219.63 prorated from $59,000.00 for a fiscal year


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Wiseman moved approval of R-2001-03.  Mr. Schmid seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


3.                  Winter Quarter Enrollment Report - Mr. Collins presented the Winter Quarter Enrollment Report.  He commented that this report is an informational item and Board action is not required.  Mr. Collins reported that these figures are based on 14 day enrollment.  The figures indicate full-time enrollment is down 2.3%, part-time enrollment is up 3.3% for a total increase of 1.5%.  Broken down by categories, the day enrollment is up 3.8%, evening enrollment is down 1.5%, new/returning students are down 2.2%, and continuing students are up 2.8% with the total FTE down .6%.  Mr. Collins stated that the pattern we are seeing is no different than with our sister institutions across the state.  Dr. Abrams stated that he feels good about the 1.5% increase.  He also stated that last quarter enrollment was down and also at this time last year he had brought to the Board a resolution to approve a bonus to College employees due to a 10% enrollment increase.  Mr. Collins distributed a handout showing the percentage breakdown of student enrollment by special category for Winter Quarter 2000-2001.  He distributed another handout showing enrollment by County for Winter 2001.


4.                  Mr. Collins presented Resolution R-2001-04 - Consideration of Approval of Contracts for Non-Probationary Faculty.  Mr. Collins stated that the following faculty are up for renewal of contracts.  If their contracts were not going to be renewed, they would have been informed of this by January.


                               CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACTS

                                           FOR NON-PROBATIONARY FACULTY

                                               (First Year of a Three-Year Contract)




BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees of North Central State College that approval is hereby given to the Administration of the College for the Amemos of intent@ issued to the following faculty who have been fully evaluated and are recommended without reservation for renewal of contracts for the period stated below:




Maurice Devolder                               Cynthia Freeman

Denise Hendershott                             James Hull

Dan Kraska                                         Jennifer Lynn

Lisa Music                                           Katherine Peresie

Robert Slabodnick                               Dave Taylor

Sam Wade


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Schmid moved approval of R-2001-04.  Dr. Kafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.


5.                  Medical Coverage Report  - Mr. Miller informed the Board that the current medical contract expired on January1, 2001.  Mr. Miller stated that after he evaluated Medical Mutual of Ohio, United Health Care, and Anthem it was decided to stay with Medical Mutual.  Initially Medical Mutual project a 10-15% increase in coverage costs.  The amount built into the budget was 12%.  Medical Mutual came back with a 20% increase.  Mr. Miller asked them to work on it to see what else they could come up with.  What Medical Mutual came back with was a 14% increase with some changes in coverage.  The majority of the premium is due to the prescription card.  The changes in coverage include the increase of the prescription co-pay.  It went from $5 for a generic to $8 for a generic and from $10 for a brand to $15 for a brand.  Vision was also added to the coverage effective January 1, 2001.  Mr. Ross asked why we would add vision if the cost is increasing.  Mr. Miller explained the process and different scenarios.  Dr. Abrams stated that there is a need to have a comprehensive review of the medical coverage and the employee contribution.


6.                  Dr. Abrams presented Resolution R-2001-05 - Consideration of Approval of 2000-2001 Operating Budget Amendment #1.  Dr. Abrams informed the Board that our allocation was increased $350,000 due to our enrollment under reported.  Our contingency carryover was underestimated by $226,210 and we had $574,192 in new revenues.  Dr. Abrams went over the recommendations for the funding.





R-2001 - 05


WHEREAS: North Central State College has reviewed its 2000-2001 Operating Budget based upon Ohio Board of Regents Instructional Subsidy allocation revisions and the results of audited financial statements, and


WHEREAS: based upon this review, North Central State College needs to amend its 2000-2001 Operating Budget, and


WHEREAS: the Board of Trustees of North Central State College has reviewed the income and expense portion of the 2000-2001 Operating Budget Amendment #1, and


WHEREAS: the Board of Trustees approves the income and allocation of payroll and non-payroll expenditures of this budget amendment.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Trustees that the 2000-2001 Operating Budget Amendment #1 of the College is hereby adopted as presented.


ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Wiseman moved approval of R-2001-05.  Mr. Kehoe seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.

8.                  BOARD CHAIRMAN=S REPORT


Trustee Appointments - Mr. Preston announced to the Board that Dr. Kafer and Mr. Kehoe have received their reappointments.



9.                  PRESIDENT=S REPORT


Incentive Grant - Dr. Abrams gave a brief report on the Incentive Grant.  There were 79 applicants, 23 qualified for Federal or State Aid, 18 never followed up, 30 took advantage of the Incentive Grant, and 15 of the 30 stated the main reason for them signing up for classes was the Incentive Grant.  The Grant generated a total of 10.2 FTE and generated $51,000.  The cost to the College was $4,500.


CWA Update - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that there was nothing new to report at the present time.


Governor=s Report Card - Dr. Abrams distributed a copy of the Executive Summary of the Governor=s Report Card.  Dr. Abrams mentioned that he has not received any feedback or comments from the press.


Spring OACC Conference - Dr. Abrams informed the Board that the Spring OACC Conference will be held May 9 & 10.  The conference will be held in conjunction with the All-Ohio Academic Team Luncheon.  Dr. Abrams also mentioned that the Fall Conference will be held September 13 & 14 at Mohican.  NC State will be sponsoring this event.




Dr. Abrams mentioned that the Governor=s State of the State Address took place today.  The State budget proposal will be released on Monday.




The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 168 of the Fallerius Technical Education Center.


11.              ADJOURNMENT


The Chairperson called for additional business requiring Board action.


ACTION TAKEN: Hearing no further business for Board approval, the motion was made by Mrs. Humphrey, seconded by Mr. Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.  The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned.





Respectively submitted:                                     Mr. Brad Preston, Chairman

Lisa A. Kitts, Secretary